Showing Tag: " life insurance" (Show all posts)

Can I Buy Life Insurance for My Grandparents?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, October 12, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, you can typically buy life insurance for your grandparents, but there are some considerations to keep in mind. Life insurance for grandparents can provide financial support for their final expenses, help cover outstanding debts, or leave a legacy for the family. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Consent: In most cases, you will need your grandparents' consent to purchase a life insurance policy on their behalf. They will likely need to participate in the application process, which m...

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How to Buy a $30,000 Life Insurance Policy for Men over 60?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, October 8, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Getting a $30,000 life insurance policy if you're a man over 60 is a smart move. Here's how to do it:

  1. Find an Insurance Agent: Start by finding a reputable insurance agent or company. You can ask friends or search online for options.

  2. Assess Your Needs: Talk to the agent about your needs and why you want the policy. They'll help you figure out the right type of policy.

  3. Choose the Type: Decide between term or whole life insurance. Term is cheaper but lasts for a specific time. Whole life lasts y...

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Buying $10,000 Life Insurance for an 83 year old female

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, September 6, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Life insurance is often associated with the young and the financially responsible, but it's never too late to ensure your loved ones are protected, even if you're 83 years old. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to purchase a $10,000 life insurance policy tailored to the unique needs and circumstances of seniors.

1. Assess Your Needs and Goals

Before diving into the process of buying life insurance, it's essential to understand your objectives. Are you looking to cover your final expenses, le...

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What is the Cost of a $20,000 Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, September 2, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The cost of a $20,000 life insurance policy can vary widely depending on several factors, including:

  1. Type of Policy: There are different types of life insurance policies, such as term life insurance and permanent life insurance (whole life or universal life). Term life insurance typically has lower premiums for a specific term (e.g., 10, 20, or 30 years) but does not build cash value, while permanent life insurance lasts for your entire life and may have higher premiums but also includes a cas...

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Can I Buy a $25,000 Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, August 29, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, you have the option to purchase a life insurance policy with a coverage amount of $25,000. Such policies cater to varying financial needs and budgets. A $25,000 policy is commonly referred to as "final expense" or "burial insurance," designed to cover end-of-life costs like funeral expenses, burial fees, and outstanding debts.

However, it's important to be aware that the availability of specific coverage amounts and policy types may differ based on the insurance company and their particul...

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Can I Buy a $15,000 Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, August 25, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, it's possible to buy a $15,000 life insurance policy. Such a policy is often referred to as a small whole life insurance or final expense insurance policy. These policies are designed to cover end-of-life expenses, such as funeral costs, medical bills, and other financial obligations that arise after a person's passing.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when considering a $15,000 life insurance policy:

  1. Coverage Type: A $15,000 policy is generally a form of whole life insurance. Whole l...

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Can I Buy a $10,000 Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, August 13, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, you can generally purchase a life insurance policy with a coverage amount of $10,000. However, keep in mind that the availability of policy options and coverage amounts can vary depending on the insurance company and the type of policy you're looking for.

Life insurance policies come in different types, such as term life insurance and whole life insurance. Term life insurance provides coverage for a specific period (the "term"), while whole life insurance provides coverage for your entire...

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Final Life Insurance Ages 50-80

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, August 9, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

"Final expense" or "burial" life insurance is a type of life insurance designed to cover the costs associated with a person's funeral, burial, and other end-of-life expenses. It is often marketed to individuals between the ages of 50 and 80, although eligibility requirements and available coverage may vary depending on the insurance provider.

Here's why people might consider final expense life insurance:

  1. Covering Funeral Costs: Funerals can be expensive, and final expense insurance helps ensure...

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Can You Buy Life Insurance for Someone Who Has Cancer?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, August 5, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Life insurance is generally more challenging to obtain for someone who has cancer or any other serious health condition. Insurance companies assess applicants' risk levels before offering coverage, and pre-existing health conditions like cancer can significantly impact their decision.

When someone applies for life insurance with a history of cancer, the insurance company will likely take several factors into consideration, including:

  • Type and stage of cancer: The type of cancer and its stage at...

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Death Insurance for Home Loan

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, August 1, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Can I buy death insurance for my home loan?

Yes. Many home owners buy term life insurance to provide protection on their home mortgage loan in case they die before the mortgage is fully repaid.

Usually, a home owner would select a term life policy with a policy term (duration) that matches the length of time they have the mortgage loan; such as, 15, 20, or 30 years.

In addition, you would select an amount of life insurance protection that matches the amount of money still owed on the home loan.

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How to Decide How Much Life Insurance to Buy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, July 28, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Deciding how much life insurance to buy is an important financial decision that requires careful consideration of your current financial situation, future needs, and the well-being of your dependents. Here are some steps to help you determine the appropriate amount of life insurance coverage:

  • Evaluate your financial obligations: Start by assessing your current financial responsibilities and obligations. Consider factors such as outstanding debts (e.g., mortgage, student loans, credit card deb...

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Can I Buy Life Insurance for My Ex Husband?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, July 24, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

In most cases, you cannot directly buy life insurance for your ex-husband without his consent. Life insurance typically requires the insured person's consent and participation in the application process. As an ex-spouse, you generally don't have an insurable interest in your former spouse's life, which is a key requirement for purchasing life insurance on someone else's life.

However, if you have children together and there are court-ordered financial responsibilities or child support involved...

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Term Life Insurance for My Adult Children

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, July 16, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

To buy term life insurance for your adult children, you generally need to follow these steps:

  • Research Insurance Companies: Look for reputable insurance companies that offer term life insurance policies. Consider factors such as the company's financial strength, customer reviews, and the policy options they provide.
  • Determine Coverage Needs: Assess your adult children's financial obligations and future needs. Consider factors like their income, debts, mortgages, and dependents. This evaluation ...

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What are the Top 20 Reasons to Buy Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, July 12, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

There are several reasons why individuals may choose to purchase a term life insurance policy. Here are some of the top reasons:

  • Income Replacement: One of the primary reasons people buy term life insurance is to provide income replacement for their dependents in the event of their death. If the insured person is the primary breadwinner or contributes significantly to the household income, a term life insurance policy can ensure that their loved ones are financially supported and can maintai...

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How to Buy an End of Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, July 8, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Fnal expense or burial insurance, which is a type of life insurance designed to cover end-of-life expenses such as funeral costs, medical bills, and other related expenses. Here are the general steps involved in purchasing an end-of-life insurance policy:

  1. Determine Your Needs: Assess your financial situation and determine the amount of coverage you need. Consider factors such as funeral costs, outstanding medical bills, and any other expenses you want the policy to cover. Final expense polic...

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Life Insurance for Someone with COPD

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, June 30, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, there is life insurance available for people with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). While COPD may present some challenges when applying for life insurance, it is still possible for individuals with this condition to obtain coverage.

People with COPD may need life insurance for several reasons:

  1. Financial protection for loved ones: Life insurance provides financial protection for the policyholder's beneficiaries in the event of their death. It ensures that their loved ones will ...

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What is the Cheapest Life Insurance for People over 60?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, June 26, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

When seeking the most cost-effective life insurance option for individuals over 60 years old, term life insurance emerges as the cheapest choice. Term life insurance provides coverage for a specific duration, typically ranging from 10 to 30 years. Let's explore why term life insurance is often the most affordable option for this age group: 1. Affordability: Term life insurance is generally less expensive than permanent life insurance, such as whole life or universal life insurance. The premi...

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Cremation Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, June 14, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Cremation life insurance, also known as final expense insurance or burial insurance, is a type of life insurance policy specifically designed to cover the costs associated with cremation or burial after a person's death. It is a form of whole life insurance, which means it provides coverage for the insured person's entire lifetime as long as the premiums are paid.

Here are some key features of cremation life insurance:

  1. Coverage Amount: Cremation life insurance policies typically offer lower d...

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How to Get Life Insurance with No Medical Exam and No Health Questions?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, June 10, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Life insurance policies with no medical exam and no health questions asked are commonly referred to as "guaranteed issue" or "simplified issue" life insurance. Here's an explanation of how these policies work and who may benefit from them:

  1. Application process: When applying for guaranteed issue life insurance, you don't need to undergo a medical exam or answer health-related questions. Instead, you provide basic personal information such as age, gender, and contact details. The application i...

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Final Life Insurance in Florida

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, June 2, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Preparing for the end of life is a responsible and caring decision. In Florida, many individuals opt for final expense life insurance to ensure that their loved ones are not burdened with the financial costs associated with their passing. In this blog post, we will provide a step-by-step breakdown of how final expense life insurance works and discuss the reasons why it is a popular choice for Floridians to cover their final expenses.

Step-by-Step Guide to Final Expense Life Insurance

Step 1: As...

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Final Life Insurance in Ohio

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, May 29, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Here's a step-by-step explanation of final expense life insurance coverage and why people in Ohio choose to get it:

Step 1: Understand final expense life insurance coverage: Final expense life insurance is a specific type of insurance policy that is designed to cover the costs associated with a person's funeral and other final expenses.

Step 2: Know the purpose of the coverage: The main purpose of final expense life insurance is to provide financial assistance to the family or loved ones of the...

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Final Life Insurance in Pennsylvania

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, May 25, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
In the realm of financial planning, final life insurance stands as a steadfast pillar, providing individuals with a means to secure their loved ones' futures even after they are gone. In this informative guide, we will unravel the step-by-step process of how final life insurance works, and shed light on why the residents of Pennsylvania are inclined to embrace this invaluable form of protection.

Assessing Needs and Options The journey begins with a thorough assessment of your unique circu...

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Final Life Insurance in Georgia

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, May 21, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Final expense life insurance, also known as burial or funeral insurance, is a type of life insurance specifically designed to cover the costs associated with a person's funeral, burial, and other related expenses. It is typically a smaller policy with a lower coverage amount compared to traditional life insurance policies.

People who typically purchase final expense life insurance are individuals who want to ensure that their end-of-life expenses are covered, and they do not burden their loved...

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How to Buy $50,000 Life insurance with No Exam at Age 64?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, February 22, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

There are many choices and factors to think about when it comes to life insurance policies. A $50,000 no exam life insurance policy is one of the most well-liked and practical types of coverage for people 64 and over. We will go over how to buy a policy of this kind in this blog post.

Determining eligibility is the first stage in the process of buying a $50,000 no exam life insurance policy for a person who is 64 years old or older. In general, applicants for this kind of policy must be betwee...

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Over 50 Life Insurance with No Medical Exam

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, February 18, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

No medical exam life insurance is an attractive option for people over 50 who want to purchase life insurance without undergoing a medical exam. This type of insurance policy is designed to provide coverage without the need for a medical exam, making it a popular option for people who may have pre-existing health conditions or who simply want to avoid the inconvenience of undergoing a medical exam. In this article, we will discuss the types of life insurance plans available, how they work, an...

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Can I Buy a 5 year Term Life Insurance Policy with Not Medical Exam?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, February 14, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, you may be able to purchase a 5 year term life plan with no exams if you qualify for coverage.

Usually, insurers offer term life policies for 10, 15, 20, or 30 years.

However, there are some that offer 5 year term life plans; such as, Globe Life.

Through Globe Life you may have the option of choosing the following amounts of coverage for 5 year term policies:

  • $5,000
  • $10,000
  • $20,000
  • $30,000
  • $50,000
  • $100,000

Globe Life offers coverage with just a some health questions and a simple application. 

You c...
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Buying a $30,000 Term Life Insurance Policy

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, February 10, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Can I buy a $30,000 term life insurance policy?

Yes, you may be able to purchase $30,000 of term life insurance coverage. However, your approval for a policy will depend on your age and health.

In addition, not many insurers offer less than $50,000 of term life insurance coverage.

However, Globe Life offers options of $5,000 up to $100,000 of coverage, and they do offer a $30,000 term life insurance plan you can apology for online. There is no medical exam required. You can get a free, instant q...
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Where to Get Life Insurance Quotes?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, February 6, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
When it comes to shopping for the best price on life insurance there are many options to choose form for quote comparisons.

However, the quickest and easiest place to get life insurance quotes is just to visit a life insurance website, fill out a Quote Request Form, and you will instantly see on your screen the lowest prices available for life insurance from several leading life insurance companies.

Your free price quotes fir life insurance are based on the information you provide on the quote ...
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Can You Buy Life Insurance for Someone Who is Dying?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, February 2, 2023,

Yes, you may be able to purchase a life insurance policy on someone who is dying, if you have an insurable interest in that person's life.

Insurable interest means you stand to be impacted financially should the person die.

There are guaranteed approval life insurance policies available for people with health issues.

They guaranteed approval for coverage if the person to be insured meets the age requirement; for example, ages 50 to 80.

However, the death benefit is limited if the insured person d...
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Is there Life Insurance for the Uninsurable?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, January 25, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can someone considered uninsurable to get insured for life insurance?

Yes, there are life insurance plans available for people who may be uninsurable.

It depends on your age; however, some insurers offer guaranteed issue life insurance plans.

Guaranteed Issue means you cannot be denied coverage if you are of a certain age.

For example, some insurers offer guaranteed issue policies for people ages 45-75 or ages 40-80.

Also, you will not have to take any medical exam or answer any questions about yo...
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Can You Increase Term Life Insurance Coverage?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, January 20, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
No, you cannot increase the amount of life insurance provided by your current life insurance policy.

However, if you need more life insurance, you may purchase an additional life insurance policy to increase the overall amount of life insurance coverage you own.

But, you would need to apply for coverage and go through the entire underwriting process as you did when buying your original life insurance plan you currently own.

Learn more about Can you increase term life insurance coverage?
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What is the Meaning of a Term Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, January 16, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

A term life insurance policy is a type of life insurance plan that provide temporary coverage usually lasting for a policy term (duration) of up to thirty years.

However, there are several policy terms to choose from, including 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, or 40 years, depending on your age.

The shorter the policy term, the lower your annual cost of life insurance, because you have a lower probability of dying during the shorter term.

If the insured person dies during the policy term, the death benef...
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Best Life Insurance to Cover Burial Expenses?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, January 12, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Which type of life insurance would offer the best coverage to pay for burial expenses?

A small permanent life insurance policy may bee a good option to consider since it provides lifetime protection and a limited amount of coverage; whereas, most plans offer a minimum of $50,000 life insurance, guaranteed acceptance permanent life insurance usually offers from $3,000 up to $20,000.

Permanent life insurance provides lifetime protection, a death benefit, and may offer a cash value component that ...
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Which Term Policy is Best?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, January 4, 2023, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
The best type of term life insurance is the one that meets your needs and fits your family's budget.

Term life is temporary life insurance offering coverage for a duration of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, or 40 years..

Level term life insurance is the most popular and affordable type of life insurance plan.

Level term has premiums that never increase, and coverage that never decreases, during the policy term.

You can shop and compare free quotes for level term life insurance plans online by visiting a ...
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What Life Insurance Policy Never Expires?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, December 31, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Permanent life insurance is a type of life insurance that provides lifetime protection, meaning your coverage never expires un less you stop paying your premiums or you request to cancel your policy.

Permanent life insurance plans provide a death benefit and build some cash value inside the policy over time from which you may be able to take a loan if needed.

Permanent life insurance is much more expensive that term life insurance which provides temporary coverage for a duration of 10, 15, 20, ...
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What is a Renewable Term Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, December 27, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
A renewable term policy is a type of term life insurance plan that offers you the option to renew your coverage when your life insurance policy ends.

Term life insurance is temporary life insurance lasting up to 30 years, usually,

However, you may purchase 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 years of life insurance coverage with a term policy.

These plans offer you the chance to continue your coverage (Renew The Policy) for a period of from one to 10 years, usually.

You will not have to take a medical exam to ...
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What is a Life Insurance Coverage Amount?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, December 18, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
A life insurance coverage amount is the amount of life insurance protection provided by your life insurance policy.

It is the amount of life insurance stated on the Declarations page (front page) of your life insurance policy.

It is the amount of coverage your life is insured for when you purchase a life insurance policy.

If you (the insured) die, the life insurance company pays out the death benefit (life insurance coverage amount) to the beneficiary of your policy.

Keep in mind, if there is an ...
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How to Get a Life Insurance Policy for Less?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, December 14, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
If you are looking to find affordable life insurance protection, you'll want to review the following tips that may help save you some money when buying a life insurance policy:

  • Get Insured Now - The younger you are when you buy life insurance, the lower your cost, because rates are based in part on your age.
  • Choose Term Life - Permanent life insurance usually costs up to 5-10 times more than term life insurance because term life is temporary coverage providing insurance for 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, ...

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What Does Life Insurance Coverage Mean?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, December 10, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
If you are considering the purchase of life insurance you may be wondering what life insurance coverage actually means.

Life insurance is a contract between the insurance company and the owner of the life insurance policy.

The owner agrees to pay a certain amount of money to the insurer on a regular basis, and in return for the premium payments, the insurer agrees to pay out a death benefit to the beneficiary of the life insurance policy upon the death of the insured person, subject to the term...
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What are Term Insurance Yearly Premiums

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, December 2, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
A yearly premium for term insurance is the price you pay (premium) for your life insurance policy on an annual basis.

Term insurance is temporary life insurance coverage which is also known as term life insurance.

Term life policies may past for a duration (policy term) of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 or 40 years.

The longer your policy term, the higher your yearly premium for your life insurance coverage.

You can find out how much term insurance will cost by requesting free term life insurance quotes ...
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Do Seniors Need Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, November 28, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Whether or not a senior citizen needs life insurance protection will depend on that particular seniors situation.

However, many seniors do buy life insurance plans to provide for their final expenses, which may include the cost of their funeral and burial expenses.

Some of the most common reasons seniors need life insurance may include the following:

  • To Pay for Final Expenses – Funeral and Burial Costs
  • To Pay for Hospital Bills
  • To Pay Off Credit Card Debt
  • To Pay Off Personal Loans
  • To Pay Off Home ...

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What is a Term Policy with a Renewability Option?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, November 24, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

A Renewable Option is a Clause in a Term life insurance policy that allows you to extend your life insurance coverage beyond the original term, even if your health has declined, usually on an annual basis, and without a medical examination required in order to qualify for the renewal life insurance policy.

You won’t have to re-qualify for a new life insurance policy, but your extended renewable term life insurance coverage may raise your current policy premium. That means, if you want to ren...

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What Does It Mean to Convert a Term Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, November 20, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Converting a term life insurance policy is an option people who have convertible term life insurance may exercise to convert their existing term life insurance into a permanent life insurance policy.

Some people decide they need lifetime coverage after having purchased a term (temporary) life insurance policy.

The option to convert your term policy allows you to convert your temporary life insurance into a permanent life insurance plan.

You will not need to take a medical exam to prove insurabil...
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Why Term Insurance is Good?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, November 12, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Term life insurance, which provides temporary coverage lasting up to thirty years or more is good for several reasons.

1. Flexible – You can choose from 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 or 40 years of coverage to meet your family’s specific need for life insurance.

2. Affordable – Term life is more affordable for 30 years or less of coverage than any other plan. Permanent life insurance can cost 5-10 times more than term insurance.

3. Easy to Understand – Term life is simple, you have coverage las...

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Term Life Insurance If You Don’t Die?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Term life insurance is a type of coverage providing temporary insurance for the duration of your life insurance policy term, which is usually either 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years.

If the insured person does not die during the policy term, the coverage expires with no payout of any benefits.

However, if you still need life insurance, you may contact the insurance company before the expiration date and request a renewal of your policy for an additional term, usually up to 5 or 10 years.

The renewal p...
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Can Term Insurance Be Extended?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, November 4, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, most term life insurance policies offer the insured the Option of Renewability.

A Renewable Term Insurance Policy means you may renew your coverage for an additional coverage term if you advise the insurance company by a specific date stated in your life insurance contract.

With term life you may select coverage lasting for a period of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years, usually. Some life insurers do offer 35 or 40-year level term life plans.

However, when selecting to renew your coverage,
 your te...

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Which Term Insurance is Good?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, October 31, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The best type of term life insurance policy will depend on your specific situation and need for protection.

However, the most popular type is level term life insurance because it offers affordable protection, and the premiums never increase during your policy term, while the amount of life insurance provided by the policy remains level throughout the life of your policy.

It's flexible, offering you the option of life insurance lasting for a period of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 or 40 years.

And, your...

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Guaranteed Life Insurance for Seniors over 75?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, October 23, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can people over seventy-five years old get life insurance with guaranteed approval?

Yes, in fact, several life insurers offer guaranteed issue life plans for seniors.

Among the leading providers of guaranteed acceptance life insurance policies are United of Omaha, AIG, AAA, Colonial Penn and MetLife.

Seniors age 45 to 85 may be able to get up to $25,000 of life insurance with guaranteed approval from United of Omaha, for example.

However, if you need more coverage, you may be able to buy a policy...

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Who Offers Guaranteed Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, October 19, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

When it comes to buying a guaranteed approval life insurance policy, you may have several insurers to choose from for your coverage.

Some of the leading providers of life insurance policies with guaranteed approval include United of Omaha, AIG, AAA, Colonial Penn and MetLife, among others.

Keep in mind, pricing does vary among insurers; as well as, the amount of coverage available, and the age requirements for approval.

And, you may be able to buy a policy from more than one insurance carrier.

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Term Insurance Meaning?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, October 15, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Term insurance is a type of life insurance that provides you with temporary coverage lasting for a specific period of time, usually up to 30 years.

If you die during your policy term, the death benefit is paid to your beneficiary.

If you are alive when the policy term ends your life insurance coverage expires and you are no longer insured - there is no payout of any benefits.

Level Term Life Insurance usually offers the most affordable life insurance coverage lasting for thirty years or less.

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Is Term Life Insurance Expensive?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, October 11, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

No, term life insurance is not expensive, if it is the right type of life insurance policy that meets your specific needs.

Term life is the most affordable type of life insurance coverage for those needing protection for a duration of thirty years, or less.

Term life is pure protection, providing a death benefit only, there is no investment feature or cash value.

That’s why permanent life insurance can cost up to 5 to 10 times more than the same amount of term life insurance.

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Who Does Term Life Insurance Cover?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, October 7, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Term life insurance policies cover the insured person.

The insured is the person named as insured on the life insurance policy.

Your life is insured in a life insurance policy.

If you die while the policy is In Force, the death benefit is paid out to the beneficiary of the insurance policy.

Usually, the insured is the owner of the policy responsible for paying the premiums to the insurer.

However, the owner of the policy may be someone other than the insured.

Learn more about Who term life insuranc...

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Final Expense Insurance vs Term Life

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, October 3, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

How does a final expense life insurance plan compare to term life insurance?

They are different types of insurance policies used for different purposes.

Final expense insurance is a type of small permanent life insurance policy that provides lifetime protection.

This type of life insurance is used to pay for someone's final expenses, including the cost of their burial and funeral.

Some of these plans are offered with guaranteed acceptance, which means you cannot be turned down for coverage if y...

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Level Term Life Insurance Policy Definition

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, September 29, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Level term life insurance is a policy that provides temporary life insurance coverage lasting for a duration (Policy Term) of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 or 40 years.

The premiums never increase and the amount of life insurance provided by the policy never decreases during the life of your term life policy.

If you outlive the policy term, the life insurance coverage ends.

If you pass away during the term of your policy, the death benefit is paid out to the beneficiary of your life insurance.

Level ter...

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Buying Life Insurance for the First Time

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, September 25, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Are you buying your first life insurance policy?

If so, you'll want to learn a few things about life insurance before you make that purchase.

First, you'll want to ask yourself, what is my goal for my life insurance policy - what do I want it to accomplish?

Then, you want to consider which type of life insurance policy will help you accomplish your goal, and how much life insurance you'll need.

Of course, you'll want to consider your budget - how much you can afford to spend each month.

Also, you'...

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What is ADB Amount in Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, September 17, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

An accelerated death benefit (ADB) is a benefit that can be added to a life insurance policy that enables the policyholder (Insured Person) to receive cash advances against the death benefit of the policy in the case of being diagnosed with a terminal illness with a short life expectancy.

Many individuals who choose to access the accelerated death benefit from their policy have less than one year to live and use the money for treatments and other costs needed to help them stay alive.

Learn more...

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What Does Waiver of Premium in Life Insurance Mean?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, September 13, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

A waiver of premium rider is an insurance policy clause that waives premium payments in the event the policyholder becomes critically ill, seriously injured, or disabled.

A waiver of premium in life insurance is an action by the insurance company canceling premium payments by an insured who has been disabled for a specified period of time (usually, least 6 months).

The life insurance policy remains "In Force", just as if the insured was still making the premium payments.

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Incontestable Period for Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, September 9, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The incontestability period is the period when the life insurance company can no longer "Contest" the coverage provided by a life insurance policy.

In addition, the Contestability Period is the period where the insurance carrier has the right to deny coverage or void the insurance policy for wrong statements (material misrepresentations) provided by the insured on the application for coverage.

When life insurance is purchased, the contestability period starts the first day the policy begins pro...

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What Does Life Insurance Cost?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, September 5, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

You can use a free life insurance price calculator to help you figure out the cost of a life insurance policy and save yourself time and money shopping for life insurance coverage.

What you pay for your life insurance plan will depend on several important factors, including the type and amount of life insurance you buy, as well as, your age, health, lifestyle, and tobacco use, among other personal risk factors taken into consideration by insurance companies when pricing life insurance.

You can ...

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Life Insurance with Bad Health

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, September 1, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there life insurance for people with bad health?

Yes. In fact, there are life insurance policies available that guarantee your approval for coverage.

These plans are called "Guaranteed Issue", and they guarantee you may purchase up to $25,000 of life insurance protection.

What's the catch?

You need to be between 45 to 85 years of age to qualify for coverage.

And, your death benefits are usually limited the first two years you are insured. This is called "Graded Benefits".

That's how the insuranc...

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Long Term Life Insurance Companies

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, August 28, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Which companies offer long term life insurance coverage?

Long term life insurance policies are usually plans that provide coverage for a duration of up to 35 or 40 years.

These are the longest terms available for term life insurance protection; however, not many insurers offer coverage lasting for that long a period of time - for term insurance policies.

The carriers offer long term coverage do include 
Banner Life & William Penn, Protective Life and AIG.

Keep in mind, certain age restrictions do ...

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Who Does Life Insurance Benefit?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, August 24, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

There are two parties that benefit from life insurance coverage.

The owner (insured) of the policy receives Peace of Mind knowing loved ones are financially secure should the insured person pass away.

The beneficiaries also benefit by means of receiving the proceeds from the life insurance death benefit upon the death of the insured person.

The beneficiaries may use the death benefit as they see fit.

Learn more about who benefits from a life insurance policy.

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Long Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, August 21, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is long term life insurance?

It is a type of life insurance policy that provides temporary coverage for a prolonged period of time.

How long does long term life insurance coverage last?

The longest term of coverage available for term life insurance is usually 35 or 40 years.

However, not all insurers offer term life lasting for that long a period of time.

Usually, these plans are limited to healthy individuals who are age 45-50, or younger.

Long term life insurance locks-in your rate for many ...

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AIG 35 year Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, August 17, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Does AIG offer a 35 year term life insurance plan?

Yes, you may purchase 35 years of term coverage through AIG, if you qualify.

AIG’s Select-a-Term Plan allows you to select the level-premium term of their 35 year life insurance policy, as well as customize your coverage by adding any available riders to your plan.

AIG is one of the largest life insurance carriers in the world, serving millions of customers in more than 80 countries. AIG offers term life insurance, whole life insurance and uni...

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40 Year Term Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, August 13, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is 40 year term insurance?

It's a type of life insurance policy that provides temporary coverage lasting for a duration of forty years.

Usually, the premiums remain level for the life of the policy, and the amount of life insurance provided never decreases.

If the insured passes away during the forty year term, the death benefit is paid out to the beneficiary of the policy.

If the insured is alive when the forty year term expires, the life insurance coverage ends with no payout.

Learn more ab...

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40 year Term Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, August 5, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is 40 year term insurance?

It's a type of life insurance policy that provides temporary coverage lasting for a duration of forty years.

Usually, the premiums remain level for the life of the policy, and the amount of life insurance provided never decreases.

If the insured passes away during the forty year term, the death benefit is paid out to the beneficiary of the policy.

If the insured is alive when the forty year term expires, the life insurance coverage ends with no payout.

Learn more ab...

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Life Insurance with a 40 Year Term?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, August 1, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is 40 year term insurance?

It's a type of temporary life insurance policy providing you with life insurance coverage that lasts for a period of forty years.

That means, if you (the insured person) dies during the forty year period, while insured by the policy, the death benefit is paid out to your beneficiary.

There are a few insurers offering term life coverage for 40 years.

However, in order to qualify you need to be healthy and age 45 or under, usually.

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40 year Term Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, July 28, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

How does 40 year term life insurance work?

A 40 year term life policy provides you with life insurance coverage lasting for a duration of forty years.

With 40 year level term insurance, your premiums stay the same each year, and the amount of life insurance provided by your policy never decreases during the policy term of 40 years.

With a 40 year policy you lock-in a low rate for decades, which means while the cost of everything else may be increasing due to inflation, your life insurance premiu...

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35 year Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, July 24, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is 35 year term life insurance?

It's a type of temporary life insurance policy that provides coverage for a period of thirty five years. The premiums remain the same each year, and the amount of life insurance never decreases.

Can I buy a 35 year term life insurance policy?

It depends on your age and your health, if you qualify for coverage. However, if you are healthy and age 50 or under, you may be able to qualify for a 35 year term life insurance plan.

Learn more about 35 year term life i...

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Who Does Life Insurance Money Go To?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, July 20, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The proceeds from a life insurance policy, also known as, the death benefits, are paid out to the beneficiary or beneficiaries of a life insurance policy upon the death of the insured person.

The beneficiary contacts the insurance company after the insured has died, to make a claim for the death benefit from the policy.

The insurer will mail the forms to the beneficiary that need to be completed in order to make the claim for the death benefits.

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Term Life Insurance Features and Benefits

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, July 16, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Term life insurance is a type of life insurance policy that provides you with temporary coverage lasting for a set number of years.

Here are some of the most common features and benefits of a term life insurance policy:

1. You may be able to choose a policy term lasting for a duration of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years.

2. Level term life provides you with a coverage amount that never decreases during the life of your coverage term.

3. Level term life provides you with premiums that never increase dur...

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Choosing a Term Life Insurance Policy

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, July 12, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What should I consider when buying a term life insurance policy?

There are several key considerations before selecting your term life plan.

You'll want to make sure you take into consideration several factors:

1. How much life insurance do you need?

2. What type of term life insurance policy will be best meet your needs?

3. What is your monthly budget you can allocate toward paying for your life insurance premiums?

4. Do you need convertible term life insurance?

5. Do you need term life that is rene...

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Easy Acceptance Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, June 26, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is easy acceptance life insurance?

It's a type of life insurance that gives you easy approval for coverage.

For example, a guaranteed issue life insurance is easy approval because it guarantees your acceptance for coverage, if you meet the age requirement for approval.

So, even if you have health problems, or have been denied life insurance by other carriers, you can still get insured.

One highly-rated insurance company offers guaranteed approval life insurance plans for people ages 45 to 85...

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What is the Cheapest Type of Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, June 18, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you are shopping for life insurance you may be looking to buy the most affordable plan available.

The life insurance that offers the cheapest rates would be term life insurance, if you need your life insurance coverage to last for a period of 30 years or less.

Term life is temporary coverage lasting for a specific number of years.

Whereas permanent life insurance provides lifetime protection and builds some cash value inside the policy, term life is temporary and only pays out a death benefit...

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Who Needs Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, June 14, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you are considering the purchase of a term life insurance policy you may be wondering who buys term life coverage.

