Showing Tag: " life insurance policies" (Show all posts)

Can You Have 2 Life Insurance Policies?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, February 13, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, you may be able to own 2 or more life insurance policies.

It depends on your need, your budget, and the total amount of life insurance you already own.

Each life insurance company will review your situation and determine if you are over-insured or not.

However, it's more a case of total insurance being the important variable, not the number of life insurance policies you own, when it comes to getting approved for a second policy.

Insurers understand your need for life insurance may increase ...

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Are there Whole Life Insurance Policies for Seniors?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, November 7, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, there are whole life insurance plans, also known as, permanent life insurance policies, offered to senior citizens.

These permanent insurance plans provide guaranteed lifetime protection as long as the premiums are paid on time.

They provide a death benefit payout upon the passing of the insured person. These whole life plans also build up cash value inside the policy over time, which is available as a loan if needed.

Your premiums remain level, and your coverage does not expire. The amount...

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Types of Life Insurance Policies?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, March 27, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What are the different types of life insurance policies available?

There are several different life insurance plans to choose from including term life insurance, whole life, accidental death, child life and guaranteed-issue, among others.

When choosing a life insurance policy make sure to consider what goal you want your life insurance plan to accomplish and how long you will need your life insurance coverage to last.

Learn more about the different types of life insurance policies and how they w...

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Do All Life Insurance Policies Require a Physical?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, March 6, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

No, all life insurance policies do not require you to take a physical examination, but many do.

There are non-med life insurance policies available for term life, whole life or guaranteed issue life insurance coverage.

However, most standard life insurance plans require a medical examination if the applicant is over 30 years old, smokes, has health problems, or is looking to buy more than $50,000 of insurance.

To learn more read this article: Do all life insurance policies require a physical?

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What is the difference between Term and Whole Life Insurance Policies?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, September 4, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you're shopping for a life insurance plan you may have heard about term insurance and whole life insurance, and wondered what is the difference?

Well, there are several important differences about the two basic types of life insurance: Term and Whole Life:

  • Price
  • Duration of Coverage
  • Cash Value

To start, term life costs a lot less than whole life insurance because it is temporary, lasting for 30 years or less. Usually, whole life may cost up to 2-3 times more than the same amount of term life in...
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The Different Types of Life Insurance Policies?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, July 27, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

When it comes to shopping for life insurance there are several different types of plans to choose from; however, the two basic types of coverage are Term Life and Whole Life.

Term life is a type of temporary coverage providing you with protection for a set period of time, usually lasting up to 30 years.

Whereas, whole life provides lifetime protection for as long as you live, usually.

Each of these two plans offer variations; for example, with term life there are annually renewable plans, decrea...
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Can You Claim Multiple Life Insurance Policies?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, June 24, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is it possible to make a claim for benefits on more than one life insurance policy?

Yes, in fact, you may claim as many life insurance policies as you are named beneficiary, after the passing of the person insured. by the policy.

So, if you are named beneficiary on a life insurance policy of your parent, and on a policy of your spouse, you can make a claim on the death benefits upon the passing of those people insured by the policies.

Learn more about claiming life insurance on multiple policies.
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Cancer Life Insurance Policies?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, September 11, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Is there life insurance available for someone with cancer?

If you have cancer an need life insurance you may be finding it difficult to get insured.

Most life insurance carriers will not offer fully underwritten life insurance to someone with cancer, due to the shortened life expectancy, depending on your type of cancer, treatment, age and health, among other factors.

However, there are guaranteed issue life insurance policies for people with health problems, including cancer.

Guaranteed issue li...
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How Do Life Insurance Policies Work?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, July 27, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What is a life insurance policy?

It's a contract between the insurance carrier and the owner of the life insurance policy.

How does a life insurance policy work?

The owner of the life insurance policy agrees to pay the insurer a premium each year for the insurance coverage. In return, the insurer agrees to pay a death benefit to the person chosen as beneficiary of the policy, upon the death of the person who is insured by the life insurance policy.

Learn more about how life insurance policies work
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When Do Life Insurance Policies Pay Out?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, December 10, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Life insurance policies pay the face amount of coverage out as a death benefit to the beneficiary when the person who is insured by the life insurance policy dies, or when the policy matures.

If the money is paid upon the insured's death, it goes to the beneficiary. If it is paid upon policy maturity, the money goes to the owner of the life insurance policy.

However, life insurance companies have begun offering living benefits from their life insurance products.  

Many life i...

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Does Your Spouse Have To Be Your Beneficiary For Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, October 31, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

No, your spouse does not have to be named as your beneficiary on your life insurance policy.

As the owner of your life insurance policy you can choose anyone you wish to be the beneficiary, including but not limited to your children, although if they are minors, it is better to leave the money to a trust or another trusted adult who you know would use the death benefit for their welfare.

You can choose anyone or any entity to be your beneficiary who has some financial input i...

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Can You Have 2 Life Insurance Plans?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, October 24, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
The number of life insurance policies you have will depend on how much life insurance you need and how many life insurance policies insurers may allow you to purchase.

Yes, you can own two or more life insurance policies.

Since your life insurance needs may change throughout your life, insurers will allow you to own more than one life insurance policy.

However, they ask about the amount of life insurance you already own when you apply for life insurance. They want to make sure you aren't over-in...
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What are the Top Term Life Insurance Policies?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, September 30, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
There are a few basic types of term life insurance policies.

The most popular type is level term life insurance. Then there's decreasing term life which isn't sold by many insurers anymore.

And, there's return of premium term life insurance which returns almost all of the premiums you paid for your life insurance if you outlive the term (duration) of your term life insurance policy. 

Level term offers you rates that remain the same each year for the term of your policy, while your amount of life...
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Can One Person Have Two Life Insurance Policies?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, September 25, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, one person can own two or more life insurance policies.

Many people buy several life insurance policies because different types of life insurance products best meet different types of insurance needs, or simply because they want to diversify the insurance companies with whom their life insurance is with.

Life Insurance companies don't mind how many life insurance policies you own, as long as you can qualify for them financially.

That means, if you earn enough income to q...

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Can I Have Two Life Insurance Plans?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, August 9, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, you can have two or more life insurance plans.

Over time you may find your need for life insurance coverage has changed, whether it's due to a life changing event, like getting married or buying a new home, or you have taken on additional debt.

No matter what the cause of your additional need for life insurance, it is possible for you to own two or more life insurance policies.

When you apply for life insurance the application has a question about any other life insurance you already own an...
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Can Life Insurance Policies Be Contested?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, July 31, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Life insurance policies have a two year contestable period after which it is difficult for life insurance policies to be contested.

Even during the first two years, the life insurance company can only deny life insurance coverage for material misstatements (information that was withheld from, or misstated on, the application for life insurance that is serious enough that it would have caused the life insurance policy to be altered or denied when the insured applied for the li...

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