There are several questions you may want to ask when purchasing your life insurance policy.

It's important to get the right amount of life insurance, choose a financially secure life insurer, and get affordable coverage with rates that are guaranteed to remain level.

1. Does the life insurance policy cover *death by any reason? In other words, don't be fooled into buying Accidental Death Life Insurance  when you think you are buying Life insurance which covers all types of death.

2. Does the life insurance death benefit pay 100% of the coverage from day one for *death by any reason? Versus a graded benefit, that pays a reduced benefit in the first 2 or 3 years you are insured.

3. Is the premium guaranteed not to go up for a specific number of years? Or, does the premium increase every year or every five years?

4. What is the life insurance company rated? What is the AM best financial strength rating of the life insurance company? The higher the rating, the better the financial strength and security of the insurer.

Here is a life insurance policy checklist to help you get answers to important questions when buying your life insurance policy.