Usually, term life insurance is purchased by those who need protection to last for thirty years or less, since term life offers life insurance for 10-30 years periods of coverage.

You may be able to choose a term life policy that provides life insurance for 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years.

Term life is not only the cheapest life insurance for 30 years or less, it provides you with the...

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How Much Life Insurance for My Wife?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, June 9, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

When it comes to buying life insurance for your wife, there are many things to take into consideration.

Husbands may want to protect their family by purchasing life insurance on their wife so that there is no financial stress upon the passing of the wife.

Consider everything your wife does for your family, from shopping, to cleaning to cooking to running errands, to picking up the kids after school and taking them to the doctor, among all the other things she does.

Now, imagine how many hours sh...

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What is the Definition of Graded Benefit Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, June 5, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Graded benefit life insurance is a type of life insurance plan providing you with permanent life insurance protection.

However, if the insured person dies within the first 2 (or 3) years of being insured, the beneficiary would receive either a full return of all premiums paid plus interest, or a percentage of the death benefit from the life insurance policy.

That's why graded benefit life insurance plans are easier to get than traditional life insurance.

Usually, these plans are guaranteed appro...

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When Does Life insurance End?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, June 1, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

There are several different ways a life insurance policy may come to an end.

  • The Insured Person Dies While Policy Is In Force 
  • Term Life Policy Expires
  • You Cancel Your Policy
  • The Insurer Cancels Your Policy 

There are two basic types of life insurance: Term and Permanent.

A term life insurance policy ends when the policy term expires.

Whereas, a permanent life insurance policy lasts your entire lifetime, as long as the premiums are paid on time.

Learn more about When life insurance ends.

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What Does Life Insurance Term Mean?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, May 28, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

A term for life insurance applies to term or temporary life insurance policies.

The "Term" of coverage is the duration or number of years the life insurance policy provides coverage.

The Term is also known as the Policy Term.

It's basically how long your life insurance coverage will last if you keep paying your premiums on time.

Usually, term life plans offer term options of 10, 15, 20 or 30 years.

Learn more about a life insurance term and how it works.

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How Much Life Insurance Does The Average Person Have?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

According to the American Council of Life Insurers (A Trade Association that advocates on behalf of Member Organizations), the average size of a new individual life insurance policy purchased in 2020 was $183,780.

However, the amount of life insurance that is right for you will depend on your situation and what goals you want your life insurance plan to accomplish.

You'll want to take into consideration your annual income, assets, debts, expenses, and future financial goals, among other things,...

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How Much Life Insurance Do Seniors Need?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, May 20, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you are a senior looking for life insurance, you may wondering how much life insurance to buy?

The right amount of coverage for seniors will vary by individual based on your particular goals you want to accomplish with your life insurance policy.

Some seniors may need life insurance to pay for their final expenses, while others may want life insurance to provide some money for their spouse's retirement, or their grandchild's college education.

It's usually a good idea to use a life insurance ...

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Guaranteed Approval Senior Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, May 16, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is guaranteed approval life insurance for seniors?

It's a type of permanent life insurance plan that guarantees acceptance for coverage for people who are older.

Some insurers offer guaranteed plans to people ages 45-75 or even 45-85 years old.

With guaranteed approved life insurance you will not have to take a medical exam or answer any questions about your health.

If you meet the age requirement for approval you are guaranteed coverage.

Some plans offer up to $25,000 of life insurance with ...

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What is Temporary Life Insurance Coverage?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, May 12, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Temporary life insurance isn't life insurance guaranteed to last your entire lifetime, but rather coverage that lasts for a specified period of tine, usually up to 30 years.

Temporary life is also known as term life insurance.

The "Term" of your policy is the duration of coverage.

Usually, term life plans offer coverage for a period of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years.

The longer your Policy Term, the higher your rate per $1,000 of life insurance coverage.

Temporary life insurance usually costs 5-10 tim...

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How Much Life Insurance Can I Get?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, May 8, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you are shopping for a life insurance policy, you may be wondering how much life insurance you can get.

The maximum amount of life insurance someone may be able to purchase will depend on how much coverage the insurance company is willing to insure you for.

That will depend on several variables, including your income, and the amount of your financial responsibilities, among other things.

Of course, your budget may also limit the amount of life insurance you may be able to afford.

Usually, youn...

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Life Insurance with Guaranteed Acceptance

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, May 4, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is life insurance with guaranteed approval?

It's a type of whole life insurance policy that guarantees your acceptance for a policy.

Basically, you cannot be turned down for coverage if you meet the age requirements.

With guaranteed acceptance policies there is no health examination required, and you won't have to answer any questions about your health.

Even if you have been denied coverage by other insurers, you may still be able to get insured.

For example, one highly-rated life insurer off...

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What Types of Death are Not Covered by Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, April 30, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you are purchasing life insurance you may be wondering what types of death are not covered by a life insurance policy.

Usually, there are several standard exclusions to life insurance policies, which may include death resulting from war, aviation, suicide within the first two years of being insured, or if you die from a health problem you did not disclose on the application for coverage.

Learn more about what types of death are not covered by life insurance.

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How to Get the Cheapest Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, April 26, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Are you looking for the most affordable life insurance coverage?

If so, you'll want to consider the following tips to assist you in getting low cost life insurance protection:

  • Compare pricing from several of the leading life insurance carriers.
  • Buy Life Insurance Now while you are young and healthy, as rates increase with age.
  • Consider term life insurance instead of permanent life insurance if you need protection for 30 years or less, because permanent usually costs up to 5-10 times more than ter...

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What Questions to Ask When Getting Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, April 22, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you are considering the purchase of life insurance, you'll probably want to think about the following questions before making your choice of coverage.

  • What goal do you want your life insurance plan to accomplish?
  • How much life insurance protection do you really need?
  • How much can you afford to spend monthly on your life insurance policy?
  • What type of life insurance is right for you?

These are just a few of the more important questions to ask when getting life insurance.

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Is Term Life Better Than Whole Life?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, April 18, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
It really depends on your situation, and your reason for needing life insurance protection.

Term life insurance is better for short term life insurance needs, lasting for a period of 30 years or less.

While whole life is better suited for people who need life insurance to last their entire lifetime, no matter how long they live.

Term life is death benefit coverage only, providing a death benefit, but it does not build any cash value inside the policy.

Whole whole life provides a death benefit and...
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Top Life Insurance Ratings?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, April 10, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

A.M. Best is the most experienced rating agency for insurance companies, having been in business since 1906.

Its Financial Strength Rating is recognized worldwide as the benchmark for assessing and comparing the financial stability of insurance companies.

The Top Ratings for Life Insurance:

  1. A++ and A+ (Superior) — Assigned to companies that have, in A.M. Best’s opinion, a superior ability to meet their ongoing financial obligations to their life insurance policyholders.
  2. A and A- (Excellent) �...

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When to Purchase More Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, April 2, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

When is a good time to buy more life insurance coverage?

There are many major life events that may give rise to a need for additional life insurance protection.

Some of the most common reasons for buying more life insurance may include:

  • Getting married.
  • Expecting a baby.
  • Buying a new home.
  • Getting a promotion at work.

These are some of the more common reasons people choose to buy more life insurance protection.

Learn more about when to buy more life insurance protection.

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Life insurance Premium Payments

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, March 29, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What are life insurance premium payments?

Premiums are the price you pay to the insurance company in return for the life insurance coverage provided by the insurer.

Usually, you may choose one of several payment options or modes of payment: Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual, or Annual payments.

Make sure you pay your premiums on time so you don't let your life insurance policy coverage lapse, which would put your insurance in jeopardy of no longer being In Force.

You can set up automatic premium pa...

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Term Life Insurance Definition

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, March 25, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is the definition of term life insurance?

Term life insurance is temporary life insurance that provides coverage lasting for a specified number of years.

Usually, term life offers life insurance for up to thirty years.

However, you may be able to choose a Policy Term (duration of coverage) lasting for a period of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years, depending on your age, health, and insurance needs.

If the insured dies during the policy term, the death benefit is paid out to the beneficiary of the p...

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Life Insurance Waiting Period

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, March 21, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

A waiting period for life insurance can be one of two things:

The period of time before your life insurance coverage begins.
The period of time before you have 100% full death benefit protection.

Usually, a life insurance policy begins coverage once you have applied for your policy, been approved by the insurer, and paid your first premium payment.

However, you may or may not have full death benefit coverage from day one of your life insurance policy being In Force.

Traditional life insurance plan...

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When to Choose Term or Permanent Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, March 17, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you are considering the purchase of life insurance, you may want to learn about when it's a good time to buy term life insurance, and when it may be better to buy permanent life insurance protection.

Since term life insurance is temporary, lasting for up to 30 years, you'll want to consider term life for your temporary protection needs; such as, if you have a need for life insurance that will last 30 years or less - A home mortgage, car loan, growing children, etc.

However, it you need life ...

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How are Life Insurance Death Benefits Paid Out?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, March 13, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
If you own life insurance you may wonder how the benefits are paid out after you die.

There are a few different options the beneficiary may choose from to receive the death benefit from a life insurance policy, including:

  • Lump sum payment.
  • Checks to drawn on a checking account.
  • Annuity payment on a period of time.

Learn more about how life insurance death benefits are paid out.

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What Happens If You Don’t Die During Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, March 9, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you are insured by a term life insurance policy, and you don't die during the Policy Term, then the following happens:

  • The is no payout of any death benefits, since are are still alive.
  • The life insurance coverage ends, and you pay no more premiums.
  • You may have the option of renewing your term life insurance policy for another term, usually up to 5 or 10 years, at a new rate based on your age at the time of renewal.

However, you will need to contact the insurer before expiration of your origi...

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Does Life Insurance Cover Natural Death?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, February 25, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, life insurance coverage is meant to provide a lump sum death benefit payout to the person or persons you select as beneficiaries of your life insurance policy in the event of your death from natural causes, accidents and most diseases.

A natural death or death caused by health-related issues is covered by life insurance plans. In case the policyholder dies due to any type of critical illness or medical condition, the beneficiary(s) of the insurance policy will get the sum assured as the d...

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Life Insurance for Both Spouses?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, February 21, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Do both spouses need life insurance protection?

That depends on your situation; however, if you rely on both spouses for income, or taking care of the household, it may be a good idea to have life insurance on both spouses.

Even if you have a stay-at-home spouse, or a spouse that doesn't earn an income, everything your spouse does for your family would need to be taken care of should that spouse pass away.

And, you would have to pay someone to do those tasks; such as, running errands, grocery sh...

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Can You Have 2 Life Insurance Policies?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, February 13, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, you may be able to own 2 or more life insurance policies.

It depends on your need, your budget, and the total amount of life insurance you already own.

Each life insurance company will review your situation and determine if you are over-insured or not.

However, it's more a case of total insurance being the important variable, not the number of life insurance policies you own, when it comes to getting approved for a second policy.

Insurers understand your need for life insurance may increase ...

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Life Insurance Becomes Effective When?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, February 5, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

A life insurance policy becomes effective when underwriting approves the application, when the insurance company accepts the application, and the first premium is paid for the policy.

When all those conditions are met the insurance policy is considered "In Force", also known as "In Effect" – meaning you are insured.

Learn more about When a life insurance policy becomes effective.

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How Long Does It Take to Get Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, February 1, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The length of time it takes to get life insurance will depend on the insurance company and the type of life insurance policy you need, in addition to your personal health.

The traditional type of whole life insurance policy requiring a medical exam may take up to 4-6 weeks for you to get insured.

This may vary depending on the medical record requirements based on your health, and how long not takes to receive those records from your Doctor.

There are other types of policies available, including ...

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Can I Take Out Life Insurance on Anyone?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, January 28, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

No, you cannot insure anyone for life insurance.

In order to buy life insurance on someone else, you need their permission, and you must have an Insurable Interest in the person you wish to insure for life insurance.

Insurable Interest basically means you rely on that person for some means of financial support, or that you would suffer some financial loss or cost, upon that person's death.

Usually, you have an Insurable Interest in a spouse, your children, family members, and business partners, ...

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How Long Do You Pay for a Term Life insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, January 24, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The "Term" of a term life insurance policy is the period of time you are insured.

This is the length of time you pay premiums on your life insurance.

However, if you pass away during the "Term" of your life insurance coverage, the insurance ends, and the death benefit is paid out to your beneficiary, and there are no more premiums to pay on the policy.

If you outlive the duration of your coverage term, the life insurance expires, and you pay no more premiums.

Learn more about how long you pay for...

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What is a Life Insurance Coverage Term?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, January 19, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

A coverage term for life insurance is the duration of time you have life insurance protection under a term life insurance policy.

The "Term" is the period of time your life insurance coverage will last.

Term life insurance policies offer temporary coverage lasting for up to thirty years.

However, you may be able to choose a "Policy Term" of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years of coverage.

If you outlive the duration of your coverage, the life insurance protection expires.

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Who Purchases Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, January 15, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

A purchaser of life insurance is usually someone who has others who rely on him or her for some means of financial support; such as, a parent.

However, whether you are single, engaged, married, divorced, widowed, or have children or grandchildren - you may have a need for life insurance protection.

Many people buy life insurance to replace their income for their family should they die, or to provide the funds needed to pay off a home mortgage loan or to make sure their children have money to at...

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What is Term Life Insurance and Do You Need It?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, January 11, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Term life is temporary life insurance and provides coverage up to 30 years.

If the insured dies during the policy term, the death benefit is paid out to the beneficiary of the policy, subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions in the policy.

If you need life insurance protection lasting for a duration of thirty years or less, then term life insurance may be right for you.

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Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance Under 50

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, January 7, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can people under age 50 get life insurance with guaranteed approval?

Yes, there is a highly-rated insurer that offers guaranteed acceptance life insurance for people between the age of 45 to 85 years old.

With guaranteed issue plans you will not have to answer any health questions or take any medical exams.

If you meet the age requirement for acceptance, your approval for life insurance is guaranteed.

Learn more about buying guaranteed issue life insurance for people under 50.

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Definition of Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, January 3, 2022, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Guaranteed issue life insurance is a type of whole life insurance policy that guarantees your approval for coverage.

It means, you cannot be turned down for life insurance if you meet the age requirements and live in a state where the insurance company offers the plan.

With guaranteed issue life insurance there is no health exam required, and you won't have to answer any questions about the status of your health.

Even of you have a serious pre-existing health problem, or have been turned down by...

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Term Life Insurance Years?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, December 30, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

How many years does term life insurance last?

Usually, term life policies offer coverage up to thirty years, depending on your age.

However, you may be able to choose a Policy Term lasting for a duration of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years to meet your specific life insurance needs.

The longer your Policy Term, the higher your annual cost of life insurance coverage.

If you outlive the duration of your term life policy, your life insurance coverage ends with no payout.

If you pass away while your term li...

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Life Insurance: Who Gets The Money?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, December 18, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you are buying life insurance you may be wondering who gets the proceeds from your insurance policy when you die.

It's an important question to consider.

The Beneficiary is the person or persons you choose to receive the death benefit from your life insurance.

You select a beneficiary when you purchase your life insurance.

You may be able to change the beneficiaries after the life insurance policy is "In Force".

And, you may select more than one person to receive a portion of your death benefit...

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Life Insurance: Who Is Insured?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, December 14, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Usually, the insured takes out the life insurance policy on themselves and pays the premiums on the policy, either monthly, quarterly or annually, to the insurance company.

The named insured person of the policy should be someone family members depend on for financial support; such as, living expenses, so that if the insured dies, a life insurance policy replaces their financial support.

The insured is the person listed on the policy whose death prompts the death benefit payout to the benefic...

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Life Insurance Death Benefit?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, December 10, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The death benefit is the amount your beneficiaries will receive from your life insurance policy upon your death. This is paid out if the coverage was "In Force" at the time of your death.

The insurance face amount is the sum that a life insurance policy will pay upon the occurrence of a qualifying event – Death of the Insured Person.

The name comes from the fact that this amount is typically shown on the "Face" or top sheet of the life insurance policy.

The average face amount of individual l...

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Term Insurance Rates

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, December 6, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What are term insurance rates?

A rate for term insurance is the price you pay per $1,000 of term life insurance coverage.

Your rate is based on your personal risk factors, including but not limited to your age, gender, health, tobacco use, occupation, hobbies and driving record.

The younger and healthier you are, the lower your rate for term insurance.

You can compare term insurance rates by visiting a life insurance website, filling out a quote request form, and instantly receiving your free ter...

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Term Life Insurance Instant

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, December 2, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you need instant term life insurance you may be able to qualify for coverage online and begin your policy today.

Some insurers offer quick-issue term life plans that allow you to apply online and get approval the same day, if you qualify.

Usually, people ages 20 to 60 who are healthy, may qualify for an instant issue term life policy online.

In addition, you can compare instant term life insurance quotes from a network of leading carriers by requesting a free quote online.

Learn more about get...

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When Should You Buy Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, November 20, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you think you have a need for life insurance, you probably do need coverage.

Many people consider buying a life insurance policy when they get married or purchase their first home.

Others wait until they have their first child, or have someone who relies on their income for financial support.

However, there are many life milestones that may indicate a need for life insurance protection.

Learn more about when to buy life insurance protection.

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How Long is Term Insurance Good For?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Usually, term life insurance plans are available for a duration of up to 30 years.

Many insurers offer term life plans for a period of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years of protection.

However, the maximum duration of term insurance may be limited based on your current age.

For example, a 70 year old may be able to get up to 15 years of term life coverage; whereas, a 30 year old may purchase up to 30 years of term insurance.

Learn more about how long term life insurance is good for.

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Term Life Insurance for 10, 20 or 30 Years

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, November 12, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

How long do you need life insurance protection?

When choosing your term life policy, it's important to determine how long you really need your protection to last.

In order to determine that, you'll want to consider what girl you want your life insurance to accomplish, and how long you need your life insurance coverage to last  in order to accomplish that goal.

Whether your need is for 10 years, or up to 30 years, you have options to choose from with term life insurance policies.

Learn more about ...

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Term Life Insurance Extension

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, November 8, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can you extend your term life insurance coverage?

Yes, it's called renewable term life insurance, which allows you to renew your current policy for a period of up to 10 years.

However, if you choose to renew your coverage, your renewal term life policy will cost more. The new premium will be based on your age at time of renewal.

But, you will not be required to take a medical exam to qualify for the real policy.

Learn more about how a term life insurance extension works.

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Term Life Insurance Time Period

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, November 4, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

How long does term life insurance last?

The duration of a term life policy will depend on the "Policy term" you select when you purchase your coverage.

Usually, term life lasts up to 30 years; however, you may be able to select a policy term of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years, depending on your age and health.

The policy term should be in line with your need for coverage to meet your goal of what you want your life insurance policy to accomplish; such as, a 30 year term policy to protect your 30 year...

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What Happens at the End of a Term Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, October 27, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you own a term life policy, you may be wondering what happens when your coverage ends.

At the end of your policy term, your life insurance coverage expires, which means you are no longer insured.

You may have the option to renew your coverage for an additional term, usually for a period of up to ten years.

Your premium at renewal of your policy will increase based on your age at that time.

Or, you may choose to go without any life insurance coverage.

Another option would be to buy a new life in...

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Can the Beneficiary of a Life Insurance Policy Claim the Money?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, October 23, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, the beneficiary of a life insurance policy can claim the money from the death benefit of a life insurance policy.

In fact, only the beneficiary may make claim for a death benefit, if the beneficiary is alive to make a claim.

In order to claim the money as beneficiary you must be named as a beneficiary in the life insurance policy, and the insured person must have died while the coverage was In Force and the premiums paid up to date.

Learn more about Can the beneficiary of a life insurance p...

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Have You Been Denied Life Insurance Coverage?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, October 19, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you've been denied life insurance, you may be wondering why that happened?

There are many common reasons for being turned down for life insurance, including your age, health, occupation, high risk hobbies, or poor credit history.

However, even if you have been denied life insurance, you may still be able to get insured.

Some insurers specialize in covering high risk applicants, and they may offer guaranteed issue life insurance plans.

Learn more about being denied for life insurance coverage.

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Can Life Insurance Expire?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, October 15, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, a life insurance policy can expire.

Term life plans provide temporary coverage lasting for a set period of time, usually up to a maximum period of thirty years.

However, you may be able to choose a policy duration (term) of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years.

If you are alive when the term life insurance expires, the coverage ends.

You may have an option to renew your policy for another term of 10 years or less, if you still need coverage.

Learn more about Can life insurance expire?

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Life Insurance for Funeral Expenses

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, October 11, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Does Life Insurance Pay for Funeral Expenses?

Yes, the death benefit from life insurance can be used to pay for your funeral expenses.

When buying a life insurance policy, you select a beneficiary, and that person may use the death benefit proceeds from your life insurance to pay for your funeral.

Life insurance for funeral costs provide the security your family needs, when they need it most.

Learn more about buying life insurance for funeral expenses.

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Term Life Insurance for Family

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, October 7, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Term life insurance offers the most affordable life insurance protection, lasting for a period of up to thirty years.

You can purchase term life coverage on yourself, your spouse or partner, and on your children.

You may be able to add coverage for your children to your own term policy, through the process of adding a rider for child coverage, for which you pay an additional premium.

Learn more about buying term life insurance for your family.

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Term Life Insurance Exclusions

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, October 2, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Are there any causes of death that are excluded by a term life insurance policy?

Yes, there are several exclusions in a term life policy, included but not limited to the following:

  • Suicide if it occurs within the first two years you are insured (one year in some states).
  • Illegal Activity.
  • Dangerous Activity.
  • Act of War.
  • Aviation.
These are some of the more common types of exclusions that would be stated in an insurance contract providing term life insurance coverage.

Learn more about common term life...

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Term Life Insurance Covers What?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, September 28, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What does term life insurance cover?

Term life is temporary life insurance that pays out a death benefit upon the death of the insured person during the policy term.

The types of death covered by a term life policy include natural causes, illness, and accidental death.

In addition, suicide is covered if it occurs two years after the start of the policy (one year in some states).

Learn more about what term life insurance covers.

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Does Term Life Insurance Cover Accidents?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, September 24, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, a term life insurance policy covers accidents.

Term life insurance pays out a death benefit if the insured person dies as a result of natural causes, medical illness, or accidental death.

However, some insurance policies may have exclusions for high risk activities; such as, sky diving or auto racing.

So, although term life plans cover accidental death, your coverage is subject to the terms, conditions, and exclusions stated in the insurance contract.

Learn more about Does term life insuranc...

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Term Life Insurance Covers to What Age?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, September 20, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The age that a term life insurance policy covers you to depends on your age at the time you buy your policy, and the duration or term of coverage.

For example, if you are 25 when you buy a 20-year term life policy, your coverage will remain "In Force" until you are 45 years old. But the policy expires at the 20-year anniversary of your coverage.

However, a term to age 70 policy provides life insurance protection until you reach 70 years old.

Learn more about Term life insurance covers to what age?

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Does Term Life Insurance Cover Cancer?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, September 16, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, term life insurance policies cover cancer.

If you are insured by a term life policy, and you die as a result of cancer, the death benefit would be paid out to your beneficiary.

Payment of any death benefit is subject to all terms, conditions and exclusions stated in the insurance contract.

However, unless you lied on the application for life insurance, your policy would likely pay out on death resulting from cancer.

Learn more about Does term life insurance cover cancer?

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Term Life Insurance Does It Have Cash Value?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, September 12, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

A standard term life insurance policy does not build up any cash value inside the policy. it provides Pure Protection - a death benefit but no cash value.

However, Return of Premium term life insurance policies do return your paid premiums if you outlive the duration of your policy term.

That means, if you are alive when your term life insurance expires, you get the premiums back.

Learn more about Does term life insurance have cash value?

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Term Life Insurance Guaranteed Annual Premium

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, September 8, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Guaranteed annual premium life insurance means that the premium you pay on an annual basis for your insurance policy is guaranteed not to change from what was promised in the contract when you purchase the policy.

Learn more about guaranteed annual premium for term life insurance policies.

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Term Life Insurance Free Look Period

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, September 4, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is a free look period for term life insurance?

It's the period of time you have to return your life insurance policy (after receiving it) and get a full refund of all premiums paid, should you decide you no longer want to keep your life insurance.

Usually, insurers offer a free look period of between 10 to 30 days, but the state department of insurance sets regulations for the specific minimum free look period required for your state of residence.

Learn more about the free look period for t...

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Term Life Insurance Limitations

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, August 31, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What are the limitations to term life insurance policies.

There are a few important limitations to term life, including:

  • Duration of Coverage is usually limited to 30 years or less.
  • You may outlive your term life insurance protection.
  • Rates on term life increase if you choose to renew your term life insurance policy when it expires.
  • Term life is pure protection, providing a death benefit, but no investment feature.

Learn more about term life insurance policy limitations.

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Is Your Term Life Insurance Ending?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, August 27, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If your term life insurance policy is ending, you may be wondering what options are available to you.

Actually, if you need your life insurance coverage to continue, you may be able to renew your current term life policy for another 10 year term, when it expires.

Or, you could buy a new life insurance policy - either term life, whole life, or more than one policy.

Another option would be to go without any life insurance coverage. It depends on your situation.

Learn more about your options if your...

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No Health Question Life Insurance for Seniors

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, August 18, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there any life insurance seniors can buy without answering any questions about their health?

Yes, it's called "Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance" and it guarantees your approval for life insurance if you meet the age requirement for acceptance.

With guaranteed issue life insurance you won’t have to answer any questions about your health in order to get insured.

People ages 45 to 85 can get guaranteed acceptance life insurance through United of Omaha.

Learn more about no health question life in...

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Can I Buy Term Life Insurance without Medical Exam?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, August 15, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I buy a term life insurance policy without taking a medical examination?

It depends on your age, health, and the insurance company guidelines for approval.

However, there are now several insurers that offer no exam term life insurance policies for qualified applicants between the ages of 20 to 60 years old.

In addition, other insurers may offer plans for people ages 18 to 78 years of age, but offer lower maximum limits of life insurance coverage.

Some insurers offer same-day coverage for qual...

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Term Life Insurance with a 20 Year Term

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, August 11, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you need life insurance to provide protection for your family for a period of twenty years, you'll want to consider term life insurance with a 20 year term.

This means you have life insurance protection that will last for a duration of 20 years.

The premium you pay for your life insurance p-policy will remain the same each year you are insured.

In addition, the amount of life insurance provided by your policy remains level, never decreasing throughout the life of your 20 year term life plan.


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How to Get Cheap Life Insurance Online Quotes?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, August 7, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I get cheap life insurance quotes online?

Yes. Today, it only takes a minute to request and receive your free, instant life insurance quotes over the internet, to find the lowest prices available.

Did you know term life insurance offers the cheapest prices on life insurance?

And, you can request a free quote for term life insurance online in less than one minute.

By requesting a free life insurance quote online, you can instantly see the lowest pricing available based on your specific needs.


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Senior Life Insurance over 80?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, August 3, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there life insurance for seniors over age 80?

Yes. There are life insurance policies available for seniors over eighty with guaranteed approval.

Guaranteed approval means you cannot be turned down for coverage, if you meet the age requirement for approval.

For example, United of Omaha offers guaranteed issue life insurance for people age 45 to 85 years old.

With guaranteed acceptance life insurance, there is no health examination required, and you don't have to answer any questions about your ...

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Life Insurance for Ill Parent?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, July 30, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I buy life insurance for my ill parent?

Yes, an adult child may purchase life insurance on his/her parent, because the adult child has an insurable interest in his/her parent.

If your parent is ill, there are Guaranteed Issue life insurance plans available for people between the ages of 45 to 85 years old.

Guaranteed Issue means your parent cannot be turned down for coverage due to his or her health.

As long as your parent meets the age requirement, you may purchase life insurance on an ill p...

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Shopping for Term Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, July 26, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

How can I shop for term life insurance?

Actually, it's easy to shop and compare term life plans and pricing online from among several of the leading life insurance carriers by visiting a life insurance website and requesting your free quotes.

It's simple, you just fill out a quote request form on a life insurance website and instantly see the lowest prices available from leading life insurers.

Then, you can review the coverage options and apply for a policy.

There are even no exam term life polic...

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Term Life with Living Benefit

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, July 22, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What are Living Benefits for Term Insurance?

Living benefits of a life insurance policy are benefits provided to and obtained by those insured, while still alive.

It means you can access the benefits of your insurance plan before you die, instead of waiting for a payout on the policy after the insured person dies.

Living death benefits are an early payout of anticipated death benefits from a rider attached to an existing life insurance policy, or from a separate policy.

Learn more about term lif...

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Term Life Insurance without an Agent?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, July 10, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I buy a term life insurance policy online if I don't have an insurance agent?

Yes. In fact, some insurers allow you to buy direct life insurance over the internet, which you can apply for in about 15-20 minutes.

And, if you qualify for coverage, you my start your life insurance policy the same day.

These are called instant issue no exam term life insurance policies that offer healthy individuals a way to buy quick and easy life insurance protection online.

One highly-rated insurance provider ...

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Term Life with ROP?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I buy term life insurance with return of premium?

Yes, you can purchase a term life policy that returns your premium if you outlive the policy term.

However, these plans charge a premium that is 2-3 times more than regular term life policies.

It may be an option to consider purchasing regular term life and investing the difference you would save by not paying the higher premiums for a return of premium term life insurance policy.

Learn more about term life with ROP.

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Is there Term Life with Accidental Death?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, July 2, 2021,

Does term life insurance come with accidental death coverage?

Yes, it does include coverage for death resulting from an accident.

Term life covered death resulting from natural causes, illness and accidental death.

In addition, there is double indemnity coverage available which pays out twice the death benefit if the insured person dies from an accident.

Learn more about buying term life with accidental death insurance coverage.

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Elderly Life Insurance NY State?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, June 28, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can elderly people living in New York get life insurance?

Yes. There are guaranteed issue life insurance plans available for elderly residents in the state of New York.

Guaranteed issue means you cannot be denied coverage if you meet the age requirement for approval.

Ages for approval of guaranteed issue plans vary by insurer, but one highly-rated carrier offers guaranteed policies to people ages 45 to 85.

Guaranteed issue means you won't have to take an exam or answer any questions about your he...

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Are You Looking for Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, June 24, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If so, you'll want to learn how term life works and how you can save money when shopping for an affordable term life policy to protect your loved ones.

Term life is a type of life insurance plan that provides temporary coverage lasting for a period of up to thirty years.

The longer your policy duration (term), the higher your annual cost of insurance.

Learn more about how to look for a term life insurance policy.

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Is Term Insurance for Life?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, June 12, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I buy term insurance for life?

Actually, term insurance is temporary life insurance coverage that lasts for a specific period fo time, usually up to thirty years.

You can choose a policy term (duration) of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years of protection.

If you find you need life insurance beyond the expiration date of your term life policy, you may be able to renew your coverage for an additional term, usually of up to 10 years.

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Guaranteed Life Insurance for 45 Plus

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, June 4, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there life insurance with guaranteed approval for people age 45 and over?

Yes, in fact, one highly-rated life insurance carrier offers guaranteed acceptance life insurance policies for people ages 45 to 85 years old.

Guaranteed Issue means you won't have to take a medical exam or answer any health questions - your approval for life insurance is guaranteed, if you meet the age requirements.

However, the maximum amount of life insurance available with Guaranteed Approval is usually limited to a...

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What is Gerber Life Guaranteed Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, May 31, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

It's a type of life insurance policy that guarantees your approval for coverage, if you meet the age requirements for acceptance.

This type of policy provides lifetime (permanent) life insurance protection, as long as you pay your premiums on time.

It builds cash value inside the policy, and pays out a death benefit upon the death of the insured person.

Even if you have been denied coverage from other carriers, you can still get insured.

