When you apply for life insurance coverage there are many questions asked about the coverage you need, and your health history. Many of these questions assist the insurance company in determining if they will offer you life insurance, how much they will offer, and what they will charge you for your policy.

For example, the life insurance carrier may ask how much life insurance you need, what type of life insurance, and how you will pay your premiums - monthly, quarterly, or annually.

In addition, the insurer will ask about your health, family health history, occupation, hobbies, if you smoke, your height to weight ratio, lifestyle, driving record, if you use tobacco, marijuana, prescription or illegal drug use, etc.

In addition, you may be required to take a medical exam which may test your health, blood and urine, as well as, check for tobacco and illegal drugs, high cholesterol etc.

Here are some tips for life insurance medical exams to help you prepare.