I physical exam for life insurance is an examination that checks your health for any ailments and to determine if you have any nicotine or illegal drugs in your system, as well as if you have STD's, high cholesterol, high protein levels, or any other health problems, such as, diabetes or emphysema.

Life insurance companies don;t always require a medical exam of the person applying for life insurance. It depends on the person's age and the amount of life insurance requested. For instance, a 30 year old applying for $50,000 of life insurance may or may not be required to take a medical exam.

The insurance company uses the results of the exam to develop your life expectancy, and decide if you are insurable, and how much to charge for your life insurance. Your life expectancy is the length of time you are expected to live.

In addition, there are life insurance plans that offer up to $350,000 of life insurance without requiring any physical exams.

Here are some life insurance physical exam tips to help you prepare for your exam.