There is no health exam required, and you won't have to tak...

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Is There Guaranteed Life Insurance for 81 Year Olds?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, May 27, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can an 81 year old get life insurance with guaranteed approval?

It depends on which insurance company you use for coverage.

Some insurers only offer guaranteed coverage to people ages 45-75 or 40-80 years of age.

However, United of Omaha offers guaranteed approval life insurance for people ages 45 to 85.

With guaranteed life insurance plans you won't have to answer any questions about your health or take any medical exams.

Your approval for life insurance is guaranteed if you meet the age requirem...

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Is there Life Insurance for Diabetic Patients?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, May 23, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Are You a Diabetes Patient Looking to Purchase a Life Insurance Policy?

If so, did you know you can get life insurance if you have either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, providing your diabetes has been under control for a period of at least 6 to 12 months?

You can also get life insurance if you are insulin dependent.

Today, even if you are insulin dependent, you may be able to find affordable life insurance for diabetics through a highly-rated life insurance company that specializes in finding dia...

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Can I Buy $25,000 of Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes. If you meet the age requirement for approval, you may purchase $25,000 of guaranteed acceptance life insurance coverage through United of Omaha.

They offer guaranteed policies for people ages 45 to 85 years old.

With guaranteed plans, there are no health exams required, and you won't have to answer any questions about the status if your health, or your health history.

Even if you have been denied coverage by other carriers, you can still get guaranteed issue coverage.

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How to Get Cheap Life Insurance for Adults?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, May 12, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is the cheapest type of life insurance available for adults?

It's called "Term Life Insurance" because it provides temporary life insurance protection lasting for a set period of time, usually up to 30 years.

With term life, you may choose a policy term of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years of protection depending on how long you need your life insurance to last.

Term life is "Pure Protection", meaning it only provides a seat benefit, there is no cash value or investment feature with term insurance...

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Is Life Insurance for Life?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, May 8, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

It depends on the type of life insurance plan you purchase.

A term life insurance policy is for life, if you pass away during the duration of your policy term, which is 30 years or less for term life coverage.

However, permanent life insurance (which costs a lot more) provides lifetime protection, no matter how long you live.

So, make sure you consider how long you need your life insurance policy to last in order to accomplish your goals, before choosing a plan.

Learn more about "Is Life Insuranc...

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Life Insurance for 70 Plus?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, April 30, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there life insurance available for people age 70 and over?

Yes, in fact, people in their seventies may be able to purchase term life, permanent life, or guaranteed issue life insurance policies depending on their age, health and the requirements for approval of the insurers.

Even if you have been turned down for life insurance from other insurance carriers, you may still be able to get insured for life insurance in your seventies.

Learn more about life insurance for 70 plus.

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Term Life Insurance for Housewife

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, April 26, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there term life insurance for a housewife?

Yes, housewives can get affordable term life insurance coverage online.

If you are a housewife, you may be considering the purchase of a term life insurance policy to help provide financial security for your loved ones should you pass away unexpectedly.

Many housewives choose to buy a 10, 15, 20 or even 30-year term life insurance coverage to make sure their families are taken care of in their absence.

Whether you are starting a family or you have gro...

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How Do I Get Cheap Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, February 2, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you are looking to purchase life insurance you may be wondering how you can find the most affordable plan.

There are several helpful tips you can follow to save yourself money on your life insurance policy.

For example, did you know that term life insurance is the cheapest type of life insurance available, by far?

And, the younger you are when you purchase life insurance, the lower your cost of coverage because your rate is based in part on your age; as well as, your health, among other key f...

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What is Life Insurance That Pays You Back?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, January 29, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

It's called Return of Premium term life insurance which pays you back your premiums if you outlive the duration of your life insurance policy.

Usually, return of premium plans are offered for 20 or 30-years terms, but you may be able to choose from coverage lasting for a period of 10 to 30 years.

These plans have higher premiums upfront compared to regular term life insurance policies.

Learn more about life insurance that pays you back your premiums.

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What Kind of Life Insurance is Best?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, January 25, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you are considering the purchase of a life insurance policy you may be wondering what type if best.

Actually, it depends on your personal situation and why you need life insurance.

Ask yourself this question: What goal do I want my life insurance plan to accomplish and how long will I need the life insurance to last in order to accomplish that goal?

Basically, if you need life insurance to last for a period of 30 years to less, then term life insurance is a good option.

However, if you need li...

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Does Life Insurance Pay If You Die of Natural Causes?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, January 21, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Life insurance is a type of financial protection that pays out a death benefit upon the death of the insured person, subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions stated in the insurance contract.

Life insurance pays out a death benefit if the insured person dies from a covered cause of death, including natural causes, illness or accidental death.

Yes, life insurance pays if the insured dies from natural causes.

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Can I Cash Out a Term Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, January 17, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

No, you cannot cash out a term life insurance policy.

Term life is pure protection, providing a death benefit payout upon the death of the insured person.

There is no cash value or investment feature to a term life policy.

Learn more about "Can I cash out a term life insurance policy?"

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Can You Get Life Insurance on Someone Who is Dying?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes. There are guaranteed issue life insurance plans available for people between the ages of 45 to 85 years old.

Guaranteed issue means you cannot be turned down for coverage if you meet the age requirements.

So, even if you have health problems or have been denied life insurance from other insurers, you can still get insured.

But, these plans usually come with graded (limited) benefits the first 2 years you are insured.

Learn more about getting life insurance on someone who is dying.

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What Does Life Insurance Pay For?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, January 9, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you are the beneficiary of a life insurance policy, you may use the proceeds (death benefit) from the life insurance in any way you choose.

You could spend the money on paying for the burial of the insured person. Or, save the money.

Many people use the death benefit to replace the income of the insured.

But it's really up to you as beneficiary to choose how you wish to use the money you receive from the payout on a life insurance policy.

Learn more about what life insurance pays for.

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What is Life Insurance with AD&D?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Life insurance with AD&D is life insurance that provides a death benefit payout for accidental death; as well as, natural causes and illness.

Traditional life insurance policies include coverage for accidental death.

However, you can have an individual insurance policy that covers only death resulting from an accident, which would be an accidental death insurance policy.

In addition, you may add coverage for double indemnity which pays out twice the death benefit if the insured dies from a cover...

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Why Should I Buy Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, January 1, 2021, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

When it comes to buying life insurance, there are many reasons people choose to get insured.

Depending on the situation and where you are in life, you may have a need for life insurance protection.

Some of the more common reasons people buy life insurance include:

  1. Getting Married
  2. Buying a Home
  3. Starting a Family
  4. To Pay for Final Expenses
  5. To Replace Income

There are many different reasons to buy life insurance, but if you have anyone who relies on you for any means of financial support, you may want to...

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Life Insurance for New Parents

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, December 28, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is the best life insurance for new parents?

If you are new parents you may be considering the purchase of life insurance to provide financial security for your newborn.

However, there are two basic types of life insurance to choose from for providing the financial security your growing family needs.

You may choose between term life and permanent life insurance.

However, if you're on a budget, you'll want to look closely ate term life insurance, which offers the most affordable coverage by fa...

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What is Life Insurance for Mortgage?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, December 23, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

It's a life insurance policy used to provide protection for your family in case you die before your home mortgage loan is fully repaid.

You can purchase a term life insurance policy that will provide your loved ones with the money necessary to pay off the remaining balance owed on your mortgage should you die.

You can select a term life policy in the amount you currently owe on your mortgage.

In addition, make sure you select a policy "Term" (duration of coverage) that matches the length of time...

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Can You Get Life Insurance on Someone You Don’t Know?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, December 19, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

No. You cannot buy a life insurance policy on someone you don't know.

In order to purchase life insurance on another person you need an Insurable Interest in that person, and you would need their consent - permission to get the insurance.

Usually, the insurance company would require the signature on the application of the person you wish to insure.

That person would need to sign the application for life insurance coverage, which would verify that the person is aware of the life insurance covera...

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How Much Does Senior Life Insurance Cost?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The price you pay monthly or annually for a senior life insurance policy will be based on the rate you are charged per $1,000 of life insurance multiplied by the amount of life insurance you need.

You rate is determined by considering your age, gender, health, and other risk factors that impact your longevity - how long you are expected to live.

The younger and healthier you are, the lower your rate for life insurance.

You can compare pricing for senior life insurance policies online by requesti...

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How to Get Term Life Quotes?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, December 11, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
If you're shopping for affordable life insurance online, you'll find it's quick and easy to compare the best pricing available.

All you have to do is visit a life insurance website, fill out a quote request form, and you'll instantly see the lowest prices offered by a network of leading life insurance carriers on your screen.

Some life insurance providers even allow you to apply online for your life insurance policy in just minutes.

Here's how to get term life quotes online now.

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What is Basic Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, December 7, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Basic Life Insurance means life insurance provided to an Eligible Employee under a plan sponsored by the employee’s Company equal to 1 (or 1.5) times the employee’s "Base Pay" as defined under the life insurance plan in which the Eligible Employee participates.

Usually, any employee may participate in the group employer provided life insurance plan.

And, individual employees may be able to purchase additional increments of life insurance out of their own pocket, if they need more coverage.


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Life Insurance for People in Poor Health?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, November 29, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you're in poor health and in need of life insurance coverage, you may want to learn about life insurance with guaranteed acceptance.

Guaranteed acceptance life insurance plans guarantee your ability to get insured, even if you have pre-existing health problems, or have been denied life insurance form other insurers.

People between the age of 45 to 85 years old can get guaranteed life insurance coverage with no health exam required, and no health questions asked.

Here's how to get life insuran...

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What is Level Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, November 25, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Level term life insurance is a type of term life policy that offers competitive pricing with rates guaranteed remain level for the entire duration of your life insurance policy.

In addition, the amount of life insurance provided by your level term policy remains level for the entire policy term.

Level term life is the most popular type of term plan and offers the lowest rates for life insurance coverage.

These level term plans provide coverage for a duration of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years.

Learn m...

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Buy Short Term Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, November 21, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I buy short term life insurance online?

Yes. There are many insurers that now offer the option for consumers to purchase their coverage online direct from the insurance carrier.

Short term life insurance offers you the option to choose coverage lasting for a duration of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years of protection.

And, you may apply on-line and begin your short-term policy today, if you qualify for no exam term life coverage.

Here's how to buy short term life insurance coverage.

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Buy Life Insurance for My Parents

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I buy life insurance for my parents?

Yes. if you are an adult, you may purchase life insurance on your parent or parents.

Many adult children choose to purchase life insurance on their parents so there are funds available to pay for the final expenses for their parents.

And, even if your parents have pre-existing health issues, they can get insured with guaranteed issue life insurance coverage.

You can purchase life insurance on your parents, pay the premiums, and name yourself as the benefic...

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The Best Term Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, November 13, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is the best term life insurance plan to buy?

It really depends on your situation and insurance needs.

However, Level Term life insurance is by far the most popular type of term insurance plan purchased by consumers today.

Level Term offers you affordable pricing on coverage that lasts for up to 30 years.

With Level Term, your premiums are guaranteed never to increase during the life of your policy, and your coverage amount is guaranteed never to decrease during the life of your plan.

Here's h...

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How Long Your Term Life Insurance Should Last?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, November 9, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you're considering the purchase of term life insurance, then deciding how long you need your term policy to last is one of the most important questions to consider before selecting a policy.

Make sure you figure out your longest financial obligation you want to protect with your life insurance, and then choose a policy duration (term) that helps you accomplish that goal.

Learn more about how long your term life insurance should last.

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The Most Affordable Life Insurance Quotes

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, November 5, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

How to find the most affordable quotes for life insurance?

If you want to get the best pricing on your life insurance you'll want to compare free, instant term life insurance quotes online from several of the leading life insurance carriers in America.

You can do this by visiting a life insurance website and filling out a Quote Request Form.

Most life insurance websites offer free quotes on life insurance.

By comparing prices for term life insurance, you can quickly and easily fond the most affor...

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How to Get Instant Life Insurance Approval?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, November 1, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Does any life insurance plan offer instant approval?

Yes, there are several insurers offering term life insurance policies with instant approval.

However, the time for approval to get insured can vary by insurer from as little as 15 minutes after completing your online application to as long as 24-48 hours.

Usually, anyone who is healthy and between the ages of 20 to 60 may qualify for a quick approval term life plan.

Here's how to get instant life insurance approval today.

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What is a Term Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, October 28, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Term life insurance is a type of life insurance plan that provides temporary coverage lasting for a specific number of years, usually up to 30 years.

Many insurers offer term life options of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years of protection.

The longer your policy term (duration), the higher your cost of coverage.

Term life insurance offers death benefit only coverage, which means there is no cash value or investment feature of the policy, only life insurance death benefits.

It's the cheapest type of life...

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Apply for Life Insurance Online No Exam

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, October 12, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I apply online for a no exam life insurance policy?

Yes, in fact, most healthy individuals between the ages of 20 to 60 may qualify to buy no exam life insurance online.

Depending on the insurer, it may only take about 15-20 minutes to apply for your no exam life insurance policy online.

And, some insurers even notify you of approval the very same day you apply.

That means, you may start your life insurance coverage today, if you qualify.

Here's how to apply for life insurance online with no e...

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Does Life Insurance Cover COVID-19?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, October 8, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Today we are living through a very unique point in history, having experienced the only pandemic of the past 100 hundred years.

With so much uncertainty about the future, many of us are considering what that future holds for us and our families.

That's why many people are choosing to purchase life insurance to provide financial protection for the future of our loved ones.

But, does life insurance cover death resulting from COVID-19?

It's an important question to consider before buying life insur...

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Which Life Insurance is Cheapest?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, September 30, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The cheapest type of life insurance you can buy is term life insurance.

Term life is the lowest priced type of life insurance because it is temporary coverage and provides a death benefit, but there is no cash value that builds up inside the policy.

It is not an investment, it is pure protection.

In addition, you may outlive the duration of your term life insurance, which means there would be no payout of any benefits.

Term life offers coverage lasting up to 30 years, depending on your specific n...

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Can I Buy Life Insurance Today with No Exam?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, September 26, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is it possible for someone to apply online and start their no exam life insurance policy today?

Yes. If you qualify for coverage you may start your life insurance today without having to take any health exams.

In fact, several insurers now offer quick issue no exam life insurance plans.

However, most of these plans are for healthy individuals between the ages of 20 to 60.

You can request a free quote, apply online and start your life insurance right away, if you qualify for coverage.

One highly-ra...

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Can I Buy Life Insurance Today with No Exam?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is it possible for someone to apply online and start their no exam life insurance policy today?

Yes. If you qualify for coverage you may start your life insurance today without having to take any health exams.

In fact, several insurers now offer quick issue no exam life insurance plans.

However, most of these plans are for healthy individuals between the ages of 20 to 60.

You can request a free quote, apply online and start your life insurance right away, if you qualify for coverage.

One highly-ra...

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Is Term Life Insurance Good?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, September 14, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Wondering if term life insurance is right for you and your loved ones?

Actually, term life is a good option for many people today.

  1. If you have a need for life insurance to last for a period of 30 year or less, then term life is good.
  2. If you need the most life insurance at the lowest cost, you may want to consider term insurance.
  3. If you have a family and are on a budget, then term life may be right for you.

Find out
if term life insurance is good for you and your family.

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How to Get Low Cost Final Expense Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, September 6, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

How can I find low cost life insurance to cover my final expenses

You can visit a life insurance website that offers free quotes on final expense insurance plans.

There are several insurers that now offer small life insurance policies for seniors to help pay for their final expenses, including the cost of a burial and funeral.

For example, United of Omaha offers coverage starting at just $8.80 per month for guaranteed issue final expense life insurance plans for people between the ages of 45 to ...

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What is the Best Term Life Insurance for Senior Citizens?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, August 29, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

It's the plan that meets your needs and accomplishes your goals.

You'll want to find the plan that offers the most affordable price from a highly-rated insurance company.

Make sure to consider how long you need your coverage to last and how much life insurance you really need.

You'll want to compare multiple life insurance quotes from several of the leading life insurance companies to help you find an affordable plan from a reputable carrier.

Learn more about finding the best term life insurance ...

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What is a Term 20 Life Insurance Plan?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, August 22, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

It's a type of life insurance plan providing temporary coverage lasting for a duration of twenty years.

Term or temporary life insurance offers the most affordable life insurance protection for people who have a need for coverage lasting for a specific period of time, usually 30 years or less.

Term life offers different policy terms, including 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years.

If you pass away during the policy term, while your coverage is "In Force", the death benefit is paid pout to your beneficiary...

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Life Insurance on a Mortgage Loan?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, August 18, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I buy life insurance for my mortgage loan?

Yes. Many people use term life insurance policies to help them protect their mortgage loan in case they die before it is fully repaid.

You can select an amount of life insurance that matches your outstanding mortgage loan balance, and choose a policy "Term" (duration) for coverage that matches the duration of your mortgage loan - usually 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years.

And, name your spouse or family member as beneficiary of your term life insurance pol...

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What is Term Life Insurance Good For?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, August 7, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you are considering the purchase of a term life insurance policy, you probably need protection lasting for a period of thirty years or less.

Term life is temporary protection which means it lasts for the duration of your policy "Term". A term for term life coverage may be for 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years, usually.

Many people buy term insurance to provide protection for their family to replace their income, pay off the mortgage loan, or other debt they leave behind.

Term life offers the lowest ...

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How to Find Cheap Life Insurance for Family?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, August 3, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there any cheap life insurance available for families?

Yes. Term life insurance is by far the cheapest type of life insurance available.

Term life offers low cost coverage lasting for a period of up to 30 years.

You can buy term life insurance plans on yourself, your spouse and your children.

Or, you could buy a term life insurance policy on yourself and add riders to your policy to provide coverage for your spouse and children.

Learn more about how to find cheap life insurance for families.

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Is there Life Insurance for a 65 Year Old Male?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, July 30, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you’re a 65 year old male looking for life insurance coverage you basically have a few options that may meet your needs.

Term life will offer you the most coverage at the lowest price; however, term plans may be limited to a duration of 10, 15 or 20 years, due to your age.

Permanent life insurance will cost a lot more; however, it provides you with lifetime protection no matter how old you live to be.

In addition, there are guaranteed issue life insurance policies available to anyone age 45...

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What is Life Insurance and Do I Need It?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, July 26, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Life insurance is a contract between an insurance company and the owner of the life insurance policy.

The insurance company agrees to pay out a death benefit on the policy when the insured person dies while the insurance is In Force.

In return, the owner of the policy agrees to pay premiums on a regular basis for the life insurance coverage.

The death benefit is paid to the beneficiary which is chosen by the owner of the policy.

If you have anyone who relies on you for financial support you may h...

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What Type of Life Insurance is Best?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, July 22, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The best type of life insurance for you will depend on your specific situation and goals.

What do you want your life insurance plan to accomplish for you and your loved ones?

Also, your age, health, budget and the amount of life insurance will impact your buying decision.

As well as, how long you need your life insurance policy to last.

If you need life insurance for a period of 30 years or less, then term life offers the most affordable coverage.

If you need life insurance guaranteed to last your...

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What is Death Benefit Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Death benefit insurance is a type of life insurance that only provides a death benefit payout with no cash value inside your policy.

While permanent or whole life insurance may build cash value inside the policy, and provide a death benefit, term life insurance is death benefit only life insurance.

Term life is temporary life insurance lasting for a specific period of time.

If the insured person dies while the policy is In Force, the death benefit is paid out to the beneficiary of the insurance ...

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Ecoverage Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, July 8, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Ecoverage life insurance is an online life insurance broker that has access to a large network of leading life insurance carriers.

Ecoverage helps to connect you with the life insurance carrier in your area that offers the best plan at the moist affordable price.

With Ecoverage you can request and compare free term life insurance quotes from over 40 of the leading life insurance carriers for savings up to 70% on your life insurance policy.

Ecoverage helps make shopping for life insurance quick a...

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Why Do So Many People Get Term Life Insurance Instead of Permanent?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, July 4, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

There are several good reasons people choose to buy a term life insurance policy instead of purchasing permanent life insurance.

One of the most common reasons is Price.

Permanent life usually costs up to 5-10 times more for the same amount of life insurance compared to term life.

That means, you can buy a lot more protection for your family by choosing a term life insurance policy.

Another popular reason is Flexibility.

With term life you choose the duration of coverage you need your life insuran...

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What Does Life Insurance Not Cover?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you are purchasing life insurance you may be wondering what isn't covered by a life insurance policy.

Well, life insurance pays out a death benefit to your beneficiary upon your death if you die while your policy is In Force, and subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions stated in your life insurance contract (policy).

There are several reasons why a life insurance death benefit claim may be denied, including fraud, misrepresentation of a material fact on your application for coverage,...

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What Does Life Insurance Cover You For?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, June 24, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you're shopping for a life insurance policy you may be wondering what it is life insurance covers you for.

Actually, a life insurance policy pays out a death benefit to your beneficiary upon your death, subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions stated in your life insurance contract.

A covered cause of death may include natural causes, accidents and suicide, if the suicide occurs after the suicide exclusion period - usually 2 years, but one year in some states.

Learn more about what lif...

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How Many Years Does Term Life Insurance Have?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, June 20, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Term life insurance is a type of life insurance policy that provides temporary protection lasting for a specific number if years.

Usually, term life offers coverage for a period of 1 to 30 years.

Most life insurance policies for term life coverage are either 10 or 20 years in duration.

However, you may be able to choose a policy "term" of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years, depending on your age.

Learn more about how many years term life insurance has.

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Is Guaranteed Life Insurance a Good Option?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, June 11, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Are you wondering if guaranteed life insurance is right for you?

It may be, but it depends on your situation.

Guaranteed issue life insurance means you cannot be turned down for coverage if you meet the age requirements and can pay the premiums.

So, if you have health problems, or you have been turned down for life insurance, or you are over 75, it may be an option to consider.

These plans are available for people ages 45 to 85 years old.

Find out if guaranteed life insurance is right for you.

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Life Insurance with Cancer

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there life insurance for people living with cancer?

It depends on several factors, including your age, health, type of cancer, treatment, prognosis, when you were diagnosed and your overall health, among other things.

However, there are guaranteed issue life insurance plans available for people ages 45 to 85 which will insure you even if you have cancer.

Learn more about getting life insurance with cancer.

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Term Life Insurance Payout

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Does a term life insurance policy payout?

Yes, a term life policy pays out a death benefit to the beneficiary of the policy upon the death of the insured person, subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions stated in the insurance contract.

A claim must be made on the policy by the beneficiary after the insured person dies.

The death of the insured must occur while the term life policy is In Force.

Learn more about payouts on term life insurance policies.

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Life Insurance vs Term Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, May 22, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

How does life insurance compare to term insurance?

Life insurance is pays out a death benefit upon the passing of an insured person.

Whereas, term insurance is one type of life insurance, which provides temporary coverage usually lasting for a period of 30 years or less.

Some life insurance plans provide lifetime protection and build some cash value inside the policy; whereas, term insurance is pure death benefit protection with no cash value feature inside the policy.

Permanent (lifetime) life i...

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What is the Average Cost of Life Insurance Coverage?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

It depends on the type of life insurance policy and the amount of insurance you buy.

In addition, your personal risk factors will impact the rate you are charged per $1,000 of life insurance.

Risk factors may include your age, gender, health, tobacco use, driving record, occupation, hobbies, lifestyle, and height-to-weight ratio, among other things.

However, the younger and healthier you are, the lower your cost for life insurance.

Learn more about the average cost of life insurance protection.

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Life Insurance in the USA?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you're shopping for life insurance in the USA you'll want to consider several things before selecting your policy.

When it comes to choosing a life insurance carrier, make sure the company has a string financial strength rating.

In addition, you'll want to check on the insurer's reputation, how long they have been in business, and the quality if their customer service, as well as, their claims payment history - do they pay claims in a timely manner?

When it comes to choosing the right life in...

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Meaning of Term Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is the meaning of term life insurance?

Term life insurance is a type of life insurance policy that provides temporary protection for a specified period of time, usually up to 30 years.

The "Term" of a term life policy is the duration of coverage provided by the life insurance.

You may be able to choose a "Term" of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years of protection.

If the insured person dies during the policy term, the death benefit is paid out to the beneficiary of the term life policy.

If the insured...

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Life Insurance Cost Calculator?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, April 24, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is a life insurance cost calculator and how does it work?

It's a way for consumers to compare instant pricing from multiple life insurance carriers.

You just visit a life insurance website, fill out the Quote Request Form, and click on the button to see the lowest prices for life insurance from several leading insurers immediately.

There are no delays and no hassles.

Learn more about how a life insurance cost calculator works.

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Life Insurance Cost Per Month?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, April 16, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What does a life insurance policy cost per month?

The premium you pay for your life insurance policy on a monthly basis is determined by several factors, including personal risk factors; such as, your age, gender, health, driving record, tobacco use, occupation, hobbies, and lifestyle, among other things.

In addition, the type and amount of life insurance you buy affect the monthly cost of your coverage.

Monthly premiums may range from a few dollars to several hundred dollars depending on the ab...

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Is Funeral Insurance a Good Idea?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, April 4, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Where or not funeral insurance is a good idea for you will depend on your own personal situation.

If you have no money saved to cover the cost of your final expenses, including your funeral and burial, then funeral insurance would appear to be a good idea.

However, if you have enough money saved to pay for your funeral and burial costs, then maybe you don't really have a need for funeral insurance.

Learn more about whether funeral insurance is a good idea for you.

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How to Get Term Life Insurance Quotes for Young Adults?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, March 27, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can young adults get term life insurance quotes online?

Yes, there is term life insurance available for young adults.

And, you can get free, instant term life quote comparisons in just a minute or two by visiting a life insurance website, filling out a Quote Request Form, and instantly receiving your price comparisons.

Many life insurance websites offer term life insurance quotes. And, there's no hassles or delays to get your free quote comparisons.

By comparing quotes for term life insurance onl...

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Is There Guaranteed Life Insurance with No Health Check?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I buy a life insurance policy with no health check-up and guaranteed approval?

Yes, these plans are called Guaranteed Issue life insurance policies and they offer life insurance with guaranteed approval for anyone who meets the age requirements.

For example, some insurance companies offer guaranteed acceptance for anyone between the ages of 45-75 or even 45-85.

You won't have to take any health exams, and there's no health questions for you to answer.

Here's how to get guaranteed life insuran...

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Who Can Get Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, March 21, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you're shopping for a temporary life insurance plan you may be wondering who can buy term life insurance?

Well, it really comes down to just a few things:

  1. People between the ages of 18 to 75.
  2. Can You qualify for coverage based on your health?
  3. Can you afford to pay the premiums.
If you are between 18 to 75 years old, qualify for coverage and can pay the premiums, you should be able to get term life insurance.

Learn more about who can get term life insurance plans.

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Can I Buy Life Insurance for My Dad?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, if you are an adult child, you may be able tp purchase a life insurance policy on your father.

Adult children have an Insurable Interest in their parents.

In order to buy life insurance on someone else, you need an Insurable Interest in the person you wish to insure.

Many adult children buy life insurance on their parents to make sure there is money available to pay for their parents' final expenses.

Learn how to buy life insurance for your Dad.

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Life Insurance and Coronavirus

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, March 12, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

How does the coronavirus affect life insurance?

If you already own a life insurance policy, and there is No Exclusion on your policy which excludes death resulting from the Coronavirus, then it would not affect your coverage.

However, if you have, or had, the coronavirus, you may find it much more difficult to get insured for life insurance, than if you never had the virus.

Learn more about life insurance and coronavirus.

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Permanent Life Insurance vs Term Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, March 9, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is the difference between permanent life insurance and term life insurance?

Permanent life insurance provides lifetime coverage, offers a death benefit, and builds can value inside your policy from which you may take a loan.

Also, permanent life insurance can cost up to 5-10 times more than term life insurance.

Term life insurance offers temporary protection lasting for up to 30 years. You may be able to buy a term policy lasting for 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years.

If you die during the policy t...

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What are the Benefits of Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, March 6, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
If you're considering the purchase of a term life insurance policy you may be wondering what are the benefits of term life coverage?

Term life can provide you with peace of mind knowing your family will have financial security should you pass away.

Term life also offer the most affordable life insurance protection available for a period of 30 years or less.

With term life you get the flexibility of choosing how long you have coverage, so you only pay for life insurance while you actually need it...
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Permanent Life Insurance Definition

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What is the definition of permanent life insurance?

Permanent life insurance is a type of life insurance policy that provides lifetime protection.

Your life insurance coverage will last for your entire lifetime, as long as you pay your premiums on time.

Permanent life insurance has two main features:
  1. Death Benefit
  2. Builds Cash Value
Learn more about how permanent life insurance works.

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Senior Citizen Whole Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, February 29, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there whole life insurance available to senior citizens?

Yes. There are even guaranteed issue whole life insurance policies available for seniors with health issues.

Whole life insurance provides guaranteed lifetime protection to last your entire life.

It provides a death benefit and builds cash value from which you may take a loan.

With whole life insurance, you have benefits that remain level, and the premiums stay the same each month (or year).

Learn more about how to get senior citizen whol...

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Life Insurance for Elderly People

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, February 23, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes. There are life insurance plans available for older people, whether they are in good health or have health issues.

The elderly may qualify for permanent life insurance which provides lifetime protection, or term life insurance which provides life insurance for a specific number of years.

In addition, there are Guaranteed Issue life insurance policies available for people between the ages of 45 to 85 years old.

Guaranteed issue policies offer guaranteed approval for anyone who meets the age r...

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Should I Buy Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, February 2, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Whether or not life insurance is right for you will depend on your specific situation.

If you are married, engaged, have a child, own a home, or have anyone who relies on you for financial support, you may need life insurance to help replace your income for the ones you leave behind who rely on you.

Many people wait until a major life event to get life insurance - death of a family member, wedding, birth of a child, or buying a new home.

However, if you are planning for your future, now may be t...

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Why Buy Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, January 29, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you're considering life insurance you may be wondering what are some common reasons people purchase a life insurance plan?

Actually, life insurance can do more than you might expect.

Many people buy life insurance to provide funds for their final expenses, or to replace their income for their family.

In addition, life insurance death benefits can help to pay off the mortgage, pay for your child's college education, pay off debt, provide for your family's living expenses, fund your wife's reti...

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How is Life Insurance Premium Calculated?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, January 23, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

When you buy life insurance, the insurance company develops a premium based on several factors they take into consideration to determine the risk you present to be insured for life insurance.

The type and amount of life insurance are important in determining your premium.

However, the insurer begins with your personal risk factors that affect your longevity - life expectancy.

Risk factors usually include your gender, age, health, tobacco use, location of residence, driving record, height-to-weig...

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Can I Buy Life Insurance for My Wife?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, January 20, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, if you are married, you may purchase life insurance on your wife.

Married couples have an Insurable Interest in one another.

Insurable Interest is required if you wish to insure someone else.

Many husbands buy life insurance policies on their wives to replace their income, or to cover the cost to hire someone to perform all of the work a wife may do for her family.

Learn more about buying life insurance on your wife.

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Life Insurance for Parents with No Exams

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, January 17, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I buy life insurance without exams for my parents?

Yes. There are no exam life insurance policies available for adults, which adult children may purchase for their parents.

Many adult children buy life insurance for their parents to cover final expense costs, or provide for the future of their children or grandchildren.

There are guaranteed issue no exam life insurance policies available for people ages 45 to 85.

So, even if your parents have health problems, or they have been denied life ins...

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Can I Buy Life Insurance for My Elderly Parents?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, January 2, 2020, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, adult children may purchase life insurance plans on their parents.

However, if your parents are old, they may be in need of guaranteed issue life insurance coverage, especially if they have health issues, or they are over 75 years old.

Guaranteed issue policies guarantee your parents acceptance for coverage regardless of their health.

Learn more about how to buy life insurance for elderly parents.

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Graded Death Benefit Life Insurance Policy

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, December 30, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is life insurance with a graded benefit and how does it work?

It's a type of life insurance plan that guarantees your approval for coverage even if you have health issues.

In return for insuring you, there are limited death benefits payable the first 2 (or 3) years you are insured.

However, if the insured person dies after the graded death benefit period, 100% of the death benefit is paid out to the beneficiary of the life insurance policy.

Learn more about how a graded death benefit life in...

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Affordable $10,000 Term Life Insurance Policy

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, December 27, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I purchase $10,000 of affordable term life insurance coverage?

Actually, it may come as a surprise that many insurance companies only offer a minimum of $25,000 or $50,000 of term life insurance. 

Few insurance carriers offer less than $25,000 of term life insurance coverage.

However, Globe Life offers $5,000 up to $100,000 of term life protection.

They do offer $10,000 term life insurance policies.

However, your premiums will depend on your age, gender, health and the state in which you live;...
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Basic End of Life Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, December 22, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What is basic end of life insurance and how does it work?

Many people buy final expense insurance, also known as, end of life insurance, to pay for the cost of their final expenses - including their funeral, burial and hospital bills, among others expenses.

Since the average funeral can cost more than $9,000 and many people live on a monthly income, they may not have enough money saved to cover the cost of their end of life expenses.

And, no one wants to leave their loved ones with the financial...
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Best Term Life Insurance to Get?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, December 16, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Which type of term life insurance plan is best for you?

For starters, level term life insurance has by far the most popular type of temporary life insurance plan.

Level Term offers the lowest rates and provides coverage that never decreases during your policy term, and the premiums remain the same for the life (term) of your policy.

In addition, there are other types of term policy, including Decreasing Term, Annual Renewable Term, Return of Premium Term, and No Exam Term.

However, level term off...

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Life Insurance to Cover Mortgage Balance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, December 13, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there life insurance to pay off the balance on my home mortgage loan?

Yes. There are term life insurance policies available that can help to provide the funds needed to pay off your remaining balance on your mortgage should you die before it is fully repaid.

Term life allows you to select coverage for a duration of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years to match the duration of your mortgage loan.

And, you can select the amount of coverage that matches the amount you currently owe on your mortgage.

The pr...

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Death Benefit Term Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, December 10, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is death benefit term life insurance coverage?

Term life insurance is temporary insurance that provides coverage for a limited number of years.

Term life is death benefit coverage only, with no cash value or investment feature

Term Life only provides a death benefit.

That's why it is referred to as "Pure Protection".

If the insured person dies during the term life policy term, while coverage is In Force, the death benefit is paid out to the beneficiary of the policy, subject to any exclusions...

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At What Age Does Life Insurance Require a Physical?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, December 7, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

It's usual for an insurance company to require the applicant for life insurance to take a medical exam.

The life insurer uses this information to determine your health, and how your longevity.

The health examination is paid for by the life insurance carrier.

Usually, if you're age 30 or over, need more than $50,000 of life insurance, you smoke, or have health problems, you would be required to take a physical exam.

Learn more about at what age does life insurance require a physical exam.

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Can You Buy Fidelity Life Insurance without a Medical Exam?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, December 4, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes. Fidelity Life does offer life insurance plans without any health examination required.

These are term life insurance policies offering coverage for a specific period fo time; such as, 10, 15 or 20 years of protection.

Qualified applicants may purchase up to $499,999 of affordable term life insurance coverage without taking a medical.

You may qualify for coverage within 24-48 hours of applying online.

Fidelity offers competitive pricing on their non-medical term life insurance policies.


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Why Term Life Insurance is Best?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, December 1, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is term life insurance the best option for you?

Actually, it really depends on your situation, your needs, and what you want your life insurance policy to accomplish.

However, if you need life insurance that will provide protection for a duration of 30 years or less, then term life insurance may be the best option.

Why Term Insurance?

Because, it offers the cheapest rates by far for life insurance, which means you can afford to buy more coverage for your loved ones.

In addition, it offers flexibil...

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Is There Immediate Death Benefit Life Insurance Available?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, November 22, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, there are life insurance policies that offer immediate death benefit coverage.

In fact, most life insurance is issued with immediate coverage once you have been accepted and paid your first month's premiums - the coverage foes into effect immediately.

However, graded death benefit life insurance policies, also known as, guaranteed issue life insurance, have limited benefits the first 2-3 years you are insured.

That is how they can guarantee your acceptance for coverage even if you have heal...

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What Happens When Your Term Life Insurance Plan Expires?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, November 19, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
If you have term life insurance protection you may be wondering about your options when your coverage ends.

Well, you have a few to choose form, but it really depends on what your situation is and if you still need life insurance protection.

  • You could go without any life insurance.
  • Buy a new life insurance policy, which would likely require you to take a medical exam.
  • Renew your current term life insurance policy, usually for up to ten years of coverage.

These are three of the most common options ...
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Can I Get Life Insurance Quotes Online Only?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, November 16, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, although some life insurance quote providers email you your the life insurance quotes, or sell your information to life insurance brokers, there are life insurance websites offering instant life insurance quote comparisons direct to your screen without any delays or hassles.

In fact, once you fill out a short Quote Request Form, you may receive your life insurance quotes in as little as 15 seconds or less.

It's quick and easy to get online quotes for life insurance and there's no obligatio...

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Who Should Buy Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, November 13, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you have been turned down for life insurance, or you are having a difficult time finding life insurance, you may be wondering in guaranteed issue plans are right fir you.

Many people look to guaranteed life insurance coverage as a last resort if they are uninsurable - unable to get insured.

There are many reasons why you may be considering guaranteed issue plans as an option for your life insurance.

Some of the more common reasons for buying guaranteed life policies include obesity, COPD, emp...

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Are there Whole Life Insurance Policies for Seniors?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, November 7, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, there are whole life insurance plans, also known as, permanent life insurance policies, offered to senior citizens.

These permanent insurance plans provide guaranteed lifetime protection as long as the premiums are paid on time.

They provide a death benefit payout upon the passing of the insured person. These whole life plans also build up cash value inside the policy over time, which is available as a loan if needed.

Your premiums remain level, and your coverage does not expire. The amount...

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What Does Guaranteed Acceptance Mean?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, November 1, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Guaranteed acceptance is a phrase used related to life insurance which is a type of life insurance policy you may purchase with guaranteed approval.

Also known as guaranteed issue life insurance, guaranteed acceptance plans are offered as an option for people who are older or having difficulty getting insured for life insurance.

With guaranteed approval plans you cannot be turned down for coverage due to any health issues.

As long as you meet the age requirements and can pay the premiums, you ca...

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How Life Insurance Works After Death

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, October 29, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

How does life insurance work after you die?

Once you have passed away, your beneficiary would need to contact your life insurance company and make a claim on your policy in order to receive the death benefits from your insurance.

That's why it is so important to make sure you let your beneficiary know that you have life insurance, where the policy is located, and what to do once you've died, so they can get the proceeds from your life insurance.

Learn more about how life insurance works after yo...

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Is there Life Insurance for Income Protection?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, October 26, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there any life insurance I can buy to protect my income?

Yes, there are life insurance policies to help replace your income for your family should you die.

Term life is the most affordable option, offering coverage for a period of up to 30 years.

The proceeds from the life insurance policy go to your beneficiaries and can be used for any purpose; such as, to pay for living expenses, pay off debt, and maintain your family's lifestyle.

Learn about life insurance to protect your income for your l...

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Multiple Life Insurance Quotes

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, October 23, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

How can I get multiple life insurance quotes over the internet?

It's simple. To compare multiple quotes for life insurance you just visit a life insurance website online and fill out a short Quote Request form.

It only takes a minute, and then you instantly see the lowest prices from the insurers offered.

Make sure you answer all questions truthfully when requesting a free quote, especially if you smoke or not.

By comparing multiple life insurance quotes you may save quite a bit of money on your ...

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Can Life Insurance Be Denied?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, October 20, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, you can be turned down for a life insurance policy.

There are many reasons why someone may be turned down for life insurance.

Some of the most common reasons for being declined for life insurance include old age, poor health, drug or alcohol abuse, DUI's, high risk jobs or high risk hobbies, among other things.

However, you may still have other options available for life insurance, including contacting high risk life insurance carriers and brokers who specialize in placing life insurance fo...

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Life Insurance to Pay Off Debt?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, October 17, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I buy life insurance to pay off my debt?

Yes, you may purchase term life or permanent life insurance, and the proceeds may be used by your beneficiary to pay off any debt you leave behind upon your death.

Many people use life insurance to provide their loved ones with the funds needed to pay off their remaining debt.

For example, 20 or 30 year term life insurance is often used to provide mortgage protection, so your family has the money needed to pay off the mortgage loan should you die befo...

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What is the Easiest Life Insurance to Get?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, October 14, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The easiest way to purchase life insurance is quick-issue, simplified term life insurance over the internet.

Today there are several life insurance carriers that offer same-day life e insurance coverage to qualified applicants who are healthy and between the ages of 18 to 60.

You can apply online and qualify to purchase your life insurance plan in as little as 15 minutes.

Although there are no medical exams required, you will be need to answer some health questions.

Learn more about finding the e...

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Best Non Term Life Insurance for Over 60

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, October 6, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What is the best non term life insurance coverage for people over 60 years old?

The only option for non term coverage would be permanent life insurance.

Permanent insurance provides guaranteed lifetime protection as long as you pay your premiums on time.

These plans provide a death benefit, and they build cash value inside the policy from which a loan may be taken in the future.

However, permanent life insurance usually costs up to 5-10 times more than the same amount of term life insurance.

In ad...
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Buy Life Insurance Online with No Phone Calls?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, October 3, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I buy life insurance coverage online without any phone calls?

Yes, in fact, there are insurers that offer the option for you to apply direct online for your life insurance policy.

It takes about 10-20 minutes to apply online, and once approved, you may start your life insurance coverage the very same day.

Make sure to answer all questions truthfully on the application for coverage.

And, there is a Free Look period which allows you to return your policy for a full refund if you are not satisfi...

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Can You Get a Life Insurance Policy on Anyone?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, September 24, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Can I purchase a life insurance policy on anyone I choose to insure?

No. In order to buy life insurance on someone else, you must have an Insurable Interest in that person, and you need their permission in order to take out life insurance on them. The insurance company may also require the person's signature on the application for life insurance.

Insurable Interest means you either rely on the person for some means of financial support, or that you would suffer a financial loss should the perso...
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Term Life Insurance - Things to Know?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, September 21, 2019,

If you're considering term life insurance, there are some things you should know before making your purchase.

For instance, did you know that term life is temporary life insurance?

That's right. Which means, you may outlive your life insurance coverage.

And, term life offers several different "term" options so you can choose coverage to meet your specific needs; for example, coverage for a term of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years.

The longer your policy term, the higher your annual cost of term life in...

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Term Life Insurance Monthly Cost?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, September 15, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is the monthly cost for a term life insurance policy?

The quickest and easiest way for you to find out how much term life will cost you monthly is to compare term life insurance quotes online.

The price you pay for a term policy will depend on your age, gender and health. As well as, your occupation, hobbies, tobacco use, lifestyle, driving record, height-to-weight ratio and family health history.

In addition, the duration of your term life coverage (Term) and amount of life insurance will ...

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How Does Guaranteed Life Insurance Work?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, September 9, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Guaranteed approval life insurance is a type of insurance plan that guarantees your approval for coverage - even if you have health issues, or you have been denied coverage by other life insurers.

If you meet the age requirements for approval you are guaranteed acceptance.

And, there's no health examinations of health questions to answer

However, the amount of coverage available is usually limited to around $25,000.

Learn more about how a guaranteed issue life insurance policy works.

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How to Get the Lowest Term Life Insurance Rates?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, September 6, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

How to get the lowest rates for term life insurance?

If you want to find the very best pricing on term life policies you'll want to follow a few helpful steps to assist you in lowering the cost of your plan.

  • Compare pricing among several of the leading life insurance carriers.
  • Make sure you don't buy more life insurance than you really need.Consider annual premiums payments which cost less overall than monthly payments.
  • Select the proper term (duration) of coverage that meets your specific needs....

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Can Life Insurance Be Taken Away After Being Diagnosed with a Medical Condition?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, September 3, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
No. If you answered all questions truthfully on your application for life insurance, the coverage cannot be taken away if your health changes. 

Once the life insurance policy is approved by the insurer, and you have made your first premium payment to the insurer, the coverage is In Force. 

It can be cancelled if you contact the insurer and request cancellation, or if you stop paying your premiums and the coverage lapses.

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Can Term Life Insurance Premiums Increase?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, August 31, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

It really depends on the type of term life insurance policy you own.

Some term life plans stay level (the same premium) for the life of your insurance policy.

While others may increase after a certain number of years; for example, after you have been insured for 20 years.

Level term life insurance, which is the most popular type of term policy, provides coverage with premiums that stay the same for the duration of your policy term.

Learn more about whether or not term life insurance premiums can ...

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What is a Life Insurance Grace Period?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, August 28, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The grace period for a life insurance policy is the time after a missed insurance premium is due, where a life insurance policy will not lapse even though the payment is past due.  It means, you still have your life insurance coverage In Force.

The grace period of a life insurance policy is mandated by every state in the United States.

The Minimum Grace Period usually varies from 28-31 days depending on individual state laws, but some life insurance carriers may give longer grace periods.  


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Are Term Life Insurance Rates Locked In?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, August 25, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

There are several types of term life insurance policies available.

However, not all term life plans offer rates that are guaranteed to remain locked-in for an extended period of time.

Level term insurance, which is the most popular type of term policy, has level premiums with rates that are guaranteed to remain the same for the entire duration of your policy term, up to 30 years.

Learn more about whether or not term life insurance rates are locked in.

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Term Life Insurance - Do You Get Money Back?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, August 22, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you are shopping for a term life insurance policy, you may be wondering if you get any money back should you outlive the duration of your coverage.

It's a good question and something you should find out about before you buy a policy.

Traditional term life insurance is much cheaper than permanent life insurance, because many people do outlive their coverage.

However, if you are alive when your term policy expires, there is no payout of benefits and no premium return.

You don't get any money bac...

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What Life Insurance Do I Need for Mortgage?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, August 19, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

It really depends on your situation.

First, how much money did you put down when you purchased your home?

If you are putting down less than 20% for a down payment on your home, then you may be required to purchase PMI insurance, to protect the lender.

However, if PMI is not required, then you may not need life insurance.

But, it is a good idea to have some life insurance to make sure your loved ones have the money needed to pay off the outstanding balance on your home mortgage loan in case you d...

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Which Term Life Insurance Policy is Best?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, August 16, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you need term life insurance protection you may be wondering which type of term life is best.

There are a few different types of term life plans to choose from including Level Term, Decreasing Term, and Annually Renewable Term, among others.

These plans vary in pricing and coverage, but the most popular type of term policy by far is Level Term life insurance because it offers premiums that never increase during your policy term, and your coverage amount never decreases during your policy ter...

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Does Life Insurance Payout at End of Term?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, August 13, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

A life insurance policy providing term coverage for a specific period of time does not payout a benefit at the end of the policy term.

Term life insurance only pays out a death benefit upon the death of the insured person, if it occurs during the term of the policy, while the life insurance coverage is paid up and In Force.

If you outlive the duration of your term life policy, your coverage expires, with no payout.

Learn more about if life insurance pays out at end of term?

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Do You Need End of Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, August 10, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If so, you may want to learn about life insurance to cover your end of life final expenses.

No one wants to leave their loved ones with the financial stress of paying for their final expenses when they die.

Imagine your family members mourning your death and finding out they have to pay thousands of dollars to make sure you have a nice funeral and burial.

And, what if you passed away after a prolonged illness leaving medical bills and other debts for your family to pay?

That’s where end of lif...

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Fidelity Life Insurance - Do You Need a Medical Exam?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, August 4, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Actually, that depends on your age and health.

Fidelity Life does offer life insurance with no medical exam required for healthy people who meet the age requirements for approval.

You can get a free quote for coverage with no exam required. Fidelity Life offers up to $499,999 of no exam term life insurance protection.

Fidelity Life offers competitive pricing on life insurance without an exam.

Here's how to learn more about Fidelity Life Insurance with No Medical Exam needed.
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What is Term Life Insurance Used For?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, August 1, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you're shopping for a life insurance policy you may be wondering why people choose to buy term life insurance protection. It's actually very simple.

Term life is temporary coverage lasting for up to 30 years, and offers the lowest prices on life insurance.

So, if you need your life insurance protection for a period of 30 years or less, term life is the option for you.

Permanent life insurance provides lifetime protection, but costs up to 5-10 times more than the same amount of term life insu...

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How Much Life Insurance Can You Buy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, July 29, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The amount of life insurance coverage you may purchase will depend on your age and health.

In addition, the total amount of life insurance you already own will impact how much additional coverage you may purchase.

The insurance company doesn't want any insured person to be Over-Insured.

Another factor limiting how much life insurance you can buy is your budget.

You can't buy more life insurance than you can afford.

Learn more about how much life insurance you can buy.

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When is a Good Time to Buy Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, July 26, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The best time to purchase life insurance is when you realize you need coverage. The younger and healthier you are when you buy life insurance, the lower your premium.

Your life expectancy plays a large role in how you are rated for coverage, so - the longer you are expected t live, the lower your cost for life insurance.

Personal risk factors also impact pricing, including your gender, health, lifestyle, tobacco use, etc.

Many people choose to buy life insurance when they experience a major life...

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Life Insurance You Can Buy Online

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, July 20, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there any life insurance protection you can purchase online?

Yes, in fact, several life insurers offer consumers the option to apply online for life insurance coverage.

And, if you qualify, you may start your life insurance very the same day.

Here's how to get life insurance you can buy online starting today.

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Can You Buy Life Insurance After Age 80?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, July 17, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, it is possible tp purchase a life insurance policy if you are over eighty years old.

However, some insurers may not offer life insurance to people over 80.

In addition, some insurers may only offer guaranteed issue life insurance plans to people over 80.

Guaranteed issue life insurance may be available for people ages 45 to 85.

It guarantees your acceptance for life insurance if you meet the age requirements for approval, and you can pay the premiums.

Learn more about how to buy life insuranc...

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Why Would You Buy Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, July 11, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Are you considering the purchase of a term life policy?

If so, you may want to consider what are some of the most common reasons people choose to purchase term life insurance.

Although term life is inexpensive, it does have drawbacks. Term life is temporary and you may outlive your coverage, which means your policy expires with no payout if you are alive when the coverage term ends.

However, permanent life insurance can cost up to 5-10 times more than term life for the same amount of protection....

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How Can I Buy Mortgage Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, July 8, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you're shopping for a mortgage insurance policy it may be easier than you expected to get insured.

In fact, you can compare the lowest pricing on mortgage life insurance by requesting free quotes and instantly comparing the lowest rates.

There are even mortgage life insurance policies available with no medical examination needed for healthy individuals between the age of 20 to 60.

Some insurers even let you apply online and start your policy today, if you qualify for coverage.

Learn more about...

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Death Benefit Only Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, July 5, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is a death benefit only life insurance policy?

It's a type of life insurance plan that provides a death benefit, but has no cash value or investment feature.

Term life insurance is DBO life insurance, because it is pure protection with no cash value, only a death benefit.

Term life offers protection for a specific period of time, from 10 to 30 years.

The shorter your policy term, the lower your annual cost of coverage.

Learn more about death benefit only life insurance plans.

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No Physical or Health Question Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, July 2, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there life insurance you can purchase without any physical exam or health questions asked?

Yes, these plans are called "Guaranteed Acceptance" life insurance and offer a limited amount of coverage because anyone may get insured who meets the age requirements for approval, even if they have health problems, or have been turned down for coverage elsewhere.

Some guaranteed issue life insurance plans are available for people ages 45-75, 40-80, or even for those ages 45-85.

Here's how to get no ph...

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Guaranteed Life Insurance for Seniors?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, June 29, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there guaranteed issue life insurance available for senior citizens?

Yes, in fact, one highly-rated insurance carrier offers life insurance with guaranteed approval for people ages 45 to 85.

Guaranteed issue plans offer guaranteed approval if you meet the age requirements for acceptance.

So, even if you have health problems, or you have been declined for coverage by other insurers, you can still get insured.

Here's how to buy guaranteed acceptance life insurance for senior citizens.

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Can I Buy Term Life Insurance without a Physical?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, June 26, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, it's possible to buy a term life policy without having to take any physical exams.

However, these no exam policies are usually available to healthy individuals between the ages of 20 to 60.

The cost of coverage and the maximum amount of insurance available will vary by insurer, and depend on your age, gender and health, among other things.

Some no exam term policies offer instant coverage, which means you may apply for a policy online and start your life insurance protection immediately upo...

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How to Get Term Life Insurance in New York?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, June 23, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I get term life insurance coverage in New York?

It's quick and easy to compare free term life insurance quotes online by visiting a life insurance website and filling out a short quote request form.

It only takes a minute to request your free quotes, and once completed, you instantly receive your quotes for life insurance in New York.

There are several highly-rated life insurance carriers offering coverage on New York, including New York Life, Prudential, MetLife and John Hancock, among othe...

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How to Compare New York Life Insurance Rates?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, June 20, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

How can I compare life insurance rates in New York?

If you're looking for affordable New York life insurance policies, you can request and compare rates online from multiple carriers by visiting a life insurance website and filling out a quote request form.

It only takes a minute to request your free rate quotes for life insurance online.

Once you have completed the quote request form, you instantly receive the lowest prices from several of the leading life insurance carriers.

There's no delay an...

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How Much Does No Medical Exam Life Insurance Cost?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, June 17, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you're shopping for life insurance without any exams, you may be wondering how much it would cost for a policy.

The premium charged for coverage will depend on the type and amount of no exam life insurance you buy.

In addition, your personal risks factors will impact pricing of your policy, including your age, gender, health, lifestyle, tobacco use, occupation, hobbies, etc.

The younger and healthier you are when you purchase your policy, the lower your cost of coverage.

Learn more about the c...

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How to Get New York Life Insurance Quotes?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, June 14, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

How can I get a life insurance quote online if I live in the state of New York?

It's quick and easy to compare free life insurance rate quotes online by visiting a life insurance website and filling out a short quote request form.

It only takes a minute to request your free quotes, and once completed, you instantly receive your quotes for life insurance in New York.

There are several highly-rated life insurance carriers offering coverage on New York, including New York Life, MetLife, Prudential,...

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New York Life Insurance Companies?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, June 11, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Are you shopping for life insurance and live in New York state?

If so, there are several highly-rated life insurance carriers you may choose from in order to purchase your life insurance.

Although New York has a highly-regulated life insurance market, there are several life insurers that offer affordable protection.

Included among the list of life insurers in New York are such well-known insurers as New York Life, John Hancock and Allstate, among others.

Here is a list of Life Insurance Companies...

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What are the Age Limits for Term Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, June 5, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you're shopping for a term life insurance policy you may be wondering if you qualify based on your age.

There are certain age limits on term insurance plans which limit the length (duration) of coverage you may qualify to buy based on your age.

For example, while a 50 year old may be able to buy a 25 or 30 year term life plan, a 75 year old may be limited to 10 years of term life coverage.

Learn more about the age limits for term insurance policies.

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Is a Physical Exam Required for Term Life Insurance Policies?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, May 30, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Term life insurance policies usually requires the applicant for life insurance to take a health examination which is paid for by the insurance carrier.

Usually, you would need to take a life insurance health exam for any of the following reasons:

  • Over Age 30
  • Over $50,000 of Life Insurance
  • Declined by Other Life Insurers
  • Use Prescription MedicationUse Tobacco
  • Have a Pre-Existing Health Condition
  • History of Drug or Alcohol Abuse
  • Poor Driving Record – DUI’s

Keep in mind, taking a medical examination ...

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Life Insurance in NY

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, May 21, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If I live in New York, can I shop for life insurance coverage online?

Yes, there are life insurance carriers in NY that offer online life insurance quotes and plans for residents of New York.

Since the insurance regulations for insurance carriers are more stringent in the state of New York, several insurers have set up their own life insurance companies specifically to do business in the state of New York.

Some of the leading providers of life insurance in NY include New York Life and John Hanco...

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New York Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, May 18, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can residents of New York state get life insurance plans with guaranteed approval?

Yes. In fact, one highly-rated insurer offers New York residents up to $25,000 of guaranteed issue life insurance coverage for people ages 45 to 85.

There's no physical exam required, no health questions asked, and you can't be turned down due to any pre-existing health condition.

If you meet the age requirements, and you can pay the premiums, then you can get insured for guaranteed plans.

Here's how to get guarant...

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Why Buy Guaranteed Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, May 15, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you're shopping for life insurance you may have heard about guaranteed issue plans.

Is guaranteed issue life insurance protection right for you?

That depends. Many people who choose to buy life insurance with guaranteed approval have been turned down for coverage due to their age, health, lifestyle, or for some other reason.

Usually, a guaranteed life insurance policy is the last option for someone who needs life insurance protection because of the cost and the limited amount of coverage avai...

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Can You Buy Life Insurance after being Diagnosed with Cancer?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, May 12, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, it may be possible for someone who has been diagnosed with cancer to purchase life insurance.

However, it will depend on the requirements for acceptance of the insurance company.

Several factors will be considered including your age, overall health, type of cancer, how you manage your cancer, your medication, chemotherapy, other treatments, prognosis, when you were diagnosed, etc.

And, if you are turned down for traditional life insurance policies, you may still be able to get insured with ...

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Buying a $5,000 Whole Life Insurance Policy

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, May 9, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is it possible to buy life insurance that provides $5,000 of coverage?

Yes, these are smaller life insurance policies available, and they are usually offered to help provide funds for final expenses, including the cost of a funeral and a burial.

These life insurance plans are permanent life insurance policies that build cash value and provide a death benefit.

Usually, smaller life insurance plans are offered to seniors between the ages of 45 to 85 with guaranteed acceptance, which means you can'...

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Term Life Insurance No Waiting Period

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, April 30, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I buy term life insurance with no waiting period required?

Yes, there are no waiting term life policies available for qualified applicants.

You can apply online for a term life insurance policy with no health exam required.

And, if you qualify for coverage, your life insurance protection can begin the very same day you apply.

Several leading life insurance carriers now offer quick issue, no waiting term life plans online.

The pricing and amount of coverage available will vary by insurer.


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Guaranteed Life Insurance for Diabetics?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, April 27, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can diabetics get life insurance with guaranteed approval?

Yes, there are insurance policies available for diabetics that provide guaranteed approval, as long as you meet the age requirements.

Guaranteed issue life insurance plans have varying age requirements, depending on the insurer.

For example, some insurers may offer guaranteed coverage for diabetics age 45-75, 40-80, 45-85 or 50 to 85.

The amount of life insurance coverage available from any one guaranteed issue plan may be limited to a m...

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Guaranteed vs. Non-Guaranteed Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, April 20, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is Guaranteed Life Insurance and Non-Guaranteed Life Insurance?

A guaranteed issue life insurance policy is one that guarantees your approval for coverage, while a non-guaranteed issue life insurance policy means you may or may not qualify for coverage.

If you have health issues, or you have been turned down for coverage, guaranteed life insurance may be a good option for you.

However a non-guaranteed life insurance policy may be better suited for people who are willing to take a medical ex...

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Fidelity Life Insurance vs New York Life

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, April 17, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Which life insurance carrier offers better quick-issue non-medical term life insurance - Fidelity Life or New York Life?

When comparing life insurance plans for non-med term insurance there are several variables to consider including the pricing, amount of life insurance coverage available, financial strength rating of the insurer, and how long it takes to coverage, among other things.

Fidelity Life offers quick issue term life plans with no doctor exam to a wider age range of applicants than N...

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Leap Life Insurance Review

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, April 14, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Leap Life is a life insurance technology firm that was founded in 2016 and headquartered in San Francisco, California.

We are built by serial entrepreneurs with experience from eBay, AOL, and LinkedIn, and backed by RGA, #1 Life Reinsurer in the country & Founders Fund.

Leap Life solution simplifies and streamlines the process of finding the right life insurance, and users can be matched instantly with a policy that perfectly fits their health history and financial situation.

Leap Life is the ...

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Can You Buy Term Insurance When over Age 65?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, April 11, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, if you are over 65 years old you may qualify for term life insurance, which is temporary coverage lasting for a specific number of years.

Usually life insurers offer term insurance for a period of up to 30 years, but people over 65 may be limited to terms 5, 10 or 15 years of coverage.

Keep in mind, if you outlive the duration of your policy, your life insurance coverage ends.

Learn more about buying term insurance for people over 65 years old.

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Where Can I Buy Cheap Life Insurance for Seniors?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, April 8, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you're looking to purchase affordable senior life insurance coverage you'll want to learn about term insurance, because it offers by far the lowest-priced life insurance available for senior citizens.

In addition, comparing pricing from among several life insurers will help you quickly decide which insurer offers the most affordable coverage.

Keep in mind, the longer your life insurance policy "term" (duration), the higher your annual cost of insurance.

Seniors may be able to choose a term li...

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New York Life Insurance with No Medical Exam?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, April 5, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there New York Life Insurance with No Medical Exam?

Yes, in fact, there are several life insurance carriers that may offer coverage to people without having to take an exam.

For example, ANICO offers healthy individuals up to $249,999 of life insurance with no exam - for residents of New York state.

In addition, several other insurers offer no exam life insurance; however, the requirements for approval with no exam are more stringent - some require people in good or excellent health.

Here's ho...

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Types of Life Insurance Policies?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, March 27, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What are the different types of life insurance policies available?

There are several different life insurance plans to choose from including term life insurance, whole life, accidental death, child life and guaranteed-issue, among others.

When choosing a life insurance policy make sure to consider what goal you want your life insurance plan to accomplish and how long you will need your life insurance coverage to last.

Learn more about the different types of life insurance policies and how they w...

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Life Insurance Policy Owner?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, March 24, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is a life insurance policy owner?

The owner of a life insurance policy is the person or entity that pays the premiums on the policy and has the rights of ownership.

The owner is responsible for paying premiums, managing the policy, choosing the beneficiaries, and handling the oversight of ownership.

The owner may or may not be the insured. Learn more about the owner of a life insurance policy.

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Life Insurance Policy Term Plan?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, March 21, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is a term plan for life insurance coverage?

It's a type of life insurance policy that provides protection for a specific number of years.

These plans usually offer a "term" (duration) of coverage that lasts for up to 30 years.

You may select a term of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years of coverage, depending on your age.

The longer your policy "term", the higher your annual cost of insurance.

Term life plans offers the most affordable type of life insurance, and the flexibility to choose how long you...

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Life Insurance Policy with Living Benefits?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, March 18, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is life insurance coverage with living benefits?

It is life insurance that provides you with the option of accessing a portion of your insurance policy's death benefits, while you are still living.

If you become ill with a terminal diagnosis of less than one year to live (or six months), you may access a portion of your death benefits - this is called "living benefits".

This coverage allows people who are terminal to have money available to help pay for medical bills and other end of life e...

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Life Insurance Policy to Cover Funeral Costs

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, March 15, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there life insurance that will cover the cost of your funeral expenses?

Yes, there are guaranteed-issue life insurance plans for seniors age 45 to 85 that offer guaranteed approval without any health exam or health questions.

These life insurance policies offer up to $25,000 of coverage to pay for your funeral, burial and any related expenses.

Guaranteed approval means you can't be denied coverage due to any pre-existing health problems.

Learn more about buying a life insurance policy to cover...

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Life Insurance for a Specific Period of Time?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, March 12, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Are there any life insurance plans I can purchase that will last for a specific duration?

Yes, it's called temporary life insurance, also known as term life insurance, which provides protection lasting for a specific number of years.

Most term life plans offer coverage you can choose to last for a term (duration) of 10, 15, 20 or 30 years.

The longer your policy "term", the higher your annual premiums for life insurance.

However, the length of your policy term may be shorter for seniors. For exam...

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Do All Life Insurance Policies Require a Physical?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, March 6, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

No, all life insurance policies do not require you to take a physical examination, but many do.

There are non-med life insurance policies available for term life, whole life or guaranteed issue life insurance coverage.

However, most standard life insurance plans require a medical examination if the applicant is over 30 years old, smokes, has health problems, or is looking to buy more than $50,000 of insurance.

To learn more read this article: Do all life insurance policies require a physical?

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What is the Cheapest Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, March 3, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you want to find the lowest priced life insurance coverage, you'll want to check out term life insurance.

Term life plans offer the lowest prices on life insurance.

With term life you choose a "term" which is the duration of your policy - how long your life insurance protection to last.

The shorter the policy "term", the lower your cost.

Term life usually offers coverage lasting for a period of up to 30 years, but you may be able to choose term for 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years of coverage.


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Life Insurance Over 50

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, February 25, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there life insurance for people over 50 years old?

Yes, in fact, there are several types of over 50 life insurance plans available, including term life insurance, permanent life insurance and guaranteed issue life insurance.

The cheapest type of over 50 life insurance plan is term life which offers temporary coverage for a duration of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years.

Permanent life insurance cost a lot more, and provides lifetime protection, as long as you pay your premiums. It also builds some ca...

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Is there Insurance for People over 65?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, February 22, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there life insurance available for people over 65 years old?

Yes, a 65 year old may qualify for term life insurance, whole life, or choose guaranteed issue life insurance plans.

The cheapest type of life insurance coverage for 65 year olds would be term life, because it offers temporary protection, usually up to 10 or 15 years, for people over 65.

Whole life insurance is much more expensive because it provides lifetime protection, as long as you pay your premiums.

And, if you have a pre-existi...

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No Questions Asked Life Insurance Companies

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, February 19, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Are there any life insurance companies that offer coverage without asking any questions about your health?

Yes, in fact, several life insurers offer no questions asked life insurance coverage. These are usually referred to as "Guaranteed-Issue" life insurance plans.

That means, you cannot be denied coverage if you meet the age requirements for approval. With guaranteed plans there is no health exam required, and you will not be asked about health questions.

These plans may be a good option for s...
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Burial Life Insurance Plans

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, February 16, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What are burial life insurance plans and how do they work?

Burial plans are small life insurance policies that provide the money needed to pay for your final expenses.

It’s a way for you to make sure that your family is not left in a financially stressful situation, looking for a way to pay for your burial and funeral costs after you die.

By purchasing a burial insurance plan, you get peace of mind knowing you've planned for the future, and you have shown respect for your family by providing t...

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What is the Cheapest Life Insurance without a Medical Exam?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, February 7, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The cheapest type of life insurance policy without any health exam required is term life insurance.

Term life is the cheapest type of life insurance policy because it provides temporary coverage lasting for a period of up to thirty years.

You may choose a "Term" of coverage or your policy from 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years.

The shorter your life insurance policy "term", the lower your annual cost of life insurance protection.

In addition, the lower your amount of life insurance, the lower your annua...

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Are there Life Insurance Policies for Parents?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, February 4, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I buy life insurance policies on my parents?

Yes, if you are an adult child, you have an insurable interest in your parents, and you may purchase life insurance for your parents.

Whether you are looking for a small life insurance policy to provide funds needed for final expenses (burial and funeral costs) on your parents, or you need something larger to help pay for childcare for your kids, should your parents pass away, it's possible for adult children to insure their parents for life insu...
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Whole Life Insurance for 76 Year Olds

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, February 1, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there whole life insurance protection available for 76 year olds?

Yes, there are whole life insurance policies a 76 year old can purchase without having to take any physical examination, or answer any health questions.

These are referred to as Guaranteed Approval whole life insurance policies and they guarantee your acceptance for coverage, even if you have a pre-existing health condition.

These plans usually offer a limited amount of life insurance coverage, up to $25,000.

With guaranteed iss...

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Life Insurance Policy with No Health Check?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, January 29, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is it possible to buy a life insurance policy without any check on your health?

Yes, there are life insurance plans available offering coverage with no health exam, but fewer that offer coverage without any questions about the status of your health.

These plans are usually limited to accidental death insurance, or guaranteed issue life insurance.

Accidental death insurance only pays out a death benefit if the insured person dies as a result of an accident, not natural causes.

Guaranteed issue lif...
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What is Mortgage Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, January 26, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you're buying a new home, or you have a home, you may be considering mortgage life insurance to pay off your outstanding mortgage should you pass away.

With mortgage term life insurance you can get affordable rates and the coverage you need to fit your specific mortgage.

With mortgage term life plans you select a duration of coverage (term) that matches your mortgage loan - 15, 20 or 30 years.

And, choose an amount of term life insurance that matches the amount you owe on your home loan mortg...

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Is Term Life Insurance a Good Idea?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, January 23, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you're shopping for a life insurance policy, you may be wondering if term life insurance is right type of coverage for you.

That's a good question. You want to make sure you choose the right type of life insurance protection.

There are two basic types of life insurance: Term and Permanent.

Permanent life insurance costs a lot more, but it does build some cash value inside the policy, and to does provide guaranteed lifetime protection as long as you pay your premiums on time.

Whereas, term life...

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What is Direct Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, January 20, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Direct term life insurance is a type of life insurance policy you can purchase direct from the life insurer online.

Term insurance is temporary protection lasting for a period of up to thirty years.

There may be several different terms of coverage available, including 10, 15, 20, or 30 year term life policies.

The longer your policy term, the higher your annual cost for insurance.

Several life insurers offer direct term life insurance, including Haven Life, AAA, ANICO, Fidelity Life and Globe Lif...

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Term Life Insurance for Seniors over 70

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, January 17, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can seniors over 70 get term life insurance?

Yes, there are term life insurance policies available for seniors age seventy and over.

However, the length of coverage may be limited to 5 or 10 years, depending on your age and your health.

If you have health issues, there are guaranteed issue whole life insurance plans available for people ages 45 to 85.

Learn more about buying term life insurance for seniors over 70 years old.

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Is there No Exam Life Insurance with Instant Coverage?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, January 14, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I buy instant coverage life insurance without taking a medical exam?

Yes, if you are healthy and qualify for coverage, you may be able to purchase no exam life insurance with coverage that starts the same day you apply for a policy.

These quick issue life insurance plans are available online and allow qualified individuals the option to apply online and begin their life insurance protection immediately upon approval.

The amount of coverage available and the pricing of the policies does vary ...

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Is there Life Insurance with No Medical Exam for People over 65?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, January 11, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, there are no-exam life insurance plans available for people over 65.

You may be able to choose from permanent life insurance , term life insurance, or guaranteed-issue life insurance without an health exam, if you're over sixty-five years old.

However, the most affordable life insurance policies will be term life, since they are temporary and build no cash value; whereas, guaranteed-issue policies will cost the most because they guarantee your approval for life insurance.

Learn more about f...

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How is Term Life Insurance Priced?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, January 8, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you're shopping for term insurance coverage, you may be wondering how your term life coverage is priced.

Pricing for term life insurance takes into consider several key factors to develop your premium.

Some of the main pricing factors include your age, health, type and amount of life insurance you need; as well as, your gender, lifestyle, occupation, hobbies, tobacco use, among other risk factors that may help the life insurer determine your life expectancy.

Since term life insurance is tempo...

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Is there Life Insurance for the Sick and Elderly?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, January 5, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, even if you are a senior with major health issues, you may still be able to purchase life insurance.

Although many life insurance plans may decline a senior with pre-existing health issues, there are guaranteed issue life insurance plans offered to people age 45 to 85.

With guaranteed approval you can't be denied coverage due to any pre-existing health problems.

And, you won't have to take any medical exam, or answer any questions about your health.

However, these guaranteed issue life insur...

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Do I Need More Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, January 2, 2019, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you own a term life insurance policy and have been insured for several years, or you've experienced a major life event in recent years; such as buying a home or getting married, you may be wondering if you need more term life insurance.

You very well may need to add some more life insurance coverage to your financial plan if your financial responsibilities have increased since you purchased your term life policy.

The best way to find out your current need for term life insurance is to use a ...

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Whole Life Insurance for 75 Year Olds?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, December 26, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can people age 75 and over get whole life insurance coverage?

Yes, in fact, you may be able to get whole life insurance plans up to age 85 through some insurance companies.

However, most life insurance policies offered at that age are guaranteed issue, which means you cannot be turned down for coverage due to any health problems.

And, guaranteed plans do not require you to take a health exam, or answer any questions about your health.

However, these guaranteed issue whole life insurance plans usu...
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Modified Premium Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, December 22, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is modified premium term insurance and how does it work?

Modified premium term life insurance is temporary life insurance protection that comes with premiums that change over time, on a regular basis.

Term life may provide coverage lasting for a period of up to thirty years, with options of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 year terms.

Modified term policies have premiums that change on a regular interval, usually every 5 or 10 years.

The change in your insurance premiums may increase or decrease each in...

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Is There Life Insurance You Can Buy Online?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, December 19, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there life insurance I can purchase online?

Yes, in fact, more and more people are choosing to purchase their life insurance plans over the internet.

With the ease and speed of the internet, life insurance carriers are now making same-day life insurance plans available online.

That means you can apply online (safe and secure) for a life insurance policy, and begin your insurance the same day - if you qualify.

These quick-issue life insurance policies are available through several life insurers...

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Top Life Insurance Companies for Seniors?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, December 16, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you're a senior looking for quality, affordable life insurance you may be wondering which life insurer is the best for older people.

There really is no one single life insurance carrier that's best for all senior citizens.

It really depends on you - your age, health, lifestyle, and the type of life insurance you need, as well as, the amount of insurance coverage you need.

Some insurance carriers are better at providing affordable plans  for people with certain health conditions like diabetes ...

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Life Insurance with Agoraphobia?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, December 10, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can someone living with agoraphobia get insured for life insurance?

That depends. Your age and your health will impact your ability to get insured; as well as, the insurance company you apply to for your policy.

Some life insurance carriers may insure people with mental health illnesses and panic disorders, while others may not.

In addition, there are some guaranteed-acceptance life insurance policies available for anyone who meets the age requirements for approval. Some guaranteed plans are ava...

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Life Insurance for People in a Wheelchair?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, December 7, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there life insurance for people bound to a wheelchair?

Yes, there is life insurance available to people who are in a wheelchair.

However, several factors may impact your ability to get insured for life insurance.

Your age, health and management of your health issues will affect your ability to get insured.

In addition, there guaranteed life insurance policies available for anyone who meets the age requirements for acceptance.

For example, one highly rated life insurance company offers guarantee...

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Life Insurance for Someone with Poor Health

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, December 4, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can people with poor health get insured for life insurance?

Yes, there are high risk life insurance companies offering fully underwritten life insurance, and there are life insurance carriers offering guaranteed issue life insurance.

Guaranteed life insurance means you will not be denied coverage due to any health issues, if you meet the age requirements for approval; for example, age 45 to 85.

Here's how to get life insurance for someone with poor health.

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Non-Medical Life Insurance - Maximum Amount?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, December 2, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is the maximum amount of life insurance you can purchase without taking a medical examination?

That really depends on your age and your health.

In addition, the insurance company limit of non med life insurance will vary by life insurance company.

Some insurers may offer up to $50,000 of non med coverage, while one highly-rated insurer offers up to $3,000,000 of life insurance with no medical exam for healthy individuals.

And, you may purchase no medical life insurance policies from more tha...
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Maximum Amount of Non Medical Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, November 30, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is the maximum amount of life insurance you can get without taking a medical exam?

It really depends on your age and your health, as well as, the insurer you apply to for coverage.

The limit of non-med life insurance available will vary by insurance carrier.

Some life insurers may offer up to $50,000 of non-med coverage, while one highly-rated life insurer offers up to $3,000,000 of life insurance with no medical exam for healthy individuals who qualify for coverage.

And, you may be able to ...
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Life Insurance that Starts Immediately

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, November 27, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is it possible to buy life insurance that starts your insurance coverage today?

Yes, several life insurers now offer "Same Day" life insurance plans, which means you can start your coverage the day you apply, if you qualify.

Some insurance carriers offer from $100,000 up to $500,000 of instant coverage; however, one life insurance company offers up to $3 million of life insurance you can start today if you're healthy and qualify for coverage.

The online application process for life insurance usu...

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Life Insurance Refused on Medical Grounds?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, November 21, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you have been turned down for life insurance because of medical reasons, you may be wondering how you can get insured.

Don't worry, there is another answer. In fact, there are life insurance plans that even offer "Guaranteed Acceptance" - which means you can't be denied coverage due to any health problems.

As long as you meet the age requirements, you can get insured. These plans do offer a limited amount of life insurance protection, usually $25,000 or less. 

If you need more life insurance ...

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Pre Existing Condition Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, November 18, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can someone with a pre-existing health condition purchase a life insurance policy?

Yes, depending on your age an estate of residence, there are life insurance companies that specialize in insuring high-risk people for life insurance .

There are also life insurance policies offering "guaranteed approval" for people ages 45 to 85.

If you meet the age requirements, you can get insured for life insurance, even if you have been denied coverage through other insurance companies in the past.

Learn how t...

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What is the Cheapest Life Insurance without a Physical Exam?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, November 15, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The lowest priced no exam life insurance plan is term life insurance.

Term life is temporary life insurance protection lasting for a period of 30 years, or less.

Term insurance costs a lot less than permanent life insurance, which provides guaranteed lifetime life insurance protection.

With term life, the shorter your term (duration) for coverage, the lower your annual cost of insurance.

You may be able to choose a term of coverage lasting for a period of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years, with no exam ...

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Can I Buy Life Insurance to Replace My Spouse's Income?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, November 12, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, if you are married you can buy life insurance on your spouse, (with his or her knowledge), because you have an insurable interest in your spouse.

Buying life insurance to replace a spouse's income is one of the most common reasons people choose to purchase life insurance coverage.

You are choosing to provide financial security for your family should your spouse pass away, by insuring his (her) income with life insurance.

That way, your family can maintain their standard of living and have f...

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How to Buy Life Insurance for Burial Expenses?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, November 9, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I buy life insurance to cover my burial and final expenses?

Yes, there are smaller life insurance plans available that provide enough money to cover the cost of your final expenses, including your funeral and burial. among other end of life expenses.

These plans are also known as burial insurance, funeral insurance, or final expense insurance.

Many of these burial life insurance plans offer guaranteed approval, which means you cannot be turned down for coverage if you meet the age requiremen...

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Life Insurance with a Medical Condition?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, October 31, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I get life insurance if I have a pre-existing medical issue?

Yes, you may qualify for a fully underwritten life insurance policy, or you may choose guaranteed acceptance life insurance, if you meet the age requirements for approval.

Some guaranteed issue life insurance plans are available for people ages 45 to 85.

Even if you are over 75, or have been denied coverage by other insurers, you can still get guaranteed coverage.

Learn more about buying life insurance with a medical condition.

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What is an End of Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, October 28, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

End of life insurance is a type of life insurance plan that provides protection to help pay for your end of life expenses.

End of life expenses may include your cost of a burial plot, basket, headstone, funeral, burial, memorial service, transportation, flowers, embalming, etc.

It's a way to make sure your loved ones aren't stuck with the financial burden of paying for your funeral and burial upon your passing.

Learn about end of life insurance plans and how to get insured even if you have healt...
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Buying $100,000 of Term Life Insurance without taking a Medical Exam

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, October 25, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Do you need $100,000 of life insurance but don't want to take any medical exam?

If so, there are several life insurance companies that offer up to $100,000 of coverage (or more) without any health examination needed.

If you meet the age requirements for approval, and you are healthy, you may qualify for coverage.

Some of the leading life insurance providers of no exam policies include AAA, Haven Life, MetLife, Prudential, and Fidelity, among others. 

Some life insurance carriers allow you to appl...

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Where Can I Buy $50,000 of Life Insurance with No Exam?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, October 22, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

You may be able to purchase $50,000 of no exam life insurance online through a life insurance carrier.

If you are healthy and meet the age requirements for approval, you may be able to start from $50,000 up to $500,000 or more of instant life insurance coverage today.

There are several insurers now offering $50,000 of life insurance without exams, including Haven Life, Globe Life, AAA, ANICO, Gerber, MetLife and Fidelity Life, among others.

These carriers may allow you to apply online for a life...
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Can I Buy Life Insurance Online in the USA?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, October 16, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you're looking to get life insurance over the internet and you live in America, you have several choices available.

Some of the leading life insurance carriers in the USA now offer life insurance online include Haven Life, AAA, ANICO, Prudential, MetLife and United of Omaha, among others.

There are several types of life insurance plans available online, but the policies available to be purchased with quick approval are usually Simplified-Issue, no exam term life insurance plans.

The life insu...

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Life Insurance for My Child

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, October 13, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What are the advantages of having a life insurance plan on my child?

Children's life insurance policies provide several benefits, including:

  • Proceeds from the death benefit can be used to pay for final expenses.
  • Build cash value inside the policy over time.
  • Guaranteed lifetime life insurance protection.
  • A loan may be taken from the cash value in the policy.
  • Level rates guaranteed to remain the same for the life of the policy.
  • Option to increase coverage when your child reaches adulthood.

Here's how y...

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How to Choose Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, October 4, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What's important to consider when choosing a term life insurance plan?

If you're considering term life insurance you'll first want to consider how long you really need your life insurance protection to last.

If you need life insurance for a duration of 30 years or less, then term life is right for you.

Choosing term life will mean you want to consider how much coverage you need, how many years you need life insurance protection, and what you can afford to spend.

With term life you'll have coverag...
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Can I Buy More Than One Term Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, October 1, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Do insurers limit the number of term life policies you can buy, or is it possible to get more than one policy?

Yes, you may be able to purchase more than one term life policy.

Insurers understand that your needs for life insurance may change (grow) over time as you take on more financial responsibilities; such as, getting married, buying a home, starting a business and having children.

As your need for protection grows you may find you want to increase your amount of life insurance protection by...
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No Health Question Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, September 28, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is no health question life insurance?

It's a type of permanent life insurance plan that does not require you to take a medical exam, and there are no questions asked about your health.

These plans are guaranteed issue, which means you cannot be turned down due to any pre-existing health conditions, as long as you meet the age requirements for approval.

Ages for guaranteed approval may vary by insurer, for example, some insurers offer guaranteed coverage for people ages 45-75, or 40-80, or 4...
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What is Easy Issue Whole Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, September 25, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Easy issue whole life insurance is a way to get lifetime life insurance protection without the hassles of having to go through a physical examination.

With easy-issue plans you don't have to take a medical exam, or give blood or urine to be tested by a lab.

In fact, some insurers offer guaranteed approval whole life policies which means no exam, no health questions asked, and you cannot be turned down due to any pre-existing health condition.

However, with guaranteed issue policies you have to m...
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Do Homeowners Need Life Insurance Protection?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, September 22, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

It depends. Are you a homeowner with a mortgage?

If so, you may have a need for life insurance. Why?

Because, how would your family make the mortgage payments each month if you were to pass away today?

That's right. If you were to die, your family may be unable to continue living in the home they shared so many memories with you.

Now, why risk the chance of leaving your family out in the street, or having to move?

Life insurance can help provide you with peace of mind knowing should something happ...
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Life Insurance on My Grandfather?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, September 19, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I buy a life insurance policy on my grandfather?

Yes, adult grandchildren may purchase life insurance on their grandparents.

In fact, many parents of elderly people, and even adult grandchildren purchase life insurance on their grandparents.

The fact is, many seniors may not have enough money saved to cover the cost of their final expenses, including a burial, funeral, casket, memorial service, etc.

And, with the average cost of final expenses around $8,000 - it can be a costly undertaking to...
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Do You Need Life Insurance Today?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, September 16, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Are you in need of life insurance protection that starts today?

If so, you may want to consider Haven Life, which offers healthy, qualified individuals the option of purchasing top to $1,000,000 or more of affordable life insurance online today.

With Haven Life you can get a free quote, apply online and begin your life insurance coverage right away, if you qualify.

They offer the quickest and easiest way for healthy people ages 20 to 60 to get insured at affordable rates.

Learn more if you need l...
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How to Buy Cheap Term Life Insurance Online?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, September 13, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is it possible to purchase low cost term life insurance coverage online?

Yes, there are life insurance providers offering you the option to purchase your coverage direct online, and you can compare pricing among several insurers to help you save money.

Additional tips to lower the cost of your life insurance policy include:

  • Quit smoking - Smokers pay up to 2-3 times more for the same amount of life insurance as non-smokers.
  • Use a needs calculator to decide how much coverage you really need.
  • Choose...

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Can I Buy Life Insurance Online Instantly?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, September 10, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I purchase a life insurance policy direct online and start my coverage today?

Yes, there are "Quick-Issue" life insurance policies available through several life insurance carriers, including Haven Life, ANICO and Globe Life, among others.

They allow you to get a free quote, apply online and find out usually within minutes, if you qualify for a life insurance policy.

Once approved, you may start your coverage immediately.

These instant-issue life insurance plans come with a money-back guarant...

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Does Term Life Insurance Require a Physical Examination?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, September 7, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Do I have to take a physical exam in order to purchase a term life insurance policy?

That depends on your age and health, and the requirements of the insurance company.

Some reasons insurers require a physical may include:

  • You are over age 30
  • You need more than $50,000 of life insurance
  • You smoke
  • You have a pre-existing health condition

However, there are insurers that offer non medical life insurance policies, which means you won't have to take an exam to qualify for life insurance coverage.

Some li...
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What is the difference between Term and Whole Life Insurance Policies?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, September 4, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you're shopping for a life insurance plan you may have heard about term insurance and whole life insurance, and wondered what is the difference?

Well, there are several important differences about the two basic types of life insurance: Term and Whole Life:

  • Price
  • Duration of Coverage
  • Cash Value

To start, term life costs a lot less than whole life insurance because it is temporary, lasting for 30 years or less. Usually, whole life may cost up to 2-3 times more than the same amount of term life in...
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Apply for Globe Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, September 1, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I apply online for Globe life insurance coverage?

Yes, anyone age 18 to 78 may apply for a life insurance plan from Globe Life.

Although there are no exams required, you will have to answer some questions about your health.

And, if you are healthy, you may purchase coverage online.

You can apply for a Globe Life policy online in about 10 minutes or less.

Globe Life makes it quick and easy for consumers to apply for and purchase their life insurance plan.

And, your policy comes with a money-back...
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Pricing Factors on Life Insurance Policies

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, August 26, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What factors will affect the price I pay for a life insurance policy?

There are several key pricing factors including the type and amount of life insurance, as well as, your gender, age and health.

In addition, other personal risk factors impacting cost of life insurance include your family health history, your lifestyle, tobacco use, driving record, hobbies, occupation, height-to-weight ratio, among other things.

Basically, the younger and healthier you are, the lower your price of life insuran...

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How Much Life Insurance Can I Buy without a Physical Exam?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, August 23, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

I want to purchase life insurance, but don't want to take any health exam.

How much coverage can I get?

That will depend on your age and health.

But, the amount of no exam life insurance available will vary by insurer, too.

Some carriers offer up to $25,000 of guaranteed coverage, while others offer up to $1,000,000 of quick issue term life insurance with no exam, but you will have to answer some health questions to help the insurer determine if you qualify for a policy.

In addition, you may purch...

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Affordable Life Insurance for Young Adults

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, August 20, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there any low-cost life insurance coverage available for young adults?

Yes, in fact, life insurance is cheapest if you buy your policy while you are young and healthy.

The most affordable type of life insurance policy for young people is term life insurance because it offers temporary protection lasting for a period of 10, 15, 20 or 30 years, to meet your specific life insurance needs.

The shorter the term (duration) of your life insurance, the lower your cost of insurance.

Here's how to learn...

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Which Life Insurance is Best for Seniors?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, August 8, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The best type of life insurance for seniors is the coverage that meets your specific needs, and fits your budget. 

Seniors may choose from term life insurance or whole life insurance for their coverage.

If you need life insurance for a duration of 20 years or less, then term life may be most affordable type of policy.

If you need life insurance guaranteed to last your entire lifetime, then whole life insurance may be the best option.

If you have been turned down for life insurance before, then gu...

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Purchase Life Insurance Online?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, August 5, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is it possible to buy a life insurance policy direct over the internet?

Yes, in fact, several life insurers now offer same day coverage for qualified applicants, which means you can buy a plan online.

Some insurers offer up to $500,000 or more of term life insurance protection with the option to purchase your coverage direct online.

Although there may be no medical exam required, there are some health questions you will need to answer when you apply for your policy to assist the insurer in decid...
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Is there Final Expense Life Insurance for Seniors over 80?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, August 2, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can seniors over age 80 get life insurance to cover their final expenses?

Yes, in fact, there are guaranteed issue permanent life insurance policies available from United of Omaha for people ages 45 to 85.

These plans offer up to $25,000 of guaranteed coverage, and you cannot be turned down due to any health problems.

There's no doctor exam need and you won't have to answer any questions about the condition of your health.

Each plan comes with a money-back guarantee, and you can even buy coverage...
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How to Buy $25,000 of Life Insurance with No Health Questions Asked?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, July 30, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is it possible to purchase life insurance without any health questions?

Yes, in fact, several insurers now offer guaranteed approval life insurance plans with no questions asked about your health.

However, the amount of coverage available is usually limited to around $20,000.

But, one highly-rated life insurer offers up to $25,000 life insurance no questions asked.

If you need more coverage you may purchase a policy form more than one guaranteed issue life insurance company.

These plans may offer ...
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The Different Types of Life Insurance Policies?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, July 27, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

When it comes to shopping for life insurance there are several different types of plans to choose from; however, the two basic types of coverage are Term Life and Whole Life.

Term life is a type of temporary coverage providing you with protection for a set period of time, usually lasting up to 30 years.

Whereas, whole life provides lifetime protection for as long as you live, usually.

Each of these two plans offer variations; for example, with term life there are annually renewable plans, decrea...
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Haven Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, July 21, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is Haven Life?

Haven Life is a wholly owned subsidiary of MassMutual that offers Instant term life insurance policies for qualified applicants.

With haven Life you can apply for up to $2,000,000 of term life insurance online in about 15 minutes. Your application may be approved within a matter of minutes. Once approved, you may start your life insurance coverage right away.

Haven Life usually accepts all healthy individuals between the ages of 18 to 60.

Haven Life offers the quickest and eas...
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Can I Buy a $25,000 Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, July 18, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, there are insurers offering $25,000 of life insurance coverage. although most insurers offer a minimum of $50,000 or $100,000 of life insurance.

These smaller life insurance policies are usually available for people over age 40 and may provide guaranteed approval for those meeting the age requirements.

For example, United of Omaha offers up to $25,000 of whole life insurance with no health exams and no health questions asked. People age 45 to 85 are guaranteed approval for a policy.

Many pe...
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How to Buy a $15,000 Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, July 15, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, there are life insurance companies that offer smaller life insurance plans providing $15,000 of coverage.

These policies are usually issued for seniors or high risk people and offer guaranteed approval for people who meet the age requirements for acceptance.

For example, one highly-rated life insurance carrier offers guaranteed life insurance for people ages 45 to 85.

You can choose from $3,000 up to $25,000 of guaranteed issue life insurance.

There's no health exam required and no health q...

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How to Buy $5,000 of Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, July 12, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Are you looking to purchase a $5,000 life insurance policy?

If so, there are several  insurance carriers that offer smaller life insurance policies from $2,500 and up to $15,000 or more.

These policies are usually issued for seniors or high risk people and offer guaranteed acceptance for people who meet the age requirements.

For example, one highly-rated life insurance company offers guaranteed issue life insurance for people age 45 to 85.

You can choose form $3,000 up to $25,000 of guaranteed is...

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High Risk Life Insurance for Sick People?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, July 9, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can sick people considered a high risk for life insurance get insured?

Yes, there are life insurance carriers which specialize in insuring people considered a high risk due to health issues.

In addition, there are guaranteed issue life insurance policies available for people ages 45 to 85.

Guaranteed issue means you cannot be denied coverage due to any health problem, as long as you meet the age requirements and live in a state where the insurer is licensed to do business and offers the plan.


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How to Reduce the Cost of Buying Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, June 27, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Are there ways to lower your cost of life insurance coverage?

Yes, in fact, there are several tips you can follow which may help you lower your premiums for life insurance, including:

  • Compare rates from several different insurers.
  • Choose an annual premium payment option.
  • Quit smoking because smokers pay much more for coverage.
  • Buy coverage while you are young and healthy.
  • Take the medical exam instead of buying guaranteed coverage, if you are healthy.

Here's how you can learn more ways to reduce the...

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Can You Claim Multiple Life Insurance Policies?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, June 24, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is it possible to make a claim for benefits on more than one life insurance policy?

Yes, in fact, you may claim as many life insurance policies as you are named beneficiary, after the passing of the person insured. by the policy.

So, if you are named beneficiary on a life insurance policy of your parent, and on a policy of your spouse, you can make a claim on the death benefits upon the passing of those people insured by the policies.

Learn more about claiming life insurance on multiple policies.
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Guaranteed Senior Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, June 21, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there life insurance available for seniors with guaranteed approval?

Yes, some insurers do offer guaranteed issue life insurance for people ages 45-75, 40-80 or even 45-85, depending on the insurance company.

Guaranteed issue means you cannot be declined for coverage due to a health condition.

And, there's no health exam required to get insured. In addition, there may be no health questions asked.

However, there are usually limited death benefits (graded benefits) the first two years you are i...
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Life Insurance for Elderly People over 80?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, June 13, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is it possible for elderly people to get life insurance if they are over 80 years old?

Yes, there are permanent life insurance policies available forepeople ages 45 to 85, that offer guaranteed approval for coverage. 

That means, you cannot be denied life insurance due to a health issue if you meet the age requirements for acceptance.

These guaranteed plans come with a graded death benefit, so you won't have full coverage until you have been insured by your life insurance policy for at least two...
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What is Term Life Insurance with Conversion?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, June 10, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

A term life policy with conversion means you have temporary (term) life insurance and that policy offers the option of conversion to a permanent life insurance policy by a specific date listed in your policy - the time by which you must advise your insurance carrier you want to convert your policy to permanent coverage.

If you decide after buying your term life plan that you need your life insurance to last your entire lifetime, then you may want to convert your insurance to permanent coverage...
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Low Cost Life Insurance for Young Adults

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, June 7, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is the cheapest life insurance available for young adults?

That would be term life insurance which offers temporary coverage lasting for a "term" of 5 years up to 30 years, usually.

You may be able to choose term life coverage for a period of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years.

The shorter your "term" of coverage, the lower your annual cost for the life insurance policy.

Term life is there cheapest life insurance because it is temporary and it does not build any cash value inside the policy - it ...
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Can You Pay for Life Insurance Using a Credit Card?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, June 4, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If I purchase a life insurance policy can I use my credit card to pay for it?

That depends on the insurance company and what payment options they offer.

Some insurers offer you the option to pay by using ETF (Electronic Funds Transfer), debit cards or checks.

There are some insurers who offer you the option to pay annual premiums using a credit card, by fewer who may offer monthly payments using credit cards.

Make sure you consider annual premiums payments as this may save you some money. Also, i...
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Can I Buy Life Insurance for My Grandma?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, June 1, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you have an elderly grandmother who is on a fixed monthly income you may be wondering if she has enough money saved to help pay for her final expenses. And, you may also ask yourself if you can buy life insurance for your grandma?

The answer is
 "YES", you can.

Many adult grandchildren purchase life insurance plans for their grandparents to make sure there is no financial stress in paying for their grandmother or grandfather’s funeral and burial expenses.

Did you know the 
average cost of a f...

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Can I Buy Life Insurance without a Mortgage?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, May 29, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Did you know you can buy life insurance whether or not you own a home and have a mortgage?

Yes, that’s right, you can buy life insurance if you don’t have a mortgage.

Who Can Get Insured for Life Insurance?

So, if you don’t need a mortgage to get life insurance, who can buy a life insurance policy?

Well, any adult can purchase a life insurance policy and choose to name anyone they wish to be the beneficiary of the policy.

The beneficiary is the person(s) who receives the death benefit payout...

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Why Would I Be Denied Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, May 26, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Are you finding it difficult to get insured for life insurance?

If so, you may be wondering why you were turned down or declined for a policy.

First, you should know that not everyone may qualify for life insurance.

The insurance company sets guidelines for applicants that qualify based on several factors including age and health.

There are several reasons an insurance company may deny you for life insurance, including:

Health, age, occupation, hobbies, etc.

For example, many life insurers 
won't i...
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How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, May 23, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you’re considering the purchase of a life insurance policy to protect your loved ones, one of the most important questions you’ll ask yourself is "How much life insurance to buy?

Choosing the right amount of life insurance is a major factor in providing your family with the financial security they will need in case you pass away. 
And, it has the added benefit of making sure you aren’t paying for more life insurance than you actually need, given your goals and personal situation. 

The m...

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Can You Get Life Insurance with Pre-Existing Conditions?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, May 18, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Do You Have a Pre-Existing Health Condition and Need Life Insurance?

If so, you may be wondering if it’s possible to get insured, if it will be affordable, and how much coverage you can get.

These are all good questions and concerns that many just like you with a health condition may be considering when in need of life insurance protection.

The answer to your question is
 "Yes", you can get life insurance with an existing health problem.

There are plans available that offer insurance to those wi...

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Life Insurance with No Blood Testing?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, May 15, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Can I purchase life insurance without any blood tests?

Yes, you can get insured for life insurance without any testing of your blood.

This type of policy is called
 "Quick Issue" life insurance.

Now, some life insurance companies have made available the option of allowing you to buy your policy without taking a health exam, or having your blood tested.

You can even apply for a policy online – 
Safe and Secure – and begin your coverage immediately, if you qualify. 

Here's how to get life insuranc...

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When Does a Term Life Insurance Policy Payout a Claim?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, May 12, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Typically, a term insurance policy benefits are paid when the insured has died, and the beneficiary files a death claim with the insurance company, submitting a certified copy of the death certificate.

Many states allow life insurers 30 days to review the claim. Then they can pay it, deny it or ask for additional information.

Most life insurance companies pay out benefits within 30 to 60 days of the date of the death claim.

There is no set time frame but insurance companies are motivated to pay...
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Shopping for the Best Life Insurance Quotes

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, May 6, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Are You Looking for the Best Quotes on Life Insurance to Protect Your Loved Ones?

The quickest and easiest way to find the best prices from the highest-rated insurance companies is to compare pricing from a network of leading life insurers online.

You probably don’t have the time to call up every single one of the more than 700 life insurance carriers in America to find the best deal. And now you don’t have to.

Today you can request and compare the best prices for term life insurance from ov...
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Direct Term Life Insurance Plans

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, May 3, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Are you in need of direct term life insurance protection for your family? 

Whether you need $50,000 or $250,000 of life insurance, you can get covered today direct from the life insurance company. 

Now you have the option of purchasing your term life insurance policy online direct from the carrier thanks to the advances of technology and the fact that many life insurers now offer the purchase of life insurance direct over the internet. 

In fact, one "A++" rated life insurance carrier now offers ...

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Best Term Life Insurance without Exams?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, April 30, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

I need term insurance but I don't want to take any health examinations.

Which is the best term life plan with no exam needed?

Haven Life is one of the top offers available for no exam term life insurance for several key reasons:

  • Offers competitive rates.
  • Instant issue coverage starting today.
  • Up to $1,000,000 of life insurance available.
  • A++ rated life insurance protection.
  • 30 day money back guarantee.

Haven Life is fully backed by MassMutual which has the highest financial strength rating available ...

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Best Life Insurance for a Mortgage?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, April 27, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
I just bought a new home and want to find life insurance to protect my mortgage loan in case I die.

What is the best life insurance to protect a mortgage loan?

When choosing a life insurance plan for mortgage protection you'll want to consider term insurance which offers you the most affordable protection at the lowest price for a duration of up to thirty years.

You can select the amount of life insurance coverage you need to pay off your mortgage loan, and the term (duration) to match the lengt...

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Best Life Insurance for Funeral Costs?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, April 24, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

I need life insurance to help pay for my funeral expenses. Which is the best type of life insurance to get for funeral costs?

There are guaranteed issue permanent life insurance policies available that guarantee approval for people ages 45 to 85, and provide life insurance that lasts your entire lifetime.

With guaranteed issue plans you won't have to take any health examination, or answer any questions about your health.

If you meet the age requirements for approval, you cannot be denied coverag...

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Can I Buy Life Insurance for Myself?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, April 21, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, you can buy a life insurance policy on yourself, which would name you as the insured, and you would select someone else to be the beneficiary of the policy.

The beneficiary is the person who receives the proceeds from your life insurance when you die.

This is the most common way to buy life insurance - buying coverage on yourself.

There are many reasons someone would choose to buy a life insurance policy including to replace their income for their family, pay off mortgage, provide for spous...

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What is the Best Life Insurance - Term Life or Whole?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, April 18, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

When considering the purchase of a life insurance plan it’s important that you consider what type of coverage may provide you and your loved ones with the protection you need at the most affordable price.

How Do You Choose the Best Type of Life Insurance?

First, you’ll want to consider a few important issues:

  • Length of Coverage – How long you need life insurance protection to last.
  • Amount of Insurance – How much life insurance will meet your current and future needs.
  • Cost – What you can ...

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Best Life Insurance with Guaranteed Approval?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, April 15, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Have you been turned down for life insurance?

Whether you are over 75, have health issues or have been denied coverage, you may be searching for a guaranteed life insurance plan.

But, which is the best company for guaranteed issue life insurance protection?

There are several highly-rated insurance companies to choose from for your guaranteed issue life insurance policy including United of Omaha, Gerber Life, MetLife and AARP/NewYork Life, among others.

For example, United of Omaha offers guarante...

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What are the Best Life Insurance Companies in the USA?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, April 12, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

I want to get life insurance from a top rated life insurance company, but I'm not sure which are the best insurers for life insurance?

When it comes to researching and finding the best life insurance company you may want to consider some of the most well-known, highly-respected insurance companies, including Prudential, MetLife, Northwestern Mutual, New York Life and Mass Mutual.

When selecting a life insurance company make sure you take into consideration how long the company has been in busin...

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Do Life Insurance Companies Request Medical Records?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, April 9, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, life insurance companies do request medical records of those who apply for life insurance coverage.

This is a standard practice in the life insurance industry.

And, if you deny the request, the insurance company may choose not to insure you for life insurance.

The insurance company uses the information from your medical records to verify your health, and determine if they should insure you for life insurance.

They want to find out if you are a good risk for life insurance, and your medical r...
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Life Insurance for Burial Expenses

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, April 6, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there life insurance that can help pay for my burial expenses?

Yes, there are burial life insurance policies available offering you guaranteed coverage with up to $25,000 of life insurance to help your loved ones pay for the cost of your funeral and burial related expenses.

And, with burial insurance coverage that has "guaranteed acceptance" you won't have to take a health examination or answer any questions about your health. You cannot be turned down for coverage if you meet the age requir...
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Term Life Insurance vs. Accidental Death Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, April 3, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

How does term life insurance compare to accidental death coverage?

They are two different types of life insurance.

Term life pays out a death benefit to your beneficiary if you die from an accident or natural causes.

Whereas, accidental death only pays out a death benefit if you die as a result of an accident. 

And, the insured must die usually within 3 months of the accident in order for accidental death to pay out a death benefit on the policy.

Learn more about accidental death vs term life insu...

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How Does Term Life Insurance Pricing Work?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, March 31, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

How does pricing for term life insurance work?

Prices on term life policies are determined by considering several factors, including the length of term (duration), amount of life insurance, your age and gender, as well as, your health.

In addition, your lifestyle, tobacco use, driving record, hobbies, occupation, height-to-weight ratio, and family health history may impact the cost of your term life coverage.

The shorter your term (duration of coverage), the lower your annual cost of coverage. Y...
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Are Term Life Insurance Premiums Fixed?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, March 28, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

It depends on the type of term life insurance you own.

Annually renewable term life insurance provides one year renewable coverage and increases the premium each year you renew your policy.

However, level term life insurance offers coverage with fixed premiums for a term of 10, 15, 20 or even 30 years.

The longer your "term" for coverage, the higher your rate per $1,000 of term life insurance coverage.

To learn more, read this article: Are Term Life Insurance Premiums Fixed?

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How to Buy Life Insurance for a Child?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, March 19, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you are a parent with young children you may have noticed the offerings on tv or through the mail about life insurance for children and wondered what they are about.

Child life insurance offers several benefits for parents.

For instance, did you know that you could start a life insurance policy for your child for about $2 over month?

And, child life insurance plans can guarantee your child has protection as an adult, even if his or her health changes in the future.

In addition, child life poli...
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How to Buy Life Insurance without an Agent?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, March 16, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is it possible for me to buy a life insurance plan if I don't already have an insurance agent?

Yes, in fact, there are life insurance plans that offer direct life insurance coverage which you can apply for online without an agent.

And, if you qualify for a policy, you may start your life insurance protection today.

Some life insurance carriers offer instant issue life insurance for people who do not have a life insurance agent.

Depending on the insurer and the requirements for acceptance, you can...
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How is a Life Insurance Policy Priced?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, March 13, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you're shopping for life insurance coverage you may be interested in how an insurance company develops the premium they charge you for life insurance coverage.

There are several factors that are considered for pricing a life insurance policy including the type and amount of life insurance you need.

In addiiton, your age and gender are important pricing factors.

Insurers also consider your personal risk factors which may include your health, lifestyle, tobacco use, driving record, hobbies and ...
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Is there Senior Life Insurance without Medical Exam?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, March 10, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, seniors citizens can get insured for life insurance without having to take a medical exam.

There's even guaranteed issue life insurance for seniors with no health questions asked.

So, even if you have a health problem or you have been turned down for life insurance coverage, you can still get insured without taking any medical exam.

Seniors age 45-85 can get guaranteed coverage and may purchase up to $25,000 of life insurance.

Here's how to get life insuranc...

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Life Insurance to Cover a Mortgage?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, March 7, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is life insurance for mortgages?

A term life insurance policy provides temporary life insurance protection for a specific duration, usually up to 30 years.

To protect your mortgage, you may want to choose a 15, 20, or 30 year term insurance policy to provide a death benefit to your family members should you pass away before your home mortgage loan is paid off.

The death benefit may be used to pay off the outstanding balance on your mortgage so your family members may remain in the home they...
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Life Insurance without Waiting

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, March 1, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I buy life insurance without waiting?

Yes, there are instant life insurance plans available offering coverage you may begin the same day you apply for a policy.

These quick issue life insurance plans require no doctor exam and you may apply for a policy online in a matter of minutes.

Usually, the applicant must be healthy and under the age of 6o or 65 to qualify for a policy.

Some life insurance carriers offer up to $500,000 or more of quick issue life insurance coverage to q...

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What are Options When Term Life Insurance Policy Ends?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, February 23, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What are my choices when my term life insurance policy expires?

If you own a term life plan you may have a few options available when it expires:

  • You may let your coverage expire and go without any life insurance.
  • You may choose to renew your coverage for another term before your original plan ends.
  • You may choose to buy a new life insurance policy.

Keep in mind, if you need life insurance beyond the original term of your policy, it may be a good idea to renew coverage because if your health has c...
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What is Life Insurance Underwriting?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, February 20, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Underwriting of life insurance is the process used by insurance carriers to analyze the risk presented by an applicant for coverage and determine if the person should be accepted for coverage, how much insurance to insure the person for, and at what premium.

There are factors considered when underwriting life insurance, including the applicant's age, gender, health, occupation, hobbies, lifestyle, tobacco use, driving record, among other things.

These risk factors help the life insurance compan...
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How to Get Life Insurance Quotes?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, February 17, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

There are several ways you can compare prices on life insurance including: request free quotes online, contact a local life insurance agent, or call life insurance companies direct, one-by-one to get your price quotes for life insurance.

The process of requesting life insurance quotes online is simple, you just visit a life insurance website, fill out a "Quote Request Form", and receive your free price comparisons.

Since rates for life insurance coverage vary by insurance carrier, you may save ...
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What Makes Life Insurance Cost More?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, February 8, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What factors will affect the cost of my life insurance and what makes life insurance cost more?

When it comes to pricing of life insurance, the rate for coverage is based on several factors including the type of life insurance policy, the duration of coverage, and the amount of life insurance.

In addition, your personal risk factors will affect the price you pay, including your age, gender, health, family health history, driving record, lifestyle, hobbies, occupation, tobacco use, height-to-wei...
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The Cheapest Way to Buy Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, February 4, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is the what to get the cheapest term life insurance policy?

If you want to save money on your term life plan make sure you consider these tips:

Purchase coverage while you are young, since prices increase with age.

Get healthy, because people with health issues pay a higher premium for coverage.

It may help to lose some weight, lower your cholesterol levels, and quit smoking, since smokers pay up to 2-3 times more for the same coverage compare to non-smokers.

Use a life insurance needs calcu...
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What is Globe Senior Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, February 1, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Are you a senior in need of affordable life insurance protection for your family?

If so, Globe Life can help you get the coverage you need.

With Globe Life the entire life insurance buying process is simple – You just request your free information online in a minute. You can get an instant price quote.

And, there’s no waiting period or physical examinations required, you just answer a few simple yes/no health questions.

You may choose from $5,000 to $50,000 of life insurance coverage.

Here's h...

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What is Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, January 29, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is life insurance with guaranteed acceptance?

It's a type of life insurance plan that guarantees your approval for coverage - that means you cannot be denied coverage due to any health issues.

Basically, it means, if you meet the age requirements for acceptance, you cannot be turned down.

These plans may be available for people ages 45 to 85, depending on the insurance company offering the plan.

In addition, with guaranteed approval you will not have to take any health exam or answer any que...
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Why Buy Life Insurance Outside of Work?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, January 26, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you are employed you may have some group life insurance coverage through your employer-provided benefits plan.

But, why would you need your own, individual life insurance policy separate from the coverage you have through your job?

Well, there are several very good reasons to consider buying your own personal life insurance policy.

For instance, what would happen if you lost your job, the company went out of business, or you left your current employer?

Your life insurance from a group plan at ...
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Is there Life Insurance Coverage for Infants?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, January 22, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, there are insurance companies that offer life insurance for newborns ages 14 days and older.

Some of the leading providers of child life insurance include Gerber, Globe Life and Mutual of Omaha, among others.

The cost and amount of coverage may vary by life insurance company.

One life insurer offers plans starting for as little as $2.17 per month with coverage amounts from $5,000 up to $20,000 of life insurance available for infants.

Infant life insurance coverage may build cash value inside...
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Can I Buy Term Life Insurance without Physical?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, January 19, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is it possible to get insured for life insurance without taking any physical examination?

Yes, there are simplified issue term life insurance policies available for healthy people that do not require you to take any health exam. These plans are usually available for healthy individuals age 60 and under.

Some no exam term life policies offer the option of applying online and starting your life insurance coverage that very same day. And, these plans usually come with a 30 day risk-free, money-bac...
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What are the Benefits of Online Life Insurance Quotes?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, January 16, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

When it comes to shopping for affordable life insurance coverage there are several key benefits of comparing the best prices online, including:

  • There's no need to meet with an insurance agent
  • You can compare pricing any time of day or night
  • Compare pricing in the convenience of your home, office or anywhere you have an internet connection
  • No high pressure sales pitch
  • Compare best pricing from over 40 of the top life insurance carriers in less than 1 minute
  • No subjective comparisons limited to only ...

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Can I Buy Term Life Insurance Now?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, January 10, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is it possible to get immediate life insurance coverage without any delays or hassles?

Yes, there is an A++ rated life insurance carrier that offers same day life insurance protection.

This plan allows you to apply and purchase your life insurance policy direct online - safe and secure.

The coverage comes with a 30 day risk free money back guarantee.

You can choose from $25,000 up to $1,000,000 of quick issue life insurance.

You can apply online for your policy in about 10-15 minutes. And, you may...
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Best Life Insurance for Young Parents?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, January 6, 2018, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is the best type of life insurance to get for young parents?

If you are young parents you may be on a budget an din need of protection until the kids are grown and the home mortgage is paid off.

That means you likely have a need for your life insurance to last at least 20 years and you need the most protection for the lowest cost.

Term life can help because it offers you prices that are much lower compared to permanent life insurance, and you can select the duration of your policy from 10, ...
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Can I Get Life Insurance without a Medical Exam?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, December 31, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, there are no medical exam life insurance plans available.

In fact, some insurers allow you to apply for coverage online and begin your coverage the same day.

No exam life insurance does require the applicant to be healthy and most simplified issue term life insurance plans require you to be age 60 or below.

However, there are guaranteed issue policies available for people between the ages of 45-85.

When purchasing a no exam plan make sure you consider how long the risk free money back guaran...
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Can I Buy Life Insurance for My Husband?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, December 23, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, you can buy life insurance on her husband.

If you are married, you have an insurable interest (which is required) in your husband. That means, you stand to lose out financially if your husband were to die.

Either you rely on him for financial support or you would suffer financially if he were to pass away.

You may even be able to purchase life insurance direct online for your husband with no physical exam required.

Some plans even allow you to start the life insurance coverage immediately, ...
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Pros and Cons of Term Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, December 18, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What are the pros and cons of a term life insurance policy?

There are several advantages to term life insurance coverage, including:

Low Cost - Term life offers the highest amount of life insurance protection for your money.

Flexibility - Choose form 10, 15, 20 or 30 years of life insurance protection.

Easy-to-Understand - You have protection for the duration of your policy term. Your premiums and coverage remain level for the term of your policy. 

There are also a couple drawbacks of term life in...
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How to Get Life Insurance After Being Denied?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, December 14, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

How can I purchase a life insurance policy if I have applied to an insurer and been turned down?

There are a couple options that may work for you.

You could contact a life insurance broker who specializes in placing life insurance through high risk insurance companies for people who have been denied insurance.

Or, you could get guaranteed issue life insurance if you meet the age requirements for approval.

In addiiton, you may be able to contest the medical exam results, or ask for another exam, i...
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Why Buy Life Insurance at a Young Age?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, December 11, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Why should young adults purchase life insurance?

There are several very good reasons to consider buying life insurance when you're young:

Lock-in a low rates guaranteed for the life of your policy.
Guarantee your insurability for the future.
Save money by purchasing coverage when you are young and healthy.

Many of us take on more financial responsibility as we get older, but our health may change and make it more costly or more difficult to get insured when we have the greatest need for life insur...
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What to Look for When Buying Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, December 8, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What should I consider when shooting for the right life insurance coverage?

There's several important things to consider before making your purchase.

You'll want to answer the following questions:

  • What type of life insurance do I need?
  • How much life insurance do I need?
  • How much does life insurance cost"
  • What is my budget for life insurance?
  • How long do I need my life insurance to last?
  • What is the financial strength rating of the insurance company?
  • How long is my rate guaranteed to remain the same?
  • Wh...

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What are Living Benefits for Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, December 5, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Living benefits are benefits you can access form your life insurance policy while you are alive.

Usually, the insurer will require that the insured person has been diagnosed with a terminal illness and has a life expectancy of 6 months or less, in order to pay out living benefits to the insured.

Living benefits can help you get money to assist you with your end of life expenses or medical treatment which may prolong your life. You can use the money paid out for living benefits any way you wish....
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Buy Life Insurance without Agent?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, December 1, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I purchase life insurance if I don't have an agent?

yes, actually you may be able to purchase life insurance online direct from the life insurance company.

In addition, there are online life insurance brokers with access to a large network of life insurance companies that may offer you the option to buy life insurance online if you don;t currently have a life insurance agent.

Some of the life insurance plans available online for people who don't have an agent include term life insurance, sim...
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Can I Buy a $20,000 Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, November 28, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Did you know most term life insurance policies start at $50,000 of life insurance coverage?

That's right, but some simplified issue term life insurance plans offer as little as $5,000 of life insurance protection.

In addition, there are permanent life insurance plans offering as little as $3,000 of coverage.

This means you may be able to purchase $20,000 of life insurance, and these policies are usually available without any health exam required.

There are even guaranteed...

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Can I Buy Life Insurance Online?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, November 25, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, there are insurance carriers that offer consumers the option to purchase their life insurance policies direct online.

However, your approval for coverage will depend on your age, health, and the insurer's guidelines for acceptance to get insured.

There are several different types of life insurance plans you may be able to purchase online, including simplified issue life insurance, no exam term life insurance, and guaranteed acceptance life insurance.

Term life insurance may offer higher lim...
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Can I Buy Life Insurance on Someone Else?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, November 21, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is it possible to purchase a life insurance policy on another person.

Yes, actually it happens more often than you might expect.

Many adult children buy life insurance on their elderly parents to provide money to pay for their parent's final expenses.

In addition, spouses buy life insurance on each other to replace the other's income for the family.

If you have an insurable interest in someone else, you may be able to purchase life insurance on that person.

To learn more, read this article: Can I ...
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Can I Buy Life Insurance If I Have Cancer?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, November 17, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there life insurance for people with cancer?

Yes, there are life insurance companies that offer life insurance to people living with cancer, and cancer survivors.

Fully underwritten life insurance policies requiring a health exam may be more difficult to get approved for, and 
approval for coverage may depend on your age, overall health, prognosis, type of cancer and treatment, among other factors.

In addition, there are guaranteed acceptance policies for people ages 45-85 wit...

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Should I Buy Whole Life Insurance or Term?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, November 14, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

I need life insurance but I'm not really sure which type to buy.

When choosing the right type of life insurance you'll want to consider your budget, how much insurance you need and for what period of time.

However, the most important question may be How long do I need life insurance protection to accomplish my goals?

Sine term insurance is temporary, if you need life insurance for a duration of 30 years or less, term life insurance will provide you with the most affordable option.

If you need lif...
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Should I Buy Life Insurance on My Spouse?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, November 4, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Do I need life insurance coverage for my spouse?

It depends. Does your spouse work, earn an income and contribute to paying for the living expenses for your family?

Even if your spouse doesn't earn income, he or she may handle a lot of the work around the house taking care of the kids, running errands, grocery shopping, cleaning your home, making the meals, and everything else that gets done so your family can live a nice life.

Now imagine how much it would cost to hire someone to do all of the ...
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No Questions Asked Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, November 1, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I buy life insurance coverage without having to answer any questions about my health?

Yes, in fact, there are life insurance policies available with guaranteed approval which means you won't have to take a physical exam or answer any health questions.

Where you have been turned down, have chronic health problems or just don't want to answer any health questions when applying for life insurance, you can get insured - if you meet the age requirements for approval.

Life insurance carriers with ...
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How to Buy Life Insurance with a Pre-Existing Condition?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, October 29, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is it possible for me to get life insurance if I have a health condition?

Yes, there are some life insurance policies available that may offer coverage for 
someone with certain health issues.

There are even "guaranteed issue" insurance policies offered to people ages 45 to 85. These are no 
exam plans that do not require you to answer any questions about your health. Your approval is guaranteed if you meet the age requirement.

Whether or not you qualify for a "fully underwritten" l...

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What is Term Life Insurance Quotes?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, October 25, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What are term life insurance price quotes and how do they work?

A quote for term insurance is an estimate of the annual cost for your term life policy based on the information you provide on the quote request form when requesting your life insurance quote.

You'll be asked some basic questions to get a free quote which may include your gender, age, state of residence, tobacco use, health, amount of life insurance coverage and duration of coverage needed.

Make sure you answer all questions truthfu...
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Life Insurance with Breast Cancer?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, October 22, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can someone living with breast cancer get approved for life insurance?

Yes, there are insurers willing to insure people with breast cancer.

However, there are several factors that may go into your acceptance for coverage including your age, overall health, type of cancer, prognosis, treatment, etc.

Some insurers may be more competitive when it comes to insuring people who are breast cancer survivors or currently have breast cancer.

Here's how to learn about getting life insurance with breast cancer.

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Where to Buy Cheap Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, October 19, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you're looking for a low cost life insurance plan to help you get the most protection at the lowest cost, you may want to follow a few tips:

Comparison Shop for the best rates among leading insurers.
Consider Term life insurance which cost a lot less than permanent insurance.
Get Healthy - Lower your cholesterol, lose weight, exercise and qualify for a better rate.
Drive Safer - People with DUI's and driving problems pay more for life insurance.
Quit Smoking - Smokers pay up to 2-3 times for fo...
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Can Smokers Get Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, October 16, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is it possible for a smoker to get life insurance protection?

Yes, in fact, depending on how often you smoke, you may be able to qualify for good rates on your life insurance policy.

There are a few insurance carriers that are more lenient when it comes to classification of a smoker for life insurance and may offer better pricing based specifically on your actual frequency of smoking.

In addition, there is life insurance available for people who smoke cigarettes, e-cigs, pipes, cigars, marijuana...
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Does Life Insurance Pay for Funerals?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, October 12, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Will a life insurance policy pay for the cost of my funeral expenses?

Yes, the proceeds from life insurance can be sued by your beneficiary to help pay for the cost of your funeral.

However, the death benefit paid out to your beneficiary may be used by the beneficiary for any purpose that person chooses to use the money.

There are funeral insurance plans that are issued for the purpose of paying the cost of a funeral.

In addition, these plans may offer guaranteed approval which means you won't ha...
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Does Life Insurance Cover Cancer?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, October 9, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If I own a life insurance policy and die from cancer, will me beneficiary receive a payout on my life insurance death benefit?

Yes, life insurance policies usually cover natural death and accidental death, but not intentional acts.

If you answered all questions truthfully on the application for life insurance, the insurer should pay out a claim on your policy subject to any exclusions in your policy.

However, if you had cancer when you applied for life insurance, and you did not advise the insur...
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Does Life Insurance Cover Accidental Death?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, October 6, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Will my life insurance policy pay out a death benefit if I die as a result of an accident?

Yes, standard life insurance policies cover accidental death and natural causes.

However, intentional acts are usually excluded from coverage.

So, for instance, suicide is usually excluded if it occurs within the first two years you are insured (one year in some states).

But, there can be exclusions for certain high risk activities or occupations.

That's why it is a good idea to review all exclusions with yo...
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How is Life Insurance So Cheap?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, October 3, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

How is it possible that some life insurance policies can be so affordable?

Well, it really depends on the type and amount of life insurance, and your age, gender and health, among other things.

But, if you are young and generally health, you may qualify for really affordable rates on term life insurance which is temporary life insurance lasting for a duration between 10 and 30 years.

The shorter the "term' of your life insurance policy, the lower your annual cost of coverage.

Since few young peop...
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What to Do When Term Life Insurance Expires?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, September 28, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What can I do when my term life insurance policy ends?

If you have term life insurance and your expiration date is coming up soon, you may be wondering about your options going forward.

It's important to consider this question before your current term life policy expires.

If you feel you have a need for continued life insurance coverage beyond the expiration date of your term insurance policy, you may want to renew your policy for another "term". Usually you can renew coverage for up to 10 years...
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What are Life Insurance Quotes?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, September 22, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you're shopping for a life insurance policy you may want to compare price quotes for life insurance.

But what are quotes for life insurance?

Life insurance price quotes are estimates of the cost of a life insurance policy provided by life insurance companies.

You can compare life insurance price quotes from multiple life insurers by visiting an insurance website that has access to a large network of insurers and filling out a life insurance quote request.

Your price quote will provide you with...

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What Term Life Insurance Do I Need?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, September 19, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

I want to get temporary life insurance, but I'm not sure which type to get and for how long.

When it comes to choosing term insurance, your basic options for duration of coverage are from 10 to 30 years.

Most insurers offer term life plans that last for a period of 10, 15, 20 or 30 years.

In addition, the most popular type of term insurance is level term life insurance because it's easy to understand, flexible and offers the most affordable rates.

Learn more about what term life insurance do you ...
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What to Consider When Buying a Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, September 16, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What should I be considering when I purchase my life insurance?

If you have decided you need life insurance there are several considerations when buying life insurance protection.

What type of life insurance do you need to accomplish your goals? You' want to learn about the two basic types of coverage: Term Life and Permanent Life Insurance.

Next, how much life insurance do you need? You'll want to use a life insurance needs calculator to help you determine your actual need for life insurance.

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Where to Buy Life Insurance without Medical Questions?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, September 12, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

I need life insurance but I have health issues and I'm finding it difficult to get insured.

Where can I get life insurance without any exams or health questions asked?

There are some life insurance plans available with guaranteed approval for people who meet the age requirements.

These guaranteed life insurance policies have no physical exam required and they do not ask any questions about your health.

Some carriers offer guaranteed approval for people ages 45-75 or people ages 45-85.

However, you...
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Why Do Life Insurance Companies Deny Coverage?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, September 7, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What are some of the most common reasons a life insurance company may turn down an applicant for coverage?

Life insurance carriers have a set of underwriting guideline including requirements related to your age, health and lifestyle that they review and consider when underwriting an applicant for life insurance coverage.

Many of the key reasons someone may be denied life insurance have to do with the person's age, health, lifestyle, drug or alcohol use, driving record, etc.

If you have chronic h...
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What Life Insurance Term to Get?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, September 3, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

How do you decide what duration (term) to buy for your term life insurance policy?

Actually, it's easier than you think. 

Just ask yourself this question - How long do I need life insurance to accomplish my life insurance goals?

So, if you want to make sure your new one is paid off in case you pass away before the 30 year mortgage is paid off, then choose a 30 year term for your term life policy.

If you want to make sure your 3 year old has enough money to go to college in case you pass away, the...
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How Life Insurance Helps?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, August 31, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

How does buying a life insurance policy help me and my family?

Life insurance is a form fi financial protection that pays out a death benefit upon the death of the person insured by the life insurance.

So, in essence, it can help to replace the income your family loses if you were to pass away.

The proceeds paid out to your family (beneficiary) should you die, can be used for any purpose. That means, they could use your life insurance proceeds to pay for your burial and funeral, pay off the mort...
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Guaranteed Renewable Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, August 28, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is term life insurance with guaranteed renewability?

It's a temporary life insurance policy that allows you to renew your policy for an additional period of time when the original life insurance policy ends.

You will not have to take an exam but your renewal policy will charge a premium based on your age at the time you renew your life insurance.

Usually, a renewal policy is offered for a duration of up to 10 years. That way, if your needs change after buying your first term life plan, you ...
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Long Term Life Insurance Definition

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, August 24, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is the definition of long term life insurance?

Long term life insurance is life insurance lasting for a long period of time. 

There is permanent life insurance that lasts for your entire lifetime.

In addiiton, there is term life insurance that lasts for a long period of time, including 20, 25 or 30 years.

With long term term life insurance policies you select coverage for a "term" that meets your needs and if you pass away during the period of your life insurance term, your policy death bene...
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What Insurers offer Easy Instant Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, August 21, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

I want to get life insurance coverage started right away without the hassles and delays of regular life insurance policies.

Which insurers offer the easiest, instant life insurance policies you can begin the same day you apply for coverage?

There are several insurers offering online life insurance coverage, including Haven Life, ANICO, AAA and Globe Life, among others.

When shopping for the easiest, quickest life insurance coverage make sure you consider the insurer's financial rating, length of...
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Life Insurance for Seniors over 80

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, August 13, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is it possible for people over age eighty to get insured for life insurance?

Most life insurance carriers limit their acceptance for life insurance to people age 80 or under.

However, there are guaranteed approval life insurance plans available for people ages 45-85.

These policies guarantee your acceptance for coverage which means you will not be turned down due to any problem with your health.

But, there are limited death benefits the first two years you are insured - that's how they can guaran...
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How Would I Get Life Insurance Coverage That Refunds My Premiums If I Don't Die?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, August 10, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you want to get your premiums back on a life insurance policy you would pay extra for return-of-premium term life insurance.

Premiums are higher on return of premium term life compared to regular term insurance policies. With regular term life coverage if you outlive the 
duration of your policy, then the coverage expires and there is no payout or refund of premiums.

However, with a return of premium term policy, if you outlive the coverage term, the insurer refunds the premi...

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What is the Easiest Way to Get Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, August 3, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is the easiest way to get an affordable life insurance policy? 

The easiest approach to purchasing life insurance is to shop, apply and buy your policy over the internet. 

Today, a consumer like you may qualify to purchase up to $1,000,000 of affordable life insurance protection within the hour. 

That's right. In fact, one "A++" rated life insurer offers you a way to apply for your policy online in about 15 minutes. And, find out in as little as 1 minute (after applying) if you qualify for ...
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Can You Buy a Life Insurance Policy Online?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, July 29, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, there are insurers offering consumers the choice of purchasing their life insurance policies direct over the internet.

There are some things to consider before making your purchase:

  • Understand that you will pay more for instant issue life insurance without any exams.
  • The amount of life insurance available online may be limited to around $500,000 (or more).
  • These policies come with a money-back guarantee for up to 30 days, usually.
  • There may be no physical examination required.
  • These plans are ...

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How to find Cheap Adult Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, July 26, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Which life insurance for adults would be cheapest and why?

The cheapest type of life insurance for adults is term insurance, which costs a lot less than permanent life insurance.

Term life insurance is the cheapest for a few reasons:

  • It is temporary, for a period of up to 30 years.
  • It is pure life insurance protection.
  • It does not build top any cash value inside the policy.
  • You may outlive the "term" of you policy - meaning their would be no payout.
Term life offers the maximum amount of life insura...
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What is a Life Insurance Policy Limit?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, July 18, 2017,

The policy limit of a life insurance plan is the amount of coverage provided by the insurance policy.

The policy limit (amount of life insurance) should be stated on the front page of the insurance policy.

When you purchase life insurance you select the limit or amount of life insurance provided by your plan.

The higher the policy limits, the higher your annual premium (cost) of coverage.

The limits of life insurance available by an insurer will depend on your age and health, and the insurance ca...
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Cheapest Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, July 12, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is the cheapest life insurance?

The life insurance offering the lowest rates per $1,000 of coverage is term insurance.

Term insurance is temporary coverage for a specific period of time, up to 30 years.

The shorter the duration (term) of coverage, the lower your annual premium (cost).

So, a 5 year term life policy will cost less per year than a 10 or 15 year term insurance policy.

Learn more about finding the cheapest life insurance protection for your family.
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How Much is Life Insurance Per Month?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, July 7, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

To find out how much life insurance costs per month you can request and compare instant life insurance quotes online.

Your cost of life insurance will vary by insurer, and will be impacted by several risk factors including your age, gender, tobacco use, lifestyle, driving record, health, family health history, occupation and hobbies, etc. 

The longer your life expectancy, the lower your premiums. In addition, the larger the amount of life insurance, the higher your premiums. 

Smokers usually pay...
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When Should I Buy a Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, July 3, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
The right time to buy life insurance is the you are young and healthy to lock-in a low rate and guarantee your coverage for the future when you have more financial responsibilities.

However, if you have anyone who relies on you for financial support, now may be the time to buy life insurance protection.

Usually, when you have a mortgage, a spouse and/or kids, you may need life insurance.

Life insurance can help you replace your income for your family, in case you pass away.

Your beneficiaries c...
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Can Seniors Get Whole Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, June 30, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, there are whole life or permanent life insurance policies available for senior citizens that provide lifetime protection.

However, your approval for a policy may depend on your age and health.

If you have health issues or you are over 75, you can get guaranteed approval life insurance if you have any difficulty qualifying for regular whole life insurance coverage.

With guaranteed life insurance there is no health exam required and there are no questions asked about your health. You are gua...
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What's Good About Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, June 25, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Term life provides simple relatively inexpensive life insurance coverage for a specified period of time.

It's cheap, flexible and easy-to-understand.

Term life offers the lowest prices on short term insurance for up to 30 years of coverage.

You can choose a term of 10, 15, 20 or 30 years of life insurance protection to meet your needs.

If you die during the term of your life insurance policy, your beneficiary receives the death benefit.

If you outlive the duration of your term life policy, your li...
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Can You Get Instant Issue Term Life Insurance Online?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, June 21, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, there are insurers that offer instant issue term life insurance plans.

In fact, one "A++" rated life insurance carrier offers up to $1,000,000 of affordable term life insurance protection you may apply for and purchase completely online, and if you qualify, you can start your life insurance coverage immediately.

Remember, term life is temporary coverage which means you may choose life insurance for a duration from 10 to 30 years. Some instant term life policies offer coverage for a period ...
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Is there Life Insurance for Older People?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, June 7, 2017,

Is it possible for old people, over age 70 to get insured for life insurance?

Yes, in fact you may qualify for term insurance or whole life insurance if you are over age 70.

Your approval for coverage will depend on your specific age and health, as well as, the insurance company you apply to for a life insurance policy. 

Term life is temporary coverage offering seniors life insurance for a duration (term) of 5, 10, 15 or 20 years, usually.

Whereas, whole life insurance offers lifetime life insura...
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Life Insurance Burial Policies?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, May 30, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Are there life insurance policies that cover the cost of someone's burial expenses?

Yes, in fact, there are insurance policies offering from $2,500 up to $25,000 of coverage, the proceeds form which may be used by the beneficiary to pay for your burial and funeral expenses.

And, some plans offer "guaranteed approval", which means you cannot be denied coverage due to any health problem.

As long as you meet the age requirements, you can get insured for a burial life insurance plan.

There's no healt...
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Life Insurance with Money Back?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, May 19, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there life insurance you can purchase that will pay you your money back when the policy ends?

Yes, it's called "return of premium", "cash back" or "money back" life insurance.

It's term life insurance that returns all of the paid premiums back to the owner of the life insurance policy should the insured person still be alive when the coverage period (term) expires.

So, if you buy a ten year return of premium term life insurance policy and you are alive after the ten year term ends, you would ...
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When does Life Insurance make sense?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, May 14, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

When does it make sense to purchase a life insurance policy?

Usually, any major life event may start you thinking whether or not you need life insurance:

  • The death of a family member
  • A promotion at work
  • Getting married
  • Birth of a child
  • Buying a home

These are all things which may create a need to consider buying life insurance to protect what you have and provide financial security for those who rely on you for financial support.

It makes sense to buy life insurance if you have anyone you support fin...
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Should I Get Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, May 10, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you're considering the purchase of a life insurance policy, it may be because you actually need protection.

Many of us think about life insurance when a major life event occurs; such as, a family member passing away, buying a new home, getting married, getting a promotion at work, or having a child, etc.

If you have anyone who relies on you for financial support, you may need life insurance to guarantee their financial security in case you die.

Life insurance can be used by your beneficiaries...
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Guide to Buying Term Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, May 7, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you're in the market for a term life insurance policy, there are several things to learn about and consider before making your purchase.

Here's a checklist to buying term life insurance coverage:

  • Determine how long you need life insurance protection - 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30 years.
  • Decide on how much life insurance coverage you will need.
  • Figure out your life insurance budget.
  • Comparison shop to find the most affordable plan.
  • Review the financial strength ratings of the top insurer you consider for ...

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What are Life Insurance Carrier Ratings?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, May 4, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Life insurance carrier ratings are an indication of an insurer's financial stability and the insurer's ability to meet their financial obligations which may include being able to pay the claims people make on their insurance policies with the insurance company.

There are several independent rating agencies that review the financials of insurance companies and issue financial ratings attesting to the financial strength of an insurance carrier.

Some of the leading independent rating services incl...
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Adult Life Insurance 80+

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, May 1, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is the life insurance for adults age 80 and over?

Yes, there are life insurance plans that offer guaranteed approval for people ages 45 to 85.

These policies may provide up to $25,000 of coverage with no health exam and no health questions asked.

And, you may be able to purchase guaranteed approval life insurance from more than one life insurance carrier.

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Can You Buy No Medical Life Insurance Online?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, April 25, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is it possible to purchase life insurance online without taking a medical exam?

Yes, in fact, there's an A++ rated life insurance company that offers up to $1,000,000 of no medical life insurance for qualified applicants.

You can request a free price quote and apply online for a policy in about 15 minutes.

There are some health questions you need to answer when applying for coverage. And, if approved, you may start your affordable life insurance plan today.

Learn how to buy no medical life insur...
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How to get Term Insurance Cheap?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, April 7, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
How can I get cheap term life insurance coverage?

To start, term insurance is cheaper than any other type of life insurance.

There are ways to lower the cost of your term life policy, including:

  • Get healthy and lower your weight
  • Quit smoking
  • Compare pricing among several insurers
  • Pay premiums annually instead of monthly
  • Don't buy more life insurance than you need
  • Purchase coverage sooner rather than later to lock-in the lowest rate

Here's some more tips for finding term insurance cheap.

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Term Insurance with No Physical

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, March 26, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Can I buy a term life policy without taking a physical exam?

Yes, if you qualify for coverage (based on your age and health), you may be able to purchase a term policy online with no exam required.

In fact, one A++ rated insurer offers up to $1,000,000 of affordable term insurance with no exam (if you qualify).

You can even apply online and start your life insurance coverage today, if approved.

Learn how to buy term insurance no physical exam required.

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Learn about Term Life Insurance Pricing

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, March 16, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What affects the price you pay for term life insurance coverage?

Your cost of term life insurance will depend on the amount of life insurance you need and the length of your term (duration) of coverage.

In addition, your age and gender impacts your cost of coverage. Also, your personal risk factors affect your price including your lifestyle, health, occupation, hobbies, tobacco use, driving record,  and height-to-weight ratio, among other things.

The longer you are expected to live, the lower yo...
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What is Dependent Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, March 10, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Dependent life insurance is life insurance you can get to cover your spouse and children (dependents).

Many employers offer employer provided group life insurance plans for their employees. These plans may allow you to add coverage for your dependents.

In addition, you may purchase your own individual life insurance policy with coverage added by rider to provide coverage for your spouse ad kids.

Or, you could buy separate life insurance policies on your spouse and your children.

Learn more about ...
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What are Mortality Tables for Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, February 28, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Life Insurance Mortality Tables are charts that show the death rates of a particular group of lives at certain ages, derived from statistics that count deaths in a population by age compared to those still alive at that age.

Mortality tables help insurers determine the average life expectancy of people they may insure. Of course, you individual risk factors are also taken into consideration, including your health, lifestyle, tobacco use, height-to-weight ratio, occupation, hobbies and driving ...

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Where to Buy Life Insurance Policies?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, February 23, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Where can someone purchase a policy for life insurance?

When it comes to buying life insurance you can select any one of several options for get your coverage.

Four of the most common options for buying life insurance include:

  • Contact life insurance carriers direct
  • Contact a local life insurance agent
  • Employer provided group term life insurance
  • Life insurance websites with access to a large network of insurers

You can learn more about where to buy life insurance coverage online.

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Life Insurance at Age 80?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, February 16, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Is there life insurance available for people 80 years old?

Yes, 80 year olds may purchase a guaranteed issue life insurance plan that offers up to $25,000 of life insurance protection with no physical exam required and no health questions asked.

You cannot be denied coverage due to any health condition.

However, your benefits will be limited the first two years you are insured by your life insurance policy.

You can request a free quote online and find out how much your policy will cost today.

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Buying Term Life Insurance Online?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, January 31, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is it possible to purchase a term life insurance online?

Yes, if you qualify for a policy you may be able to buy a term life policy on the internet.

In fact, many life insurance carriers allow you to get instant quotes and apply for your life insurance policy online.

Some plans are fully underwritten, which means you may have to take a medical exam, while others offer instant approval and require no health exam, just some health questions for you to answer.

The instant approval life insurance pla...

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Is there Life Insurance for People with an Illness?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, January 26, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Can I get life insurance if I have an illness or disease?

Yes, there are life insurance plans available for high risk people with an illness.

Some plans may require a health exam which may end up disqualifying you for coverage due to your health.

However, there are guaranteed approval life insurance plans available for people age 45 to 85.

With guaranteed approval there are no health dams and no questions asked about your health.

However, the death benefit is limited the first two years you are in...

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Can I Get Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance Online?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, January 23, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Is it possible to get life insurance online that offers you guaranteed approval?

Yes, in fact, several insurers now offer guaranteed issue life insurance plans over the internet, including United of Omaha, Colonial Penn, Vantis Life, Gerber and AARP/NewYork Life, among others.

Keep in mind, guaranteed approval may be limited to people of a certain age group, for example, ages 45 to 85. Also, your death benefits may be limited the first two years you are insured.

In addition, there's no health ex...
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Should Existing Life Insurance Owners Shop Around?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, January 7, 2017, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
If I already have life insurance should I shop around for a better deal?

That depends on you. Keep in mind, if you switch policies your 2 year contestability period starts over which means if you pass away in the first two years of your new policy the insurance company can contest the payment of your death benefit if they find you have misrepresented a material fact on your application for life insurance.

But, if you feel you may save some money by switching to a new life insurance policy just ...
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What is Term Coverage?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, October 27, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Term coverage is also known as term life insurance which is temporary life insurance protection for a specific period of time.

When selecting a term policy you have the flexibility of choosing your coverage to last for a period of 10, 15, 20 or 30 years, usually.

The longer your "term", the higher your annual cost of life insurance.

With level term policies you pay the same amount of premium for your coverage each year for the entire duration of your life insurance.

And, the amount of life insura...
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Why People Don't Buy Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, October 18, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
If you have a family or anyone who relies on you for financial support, you may have a need for life insurance to protect their future.

If so, don't let these common excuses stop you from purchasing the life insurance coverage you need:

It Costs Too Much Money - Not having the life insurance you need could be much more costly in the long run. Without life insurance your spouse may have to go back to work, lose the family home, and your children may miss out on a college education.

I'm Too Busy -...
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How to Calculate Term Insurance Needs

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, September 16, 2016,
I want to buy a term insurance policy; however, I am not sure how much life insurance coverage I need.

In order to figure out how much life insurance you need you can use a term insurance calculator which will have you answer some basic questions about your personal financial situation and your financial goals.

Once you complete the questions asked on the calculator, you just click a button and instantly receive an accurate estimate of your life insurance needs.

By using a needs calculator you c...
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Best Life Insurance Over 60?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, September 9, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What is the best life insurance for people over age 60?

That depends on what goal you want your life insurance to accomplish.

Permanent life insurance can give you guaranteed lifetime protection and build cash value, but it costs more than term life.

Term life is the lowest priced life insurance ad offer coverage for up to 30 years. You select the period of time you need life insurance from 10 to 30 years. The shorter the term, the lower your annual premium.

And, if you have health issues or have...
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What are Return of Premium Life Insurance Policies?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, August 10, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

With an ROP life insurance policy, the premiums you paid for your life insurance coverage are returned to the you at the end of the term if the insurance policy has not paid out a claim.

So, if you buy a 10 year return of premium life insurance policy and you are alive after the ten years ends, you will get back your premiums paid.

The insurance premiums for ROP policies are higher than for other term life insurance plans. However, the insured is betting they will outlive the ...

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Are there any Exclusions on Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, August 5, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Are there any exclusions on a life insurance policy?

This is an important question because life insurance has no standard policy that applies to everyone.

Life insurance policy terms, prices, and exclusions may vary widely by life insurance carrier. But in general, life insurance companies are in the business of offering coverage to as many customers as possible, not turning business away.

Many high risk activities such as race car driving and mountain climbing that might ha...

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Can I Renew My Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, July 27, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
It depends on the type of life insurance policy you own.

Most term life insurance policies offer the option of renewability which means you may renew your life insurance coverage for another "term" when your original term life policy ends.

However, the duration of your renewal term may vary by insurer and type of policy.

For instance, some plans may offer yearly renewal, while others may guarantee you a level rate for a period of up to 10 years on your renewal term life policy. 

In addiiton, you ...
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What Happens When Term Life Insurance Ends?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, July 10, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
I you own a term life insurance policy and it is about to expire, you may have any one of several options available.

You could choose to do any of the following:

  • Let your life insurance coverage expire and go without life insurance if you no longer have a need for coverage.
  • Renew your policy for another term, usually up to 10 years, with your renewal premium based on your age at the time you renew your policy.
  • Choose to purchase a new life insurance policy from a different life insurance company....

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Can You Insure Anyone for Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, July 6, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
No, you cannot insure anyone for life insurance.

In order to buy life insurance on another person the insurance company will usually require that you have an insurable interest in the person you want to insure.

Insurable interest means you either rely on the person for some financial support, or that you would suffer a financial loss if the person were to die.

Insurable interest does exist between spouse, adult children and their parents, family members, and business partners, among others.

So, a...
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Does Life Insurance Test for Marijuana?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, July 1, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
When you apply for a life insurance policy do they check to see if you smoke marijuana?

Yes, the application will ask if you smoke and what you smoke.

In addition, the blood or urine test you are required to provide a sample for may check to see if there is any THC / Marijuana in your system.

However, people who smoke marijuana can get insured for life insurance with or without a prescription, depending on where you live and the laws in your state, and the insurance company's guidelines.

Here's h...
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Life Insurance with Pre-Existing Cancer?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, June 28, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Is it possible for someone with cancer to get life insurance?

There are some life insurance companies that offer guaranteed approval life insurance coverage.

This means you cannot be turned down for life insurance due to any health issues, including cancer, obesity, HIV or DUIs.

Guaranteed issue life insurance companies include United of Omaha, Vantis Life, Metlife, Colonial Penn and AARP/NewYork Life, among others.

However, guaranteed issue life insurance usually has graded death benefits, so yo...
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Who is considered High Risk for Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, June 25, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

There are many reasons someone may be considered a "high risk" for life insurance, which basically means you have a shorter life expectancy than the average person, and this may be due to your health, age, hobbies, occupation or lifestyle.

For instance, high risk hobbies may include sky diving, race car driving, mountain c limbing and B.A.S.E. jumping.

High risk occupations may include firemen, blasting contractors and high rise window cleaners.

If you are obese, a heavy smoker ...

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What if I already have a life insurance policy, should I cancel and start over or add a new life insurance policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, June 21, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you already own life insurance the most important thing to remember is to not cancel any existing life insurance coverage until your new life insurance policy has been approved, delivered, and put "In Force".

Compare the your current life insurance policy to the one you want to purchase by comparing price, guarantee periods, convertibility, financial strength of the insurance companies, and exclusions.

When beginning a new life insurance policy, a new contestability period...

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When Does a Life Insurance Policy End?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, June 16, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
That depends on the type of life insurance policy you have.

There's term life insurance and permanent life insurance.

Term life ends when:

1. You stop paying the premiums for your coverage, or 

2. The "term" of your policy expires, or

3. You die during the "term" of your policy, then a death benefit is paid out to your beneficiary.

Permanent life insurance ends when:

1. You Stop paying your premiums, or

2. You die and the death benefit is paid out to your beneficiary.

Learn more about permanent (whole...
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Choosing a Premium Payment Mode for Term Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, June 9, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What premium mode should I choose when purchasing a term life insurance policy?

Most life insurance companies offer a variety of premium payment options including annual, semi-annual, quarterly or monthly payments.

In deciding which premium mode to choose you should consider the following:

If you choose to pay an annual premium and then decide to terminate your life insurance policy before the end of the year, the insurer is not required to refund any portion of the premium...

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Term Life Insurance Policy - What to Consider?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, June 5, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Most the the term life insurance policies sold today provide guaranteed renewability, which gives you the option to continue your life insurance coverage beyond the initial rate guarantee without having to take any health exam to prove your insurability.

This renewability feature may become very important to your family if you should become sick or uninsurable during the time your are covered by your original term life insurance policy.

Another option to look for is conversion ...

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When to Buy Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, June 2, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Many people choose to purchase their first life insurance policy when they get married, buy a home, or start a family.

These are all very good times to buy a term life insurance policy, because you can make sure the financial obligations of your home and family do not become a financial burden for your survivors if you were to pass away.

Term life insurance is most affordable while you are young; however, people buy term life insurance coverage at all stages and phases of life...

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What is a Free Look Period for Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, May 30, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

In most states the insured has 10 days in which to examine their life insurance policy, and if not satisfied, to return it to the insurance company for a full refund of the initial premium paid to the insurer.

Free look periods may vary, but the minimum amount of time for a free look is usually 10 days.

The free look gives you a guaranteed refund if you are not satisfied with the purchase of your life insurance policy. So, you get back the money you paid to start your life insu...

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What is Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, May 26, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Unlike traditional life insurance that provides a death benefit only in the event of the death of the life insurance policyholder, accidental death and dismemberment insurance provides additional coverage in the event the policyholder becomes permanently injured in a number of specific ways.

This type of policy traditionally pays a certain benefit for the loss of limbs, with a specific dollar figure assigned to each type of lost limb.

Many companies provide this type of cover...

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Life Insurance from Termfinder

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, May 23, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What is Termfinder?

Termfinder is an online life insurance broker that has a network of more than 70 of the leading life insurance companies.

Termfinder offers you a way to instantly compare free life insurance quotes online form the top life insurance carriers.

You just fill out a short quote request form answering some basic questions and then you instantly see the best prices for life insurance on your screen without any delays or hassles.

With Termfinder you can find affordable life insurance...
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What is Universal Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, May 20, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Universal life insurance provides a flexible premium and an adjustable death benefit that builds value over time inside your life insurance policy.

The flexible nature of the universal life insurance policy means that the policyholder is free to change the amount of life insurance coverage to match his or her needs, making it easy to adjust the life insurance policy.

Get a free quote for universal life insurance

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Term Life Insurance and Probability of Death

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, May 17, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What is the probability of a death claim being paid out on a term life insurance policy?

Actually, very few claims are paid on term life policies.

There are a few main reasons for this lack of payout on term policies, including:
  • Policies cancelled for non payment of premiums.
  • Term life insurance policies being cancelled by the insured's request before the term expires.
  • The term expiring while the insured is still alive.
A study completed by Penn State University discovered only 1%-2% of all term li...

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What is a Death Benefit?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, May 14, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The whole purpose of life insurance is to provide money to your loved ones in the event of your untimely death.

When the breadwinner in the family dies, those left behind can have serious difficulty keeping up with the bills, paying the mortgage and making ends meet.

The death benefit provided by your life insurance policy is intended to help pay those expenses and make moving on easier.

The death benefit from a life insurance policy is typically provided in a lump sum equal ...

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Features of a Term Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, May 11, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

There are several features that are common to most term life insurance policies.

The features of a term life insurance policy may include the following:

  • Term options of 1 to 30 years, usually 10, 15, 20,or 30 year term policies are available.
  • Level or decreasing premiums available depending on the type of term life plan.
  • Level or decreasing life insurance coverage amount depending on the type of term life plan.
  • Some term life insurance policies offer a return of premium if you ...

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Are You Uninsurable for Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, May 8, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Are people ever considered uninsurable by life insurance companies?

Some life insurance companies may rate certain individuals as uninsurable for coverage.

These are usually people the life insurance company believes will probably pass away in the near future, with a short life expectancy compared to the average person.

However, just because one life insurer considers an individual as uninsurable does not mean that another insurance company will decide the same.


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Guaranteed Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, May 2, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Is there a waiting period before the full benefit takes effect for guaranteed life insurance? 

Acceptance can be guaranteed because of a limited benefit period for death during the first two or three years you are insured.

In most states the full death benefit is paid from the very first day of coverage for accidental death provided by your guaranteed issue life insurance policy.

Remember, with guaranteed issue plans there are no exams required and no health questions asked.

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Life Insurance - You Cannot Be Turned Down?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, April 29, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Some life insurance advertisements claim you cannot be turned down.

What's the catch?

Well, these are called guaranteed issue life insurance policies.

They guarantee your approval for coverage if you meet the age requirements, which may be ages 45 to 85.

And, the amount of life insurance may be limited to $25,000 or less.

The prices are higher than standard life insurance because they insure some who may not otherwise be able to get insured for life insurance.

The catch is that there is a limited d...
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Best Life Insurance Quotes

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, April 18, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
How can I find the best price on life insurance coverage?

There are a few ways to shop and compare life insurance rates.

  • Contact a local life insurance agent
  • Call life insurance companies direct
  • Visit a life insurance quote provider on the internet
Request your free life insurance quote

A local life insurance agent may be restricted to one insurance company, or you can contact a broker with access to a few life insurance carriers.

Calling life insurance companies one at a time can be time consuming ...
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Fidelity Life Final Expense Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, April 15, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Are you a senior looking for affordable life insurance to cover your final expenses?

If so, you may want to consider Fidelity Life final expense insurance. They offer very affordable rates for people age 50 to 85.

With Fidelity's rapid decision final expense plan you can get up to $20,000 of affordable life insurance coverage in just 24 to 48 hours. 

There's no health examination required to get approved for a policy.

Fidelity Life is a trusted insurer offering senior life insurance protection at...
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Can I buy burial insurance if I am sick or have health problems?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, April 12, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Burial insurance policies are built to help those who are seniors or who have health issues get life insurance coverage. 

Because of this, it is much easier to get a burial life insurance policy than it is to get regular life insurance.

Burial insurance is a type of no medical exam life insurance policy 
which means that there are no invasive health screenings or tests required to purchase your burial policy.

For example, there's no physical exam, no blood te...

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What are the Characteristics of a Term Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, April 8, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The characteristics of term life insurance coverage include temporary coverage, no cash value, and the life insurance policy expires if you outlive the duration of your term.

Term life insurance is temporary life insurance protection that usually lasts for a period of between 1 to 30 years.

Many term life policies are issued for a term of 10, 15, 20, or 30 years of coverage.

Term life insurance is pure life insurance protection, you pay only for the life insurance coverage, t...

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How can you check the Financial Ratings on Life Insurance Companies?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, April 5, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
If you're shopping for life insurance or own a policy you may be wondering about the financial security of your life insurance company.

Financial ratings are an indication of an insurer's ability to pay their claims and meet their financial obligations. It basically is a sign of how strong and financially secure a life insurance company is and how they compare to other insurers.

Several independent rating services review the financials of insurers and issue a financial strength rating. leading ...
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Can I Purchase a Life Insurance Policy on Someone Else?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, March 31, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, you can buy life insurance coverage on another person.

However, you are required to prove you have an "Insurable Interest" in the person you want to insure for life insurance.

Insurable Interest basically means that you either rely on the person for financial support, or that you would suffer some financial loss if the person were to die.

Individuals you can take life insurance policies out on include your spouse or domestic partner, your children, your dependents, and your business partner...
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Do Term Life Insurance Premiums Change Over Time?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, March 28, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
If I buy a term life insurance policy will the premiums for life insurance change over time?

Whether or not your life insurance premiums remain the same each year for the entire term period of your policy or increase over time will depend on the type of term life insurance policy you purchase.

Premiums for a term life policy may be either level or increasing over time.

Premiums can also be guaranteed in the life insurance policy to remain level for a specified number of years a...

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Affordable Life Insurance Plans?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, March 24, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What are the most affordable life insurance plans?

That depends on why you need the life insurance protection. 

If you need guaranteed lifetime protection no matter how old you live, then your only option is permanent life insurance.

However, if you need life insurance for a period of 30 years or less, the most affordable protection by far is term life insurance.

Permanent life coverage usually costs two to three times more than term life insurance.

And, term life offers you the option of choosing...
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Select Quote Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, March 21, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What is Select Quote?

It's an online life insurance broker that gives you instant access to several of the leading life insurance carriers to compare life insurance rates and plans.

Select Quote has a network of eleven highly-rated insurance companies and they offer you the five best life insurance quotes form these carriers when you request your free quotes online.

Select Quote has been providing affordable term life insurance plans to Americans since 1985. Learn more about Select Quote Life In...
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Senior Life Insurance without Health Questions

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, March 13, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Can seniors get life insurance without answering any questions about their health?

Yes, there are no health questions life insurance plans for senior citizens.

In fact, people age 45 to 85 can buy life insurance with no exam and no health questions asked.

You cannot be turned down due to any health problems.

So, if you have been declined coverage by other insurers or you have a health condition, you can get insured.

Learn about senior life insurance without health questions and how you can request...
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How Can I Save Money on Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, March 8, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The short answer is to buy your life insurance coverage now.

No matter how old you are, you will never be younger than you are today. Age can be a significant factor in determining the price you pay for your life insurance policy.

Many life insurance companies offer special rates on either the life insurance policy or the home or auto insurance policy when you buy your insurance policies with one company, so ask if the company offers any incentives.

Paying your insurance premi...

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Life Insurance for People with Health Problems

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, March 5, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Can people with health problems get insured for life insurance?

Yes, you may be able to purchase life insurance if you have health problems.

There are a few ways to find life insurance with health issues.

You could look for a life insurance broker in your area who specializes in life insurance for high risk people. That broker would have access to life insurers who insure people with health issues.

Or, you could contact the insurance company you have your home and auto insurance with and ask if t...
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FAQs for Smoker Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, February 27, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
If you're a smoker shopping for life insurance you may have a few questions about life insurance for smokers.

Here's some of the most common questions consumers have about smoker's life insurance coverage.

  • Do insurance companies test you for smoking?
  • How do they test smokers for life insurance?
  • Can I get life insurance without taking a smokers test?
  • What if I tell the insurer I donut smoke when I actually am a smoker?

Here are answers to commonly asked questions about smoker life insurance to help ...
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Life Insurance for Your Elderly Parents

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, February 24, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Can I buy a life insurance policy on my elderly parents?

Yes, adult children can purchase life insurance coverage on their parents.

Why would you want to buy life insurance on your parents?

Well, maybe your parents don't have any life insurance of their own, or perhaps, they don't have the money saved to pay for their own funeral and burial costs.

Did you know that the average cost of a funeral and final expenses may exceed $8,000?

That's why it may be a good idea to purchase an affordable life in...
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Senior Term Life Insurance Quotes?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, February 21, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
How can seniors compare term life insurance quotes?

There's a few options seniors have for comparing prices on term life insurance coverage.

You could contact a local life insurance agent or independent broker with access to several insurance companies.

Or, you could call life insurance carriers direct to request a price quote.

Another option which is quick and easy without the hassles is to visit a life insurance quote provider on the internet.

Online life insurance quotes allow you to objectivel...
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What Happens When Your Term Life Insurance Policy Ends?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, February 14, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you take out a term life insurance policy and you out live the term then you will need to be aware of your options:

1. Your Life Insurance Premiums Will Increase. If you are nearing the end of your term and you want to continue your life insurance, you will need to pay a higher premium.

2. You Can Apply for a New Term Life Insurance Policy. If you are healthy at the end of your term life policy buy you want to continue your life insurance coverage, you can apply for a new po...

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How Can I Save Money When Buying Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, February 9, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

To save money Buy your life insurance policy now.

Premiums for the same face amount of life insurance coverage increase the older you become. The longer you wait to buy your coverage, the more you risk developing a health issue that could increase your premium, or disqualify you from being able to purchase life insurance coverage.

If you want permanent life insurance but you're on a budget, term life or a combination of term and permanent may offer lower premium payments. An...

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What are the benefits of shopping for life insurance online?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, February 6, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

There are three great reasons to shop online for life insurance.

1. Convenient - Shopping for life insurance has never been easier. You can get instant price comparisons and advice form the comfort of your own home or office any time of day or night, without having to meet with an insurance agent.

2. Quick - It only takes a few minutes to request and receive your free, instant life insurance quotes form several insurers without any obligation or hassles.

3. Save - You can save u...

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Why is Term Life Insurance called Temporary Life Insurance Coverage?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, February 3, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Term life is sometimes referred to as "temporary" life insurance because your coverage lasts for a specific period of time, it is not permanent.

Just like your auto or home insurance, term life is for a specific period of time. Most term life plans offer you the option of choosing your life insurance protection for a period (term) of 10, 15, 20 or 30 years. 

With a level term life insurance policy you would pay the same premium each year (or month), while the amount of life insurance you have r...
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What if I already have life insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, January 31, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

I have life insurance through my employer. Is that enough?

It depends on how much life insurance you have through work, and how much life insurance you need.

You can use a life insurance needs calculator to quickly and easily determine how much total life insurance coverage you really need.

Usually, a life insurance plan through your employer will provide 1 times your annual income in coverage. So, if you earn $50,000 a year, you may have $50,000 of coverage. But this may vary b...

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What is the difference between funeral insurance and life insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, January 28, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Funeral insurance and life insurance are different in a few ways.

Life insurance may offer up to $1,000,000 of protection or more depending on your age and health.

Whereas, funeral insurance usually offers up to $25,000 of coverage.

Life insurance may or may not require you to take a health exam, depending on your age and the amount of coverage you need.

Whereas, a funeral insurance policy may provide coverage with no health exam and no health questions asked.

Life insurance may decline to offer y...
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Should I Get Life Insurance Coverage for My Spouse?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, January 25, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The need for term life coverage applies equally to income-earning spouses, and there are strong arguments for acquiring life insurance for a partner or spouse who is not drawing an income, as well.

For instance, losing a stay-at-home spouse can lead to dramatically increased child-care costs, time away from work for the surviving spouse, final expenses, the settling of outstanding debts, and these are just a few of the financial aspects of such a serious loss as the death of ...

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How much Life Insurance can you Buy without an Exam?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, January 18, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
I want to get a life insurance policy but I don't want to take any physical exams.

How much coverage can you buy without taking an exam?

Actually, it may be a lot more than you might expect. Since you can own more than one life insurance policy, and there are several insurers that offer no exam life insurance, you may be able to purchase more than $750,000 of life insurance without taking an exam.

However, most no exam life insurance plans charge a higher rate than you might get with a fully und...
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Why is there Life Insurance for Children?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, January 9, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Why do parents buy life insurance for their children?

Child life insurance plans offer several benefits that make it important for parents to consider life insurance for their kids.

Here are some of the main benefits of child life insurance plans:

1. Provides money tom pay for your child's funeral and burial costs which may average around $7,700 including the cost of a casket, burial plot, headstone and memorial service.

2. Provides low cost life insurance protection for your child's entire lifet...
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What are the Advantages of a Term Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, January 5, 2016, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
If you are shopping for life insurance and you're considering the purchase of a term life policy, you may want to learn about the advantages of term life insurance over other types of life insurance plans.

Term life offers several important advantages when it comes to life insurance protection for your family.

Term life is the most affordable life insurance available, offering the lowest prices for up to 30 years of protection.

Term life is flexible, allowing you to choose life insurance for a "...
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Doctor Checkup for Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, December 17, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Why do life insurance companies make you go to see a doctor for a checkup?

Actually, most life insurance companies do have a medical exam requirement for applicants based on the person's age and amount of life insurance being requested.

For instance, some insurers may require a medical exam if you are over age 30 or requesting more than $50,000 of life insurance.

However, the exam is usually a paramedical exam performed in your home or office by a paramedical examiner, not a doctor. And, the exa...
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Online Life Insurance No Medical Check?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, December 13, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Is there life insurance online you can purchase without any medical check up required?

Yes, there are no medical check life insurance plans available online.

These are called "guaranteed issue" life insurance policies with no health exam required and no health questions asked.

And, you cannot be turned down due to any health problems.

These guaranteed life insurance plans usually age age requirements; such as, coverage is guaranteed for people ages 45 to 85.

Also, guaranteed life insurance may lim...
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What is Fidelity Life Hybrid?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, December 3, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Fidelity Life Hybrid is a type of life insurance policy that combines two types of insurance coverage: Term and Accidental Death.

You can get an instant quote and apply online for up to $1,000,000 of life insurance without any health exam required.

And, you can start your life insurance coverage within 24 to 48 hours.

Example: You purchase $900,000 of Fidelity Life Hybrid coverage with no exam.

Your coverage would consist of $300,000 of term life insurance all cause coverage, and $600,000 of acci...
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No Physical Whole Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, November 1, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What is no physical whole life insurance?

It's a lifetime life insurance policy that does not require you to take any health exam to purchase the coverage.

Whole life insurance provides life insurance for your entire lifetime and your premium never increases, so you pay the same price each month or year, for as long as you live. As long as you keep paying your premiums, your whole life insurance remains in force.

No physical whole life means you don't have to take any physical exam or testing to...
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Whole Life Insurance for Kids?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, October 27, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Is there whole life insurance for kids?

Yes, there are life insurance companies including Globe Life and Gerber Life which offer whole life plans for children.

How does kids whole life insurance work?

It's a life insurance policy you buy on the life of your child, who would be the insured. You, the parent, pay the premiums until your child becomes an adult, and you can transfer ownership of the life insurance policy to your child who would then continue to pay the premiums.

How much life insuranc...
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Instant Issue Term Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, October 17, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is instant issue term insurance?

It's temporary life insurance protection that allows you to start your life insurance coverage immediately.

Term insurance offers you low cost life insurance for a term of 10, 15, 20 or 30 years with level premiums each year for the life of your term life insurance policy.

Instant issue term life allows you to get a free quote, apply online and start your term life policy the same day, if you qualify for coverage.

Is there any health exam required?

No, there's...
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Comparing Senior Life Insurance Price Quotes

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, October 13, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
How to compare life insurance prices for seniors?

When it comes to shopping for a senior life insurance policy to find affordable coverage, you'll want to compare pricing among several of the best senior life insurance carriers.

Now, there's actually hundreds of life insurance companies in America, but the best insurers for seniors are those with the highest AM Best financial strength rating, which offer the most competitive prices for people age 55 and over.

How can you find these insurers and ...
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How to Get a Low Price on Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, October 10, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
How can I get a low price on my term life insurance policy?

When it comes to shopping for term life at a low price, there are several tips that may help you to save some money on your coverage.

Some price saving tips include:

1. Compare term life insurance rates from multiple life insurance carriers.

2. Choose the length of "term" that meets your needs from 10 to 30 years.

3. Don't buy more life insurance than you really need.

4. Buy your life insurance policy at least 6 months before your next bir...
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How to Comparison Shop for Term Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, September 22, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
How can I shop and compare term life insurance rates and plans?

The quickest and easiest way to compare plans and pricing for term life insurance is to request free quotes online from a life insurance quote provider.

Some of the most highly-respected life insurance quote providers online include Efinancial, Accuquote, and 1ClickCoverage.

By visiting a quote provider you just fill out one quote request form and instantly receive the best prices on term life insurance from a large network of the l...
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Cancer Life Insurance Policies?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, September 11, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Is there life insurance available for someone with cancer?

If you have cancer an need life insurance you may be finding it difficult to get insured.

Most life insurance carriers will not offer fully underwritten life insurance to someone with cancer, due to the shortened life expectancy, depending on your type of cancer, treatment, age and health, among other factors.

However, there are guaranteed issue life insurance policies for people with health problems, including cancer.

Guaranteed issue li...
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Affordable Life Insurance for Age 50 and Over

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, September 3, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What is the most affordable life insurance for people age 50 and over?

The most affordable life insurance for people ages 50 and over will depend on the type of life insurance you need - and what your goal is for your life insurance plan.

If you need short term life insurance for a period of 30 years or less, then a term life insurance policy may offer the most affordable prices.

If you need lifetime life insurance protection, then a whole life insurance policy (which costs more) will be the typ...
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Life Insurance with DUI?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, August 28, 2015,
Can someone who has a DUI get life insurance?

Actually, it depends on the insurance company guidelines for approval regarding high risk drivers.

Some life insurance companies do offer life insurance for people who have had 1 DUI in the past 5 years, but they will take into consideration your entire driving record, any history of alcohol abuse, and other risk factors.

There is even one highly-rated life insurance company that may insure someone with two DUI's if only one has occurred in the past ...
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Term Life Insurance for People with HIV?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, August 20, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Is there term life insurance for people living with HIV?

Yes, people with HIV may be able to qualify for life insurance coverage.

New York Life, Mutual of Omaha, and Physician's Life may offer life insurance coverage for people who are HIV positive.

The requirements for approval and the amount of life insurance available will vary by insurance company, as each has their own set of guidelines for approval.

There are also Employer provided group life insurance plans that offer coverage to employee...
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Does Life Insurance Test for Cancer?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, August 16, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
The insurance company may or may not check specifically for cancer; however, the application for life insurance coverage does have a question that asks about any cancer you have or have been diagnosed with in the past. The application and interview process will ask about cancer.

The life insurance company will also check with the MIB (Medical Information Bureau) and your doctors to find out if you have a history of cancer.

Do not lie on your life insurance application as your coverage may be de...
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No Exam Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, August 5, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What is no exam life insurance?

It's life insurance you can buy without taking any health examination.

How does it work?

You can request a free quote and apply for your life insurance policy online. If approved (usually within 15 minutes), you can start your life insurance the same day.

How much life insurance can I buy without a medical exam?

Some insurers offer up to $350,000 of no exam life insurance.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

Yes, each state has their own money-back guarantee requirement,...
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What is the Cheapest Life Insurance Coverage?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, August 2, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
The lowest priced life insurance available for you will depend on the type of life insurance and which insurance carriers you use to compare life insurance rates.

One way to find the cheapest coverage is to consider term life insurance which is temporary life insurance for a period of up to 30 years. Most plans offer coverage for 10, 15, 20 or 30 years. The shorter the duration of your term life coverage, the cheaper your life insurance.

In addition, by comparing multiple term life insurance qu...
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How Do Life Insurance Policies Work?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, July 27, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What is a life insurance policy?

It's a contract between the insurance carrier and the owner of the life insurance policy.

How does a life insurance policy work?

The owner of the life insurance policy agrees to pay the insurer a premium each year for the insurance coverage. In return, the insurer agrees to pay a death benefit to the person chosen as beneficiary of the policy, upon the death of the person who is insured by the life insurance policy.

Learn more about how life insurance policies work
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Should you purchase term life insurance in addition to life insurance offered by your employer?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, July 22, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Keep in mind that usually life insurance through your employer does not leave with you when you leave work. If you get a new job, get fired, your company goes out of business, or you no longer work for the company, you may end up with no life insurance.

So, of instance, if it is 5 or 10 years from now and you decide to leave your job, you will at that time have to get your own individual life insurance if you have a need for life insurance. Now you are 5 or 10 years older and ...

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The Quickest and Easiest Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, July 19, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What is the quickest and easiest life insurance coverage available?

There is one life insurance company that offers you the ability to get a quote, apply online, ands find out usually within 15 minutes if you qualify for coverage.

Once you are approved, you can choose a payment method and start your life insurance coverage right away.

And, there's no physical examination required, just some health questions for you to answer.

You can purchase form $25,000 up to $350,000 of instant issue life insu...
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Who are Parties to a Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, July 17, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
There are several parties involved in a life insurance contract.

Basically, life insurance is a written contract between the insurance company and the owner of the life insurance policy.

In addition, other parties that may be involved include the insured person, who may also be the owner of the policy.

There are also primary and secondary beneficiaries, who are the people that may receive the death benefit upon the death of the insured person.

Learn more about the parties to a life insurance policy.

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Can you collect on a life insurance policy if you have a long term disability before death?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, July 11, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

You cannot specifically collect on a life insurance policy for a long term disability, but you can collect if you have a terminal illness.

Some life insurance policies provide accelerated death benefits which you can request and receive of you meet the requirements, which usually includes a terminal diagnosis and you are expected to die within 6 to 12 months.

Accelerated death benefits may allow you to access up to 25% or more of the death benefit from your life insurance polic...

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Term Life Insurance Questions

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, July 8, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
If you're shopping for a term life insurance policy there's some questions you should consider before choosing a policy.

Getting answers to these questions will help you to better understand your life insurance coverage and choose a plan that meets your specific needs:

1. What is the premium you will pay for the term life policy?

2. How long will the premium remain the same - for how many years?

3. How much life insurance is provided by the policy?

4. Will the amount of life insurance provided eve...
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What company has mortgage life insurance rates available online?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, July 3, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
If you want to compare prices on mortgage life insurance there are several well-respected providers you can visit to request free quotes.

Some of the leading providers of online mortgage life insurance rate quotes include Efinancial, Accuquote, 1clickcoverage, QuickQuote and Termfinder, among others.

When you request your free quotes online you will be asked to answer some basic questions about the amount of coverage you need, your age, and how many years you need protection.

Then, you will inst...
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Cost of Term Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, July 1, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What determines the cost of a term life insurance policy?

The premium charged for term life insurance will depend on the amount of your life insurance coverage, and the length of time for your term.

The longer your term (duration of coverage), the higher your premium. And, the higher the amount of life insurance coverage, the more you pay for your term life policy.

In addition, your personal risk factors will impact the price you pay for your life insurance. These risk factors include your age, ...
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Why is it important to have insurance on a mortgage?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, June 28, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Mortgage insurance can help provide you with the peace of mind knowing your family will be able to continue living in the home they shared with you while you were alive, while providing your loved ones with the security of keeping their home if you are no longer there to provide for them.

If you own a home and have a mortgage loan on your home, it may be a good idea to have mortgage life insurance to protect your family and help to make sure your family can go on living in your home should som...
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What is Basic Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, June 26, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Term life insurance is what people call "pure insurance." It is pure life insurance protection with no investment feature in the policy. It provides life insurance, and there is no build up of cash value inside the policy.

You pay a premium for a specific period of time, usually 10 to 30 years, and the insurance company will pay a death benefit to your beneficiary if you pass away in that time period.

You designate an amount of life insurance with the insurance company and the...

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How Long Does a Term Last for Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, June 24, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
The "term" of your term life insurance policy is the amount of time you have life insurance protection.

You choose a "term" when you purchase your term life policy.

The common "terms" available for term life are for a period of 10, 15, 20 or 30 years.

So, if you bought a 20 year term life policy, you would pay your monthly (or yearly) premium to the insurance company in return for a set amount of life insurance protection for a period of 20 years.

If you die during that period of time, the benefi...
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Where Can You Compare Life Insurance Quotes?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, June 22, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
There are many websites on the internet that allow you to compare instant life insurance rate quotes from several top insurance companies.

Some of the best online life insurance quote providers include Efinancial, 1ClickCoverage and Termfinder.

To request your free quotes you just visit the website, fill out a quote request form where you answer some questions about yourself and the life insurance amount you need, and then you press a button, and you instantly receive on your screen the best li...
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The Pros and Cons of Whole Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, June 20, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a whole life insurance policy?

Since whole life insurance is coverage that provides guaranteed protection your entire lifetime, it will cost more than a term life insurance policy which provides coverage for up to 30 years.

The advantages of whole life insurance include:

1. Guaranteed lifetime protection.

2. Builds can value inside the policy.

3. You may take a loan form the cash value.

The disadvantages of whole life insurance include:

1. It may cost 2 t...
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Factors that affect Life Insurance Rates?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, June 14, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What factors will have an affect on the price I pay for my life insurance coverage?

The type of life insurance plan and the amount of life insurance coverage you buy will have an affect on your overall premium.

In addition, your own personal risk factors will impact your rate for life insurance.

Risk factors are indicators of your longevity, how long you are expected to live. Each risk factors plays a part in determining your rate for life insurance. 

For instance, tobacco use is one main risk fa...
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Life Insurance or No Exam Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, June 10, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Should I buy regular life insurance or new exam life insurance?

That depend son your situation.

A regular life insurance policy may require you to take am physical examination and wait up to 4 to 6 weeks to find out if you are accepted and receive your life insurance policy.

A no exam life insurance plan offers you the option of getting life insurance without the hassles and delays of taking a medical exam. You can apply completely online, get approved, and start your life insurance coverage tod...
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How Much No Exam Life Insurance Can I Buy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, June 4, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
I want to buy a no exam life insurance but I don;t know who offers coverage, and how much is available without taking an exam.

There are several highly rated life insurance carriers that offer life insurance without an exam.

Some of these insurers include Fidelity Life, National Life Group, United of Omaha, and Met Life, among others.

Some of the no exam life insurance carriers offer as much as $499,000 of coverage without any exam required.

Keep in mind, you can own more than one life insurance ...
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Life Insurance No Medical

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, June 1, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What is life insurance no medical?

It's life insurance that does not require you to take any medical examination to qualify for the purchase of the life insurance policy.

However, with no medical life insurance there are usually some health questions you need to answer when you apply for your life insurance policy.

And, the amount of life insurance available with no medical exam required may be limited to around $500,000.

However, no medical life insurance is usually much quicker and easier to ge...
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Can I apply for life insurance online?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, May 29, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, it is possible to apply for your life insurance policy online.

There are online life insurance providers that allow you to compare rates and apply online in just minutes for your life insurance policy.

And, some online life insurance applications require no health exam, so you may be able to start your coverage sooner, rather than waiting 4-6 weeks for coverage.

In fact, one insurer offers up to $350,000 of life insurance with no exam, and if you qualify, you may start your life insurance c...
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Life insurance for people with bad health?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, May 26, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
I have poor health and need life insurance coverage, is it available?

Yes, there are some guaranteed issue life insurance plans for people with bad health.

In fact, if you are between the ages of 45 to 85, you may be able to purchase up to $25,000 of guaranteed life insurance protection. 

Are there any exams or health questions?

No, with guaranteed life insurance there's no health exams required and no health questions asked. If you meet the age requirements, you cannot be turned down due to your...
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New Parent Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, May 24, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Does a new parent need life insurance?

Yes, if you are a new parent, you may need life insurance.

When starting a family there are many financial costs to consider and plan for including life insurance to make sure you can provide financials security for your new family in case you pass away.

Life insurance can work to replace your income for your family, and provide the funds needed to make sure they maintain the lifestyle they shared with you while you were alive.

The death benefit from a life ...
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Cheap Life Insurance for Family

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, May 22, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
I need life insurance protection for my family but we are on a tight budget.

What is the most affordable life insurance plan for a family?

Term life insurance will pervade you and your family with the largest amount of life insurance protection for your money.

Since term life is temporary, providing life insurance protection for up to 30 years, it offers the most coverage at the lowest price.

With term life insurance you can choose a "term" of 10, 15, 20 or 30 years of life insurance coverage.

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Do I Need Life Insurance Now That I’m Getting Married?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, May 19, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, you may need life insurance now that you are getting married.

One of the primary reasons for getting life insurance after getting married is for income protection purposes so your spouse can maintain the same lifestyle for a given amount of time without having to worry about financial matters.

When a family loses an income stream due to the death of a spouse, the surviving spouse often has to make a dramatic shift in lifestyle choices with no way to have that income immedi...

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Life insurance if you have diabetes?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, May 16, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Can you get life insurance coverage if you are diabetic?

Yes, there are life insurance carriers that insure people with diabetes.

However, the price you pay and your acceptance will depend on several risk factors and how you manage your diabetes.

Also, when you were diagnosed and your age at diagnosis may affect your ability to get insurer.

In addition, whether or not you are insulin dependent will impact your approval and premium.

However, there are fully underwritten life insurance plans requiri...
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What is the best term life insurance for over 50?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, May 13, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
The best term life insurance for people over 50 may depend on your own personal situation and what your life insurance needs are - for example, what do you want your life insurance policy to accomplish?

Since term life insurance is temporary protection for a specific period of time, you may choose coverage for a term of 10, 15, 20 or 30 years.

The longer your "term" for coverage, the higher your annual premium. Also, the larger the amount of life insurance you buy, the higher your premium.

Your ...
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Life insurance without a waiting period?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, May 11, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Are there life insurance plans available with immediate coverage, where you don't have to wait until you have full coverage?

Yes, there are instant coverage life insurance plans.

In fact, some no exam life insurance policies offer you instant coverage life insurance the same day you apply online, if you qualify for a policy. You acceptance is based on your answers to the health questions asked.

Other plans may require you to take a medical exam and wait up to several weeks before you have your f...
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How to Choose Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, May 8, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
I want to get life insurance but I'm not sure how to find the right policy.

How do I choose the right life insurance of me?

When shopping for a life insurance policy there are several things you'll want to consider before choosing a plan and carrier.

First, ask yourself these questions:

1. What goal do I want my life insurance policy to accomplish?

2. How much life insurance do I need?

3. How long do I need life insurance?

4. How much can I afford to pay for my life insurance?

Then, you'll want to u...
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Life insurance for a specified period of time?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, May 5, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Can I get life insurance for a specific period of time/

Yes, you can buy life insurance that will provide you with coverage for a specific period of time.

For example, term life insurance is temporary life insurance protection that lasts for a period of up to 30 years.

Term life policies are usually available for a "term" of 10, 15, 20 or 30 years of life insurance coverage.

Since the term life coverage is temporary, it costs a lot less than permanent life insurance which provides lifetime protec...
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What is Graded Whole Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, May 3, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Whole life insurance coverage is a type of life insurance policy that provides you with guaranteed lifetime protection and builds cash value inside the policy over time from which you may take a loan.

Regular whole life insurance policies provide you with full coverage immediately,m from the first day you are insured.

However, some whole life insurance policies; such as, guaranteed issue whole life insurance, provides limited death benefits the first 2 or 30 years you are insured under the poli...
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What Life Insurance Do I Need?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, May 1, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
I want to purchase a life insurance policy but I'm not sure which type of life insurance will be right for me.

There are two type of life insurance policies - Term and Permanent.

Term is temporary life insurance for a period of 1 to 30 years. Most term life policies provide coverage for a "term" of 10, 15, 20 or 30 years. So, if your need for life insurance is for 30 years or less, then term life insurance may offer you the most affordable option.

Permanent (whole) life insurance provides guaran...
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Do Life Insurance Exams Test for Drugs?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, April 27, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, the life insurance exam you take when you are buying life insurance may take samples of your blood or urine to be tested for several health issues, as well as, testing for the presence of prescription and illegal drugs in your system.

Some of the drugs they may test for include cocaine, methamphetamine and marijuana, among others.

If you do not use any drugs but the testing showing a positive for drug use, it may be a false positive. You can contest the test results by contacting the insur...
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What Does Life Insurance Mean?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, April 24, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Life insurance is a contract between an individual and a life insurance company.

The insured person agrees to pay a premium to the insurance company in return for the life insurance company promising to pay out a death benefit to the insured person's beneficiary of choice upon the death of the insured person.

The life insurance policy may include specific exclusions for which the death benefit will not be paid out, for instance, if the insured person were to commit suicide within 2 years of pur...
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What Is A 15 Year Term Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, April 19, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

A 15 year term life insurance policy usually has the following features:

  1. A set premium for 15 years.
  2. A set death benefit for 15 years.
  3. No cash value.
  4. Only pays the death benefit if the insured person passes away during the 15 year term of the life insurance policy.

A 15 year term life policy may offer the option of renewing your coverage at the end of the term for an increase in premium.

Here's how you can learn more and compare 15 year term life insurance premiums toda...

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Can I Get Whole Life Insurance With No Medical Exam?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, April 17, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, there are life insurance carriers that offer whole life insurance plans without requiring the applicant to take a health exam.

However, the amount of coverage available may be limited based on your age and health.

Some carriers offer single premium whole life insurance with no exam but the minimum premium may be a one-time payment of $10,000.

In addition, there no exam whole life insurance plans with guaranteed acceptance for people age 45 to 85. These plans are often used as a means of pro...
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How Much Is Life Insurance Coverage For A Smoker?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, April 7, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What does life insurance cost for someone who smokes?

Life insurance for a smoker will cost between 2 to 3 times more than it does for a No-smoker for most medically underwritten life insurance policies.

If you are purchasing a No Exam life insurance plan (especially if a small, permanent, final expense life insurance policy), the rates for smokers may be only slightly higher than for non smokers.

Someone who uses tobacco other than cigarettes, for example, chewing tobacco, daily cigars, or ni...

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Is Life Insurance Cheaper To Purchase When You Are Younger or Older?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, March 30, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Life insurance is cheaper to buy when you are at a younger age if your health is good or you have no other risk.

Some things that can increase a younger person's life insurance rates do not show up so much in older persons.

For example, DUI's, suspended drivers licenses, some mental disorders, 
suicide attempts, and type 1 diabetes, to name a few. 

While under the age of adulthood, some of these conditions can make it impossible for a child or teenager to get life insurance, alt...

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Life Insurance for Elderly Parents?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, March 25, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Can I get life insurance on my elderly parents?

Yes, an adult child may purchase life insurance on an elderly parent.

Many people choose to buy life insurance to provide money to pay for the final expenses for their parents.

In addition, even of your parents are over age 70 or have a health problem, there are guaranteed approval life insurance plans available that can give you the life insurance protection needed for your elderly parents.

Some plans offer up to $25,000 of guaranteed approval life...
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What Is The Best Life Insurance For People Over 50?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, March 15, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
I am over age 50 and want to find the best life insurance coverage - what type of plan might be best for me?

If you're over 50 years old, and have no other life insurance, you may want to consider what you want the coverage to accomplish? Is it for leaving finds to your surviving family members to live on, or to provide for your final expenses?

Do you have anyone who relies on you for financial support? Do you have any outstanding debts? Do you have a spouse? Does your spouse work?

These are all...
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Is there Life Insurance for People with an Illness?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, March 11, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Is it possible to get life insurance for someone who is ill with a health condition?

It depends on the person's age, but there are life insurance plans that offer guaranteed approval for all applicants that meet the age requirement.

For instance, one insurance company offer up to $25,000 of guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance for people age 45 to 85. 

There's no health examination required for guaranteed issue plans and there are no health questions asked.

Basically, if you meet the age re...
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Is There Life Insurance That Does Not Require A Physical Exam?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, March 6, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, there are life insurance policies that do not require you to take a physical exam.

Some plans are called guaranteed issue which offer a small amount of life insurance and limited death benefits the first 2 years you are insured.

Other no exam life insurance plans are simplified issue with just a few health questions and no health exam required.

People age 65 and under may qualify to purchase up to $499,000 of life insurance without taking a health exam.

Here's how you can learn more about l...
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Does A Retired Person Need Life Insurance Coverage?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, March 3, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, you may need life insurance coverage for ,many different reasons when you are retired.

For instance, if you own a large estate that is subject to estate taxes; or wish to leave a financial legacy to your children or grandchildren (heirs).

In fact, permanent life insurance coverage may be paid up by retirement and is an asset with many different uses. It can be used to help pay for any critical illness expenses, as a supplement to your retirement income, and more while you ...

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Why Term Insurance Over Whole Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, February 28, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you need a large amount of life insurance coverage for period of 30 years or less, Term life is more cost effective, at least in the short run, than Whole Life insurance.

While Whole Life builds up cash values inside the policy over time that can make it come out ahead of term life in the end, not everyone can afford the amount of life insurance coverage they need in a permanent life insurance policy.

Sometimes taking a combination of
Term Life and Whole Life can be helpfu...

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How Much Life Insurance Should A Married Couple Own?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The amount of life insurance that a married couple should own will depend on several factors.

Your individual incomes, your total amount of debt, whether you have children and how many, the things you want to use your life insurance to accomplish, and your budget will all enter in your calculations on how much life insurance to purchase.

You should a life insurance needs calculator to help you determine your actual life insurance needs, and then help you find the best pricin...

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Does Life Insurance Cover Both Spouses?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, February 23, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

One life insurance policy does not cover both spouses unless you purchase a joint life insurance policy,or a survivorship life insurance policy (and then it would only pay out upon the death of the second person).

Or, you could adds a rider on your own life insurance policy to provide added coverage for your spouse.

Otherwise, the spouse will need to purchase a separate individual life insurance policy to have his/her own coverage.

Learn more about life insurance for spouses.

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What is a Whole Life Guaranteed Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, February 10, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Whole life guaranteed coverage is life insurance that provides guaranteed life insurance protection for your entire lifetime, no matter how long you live.

And, it provides guaranteed acceptance, which means you cannot be  turned down for coverage, even if you are older or have health problems.

For instance, The United of Omaha whole life guaranteed policy offers from $3,000 up to $25,000 of permanent life insurance protection, and people ages 45 to 85 cannot be turned down for a policy.

You can ...
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Who offers Instant Issue Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, February 5, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
I want to buy a life insurance policy and start my coverage right away.

Is it possible to get life insurance today?

Yes, there is life insurance available online that offers you the option of starting your policy today, if you qualify.

You just request a life insurance quote, apply online by answering some health questions, and you find out, usually within the hour, if you qualify. 

Once you are approved, you can start your life insurance that day. There's no meeting with an agent, and no physic...
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Discounts on Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, February 3, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
How can I get lower rates on term life insurance - are there any discounts available?

Yes, there are some discounts that may be available for term life insurance.

For instance, some insurers offer a multiple policies discount if you have more than one type of insurance with the insurer. 

In addition, discounts are offered for better than average health and for a good driving record.

If your lifestyle presents a better than average risk for death sooner than the average life expectancy of a person...
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Which Term Life Insurance Company Is The Best?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, January 26, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Actually, there are hundreds of life insurance companies in America that offer term life insurance.

Since each insurer has their own set of guideline soft underwriting, acceptance and pricing, each insurer may be more or loess competitive when it comes to prices for certain classes of risk - such as, seniors, non-smokers, diabetics, young adults, or married couples.

In addition, there are several ways to compare insurers, including by price, total assets, total number of individual life insuran...
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Why Use Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, January 23, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Why do people choose to buy life insurance - what is the purpose?

Many people buy life insurance policies to provide financial security for their loved ones inn case they die.

With life insurance you choose who will receive the proceeds (death benefit) from your life insurance upon your death.

The proceeds from your life insurance can be used by your beneficiary any way that person(s) sees fit. So, you could leave your life insurance to your spouse and he (she) could use the money to pay off the...
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Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance Company?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, January 12, 2015, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Do any insurance companies offer guaranteed acceptance for life insurance? If so, which insurers offer this coverage?

Ye,s there are several insurance carriers that provide guaranteed acceptance life insurance plans.

These carriers may includes Vantis Life, Metlife, Colonial Penn, Mutual of Omaha, and AARP/NewYork Life, among others.

However, keep in mind, guaranteed approval plans have graded death benefits the first 2 years you are insured. So, you won't have full coverage immediately, but aft...
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Can I Get Mortgage Life Insurance without Taking a Medical Exam?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, December 22, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Is it possible to purchase a mortgage life insurance policy that would pay off my mortgage loan if I die, without me having to take any physical examination to qualify for the coverage?

Yes, there are life insurance plans for a mortgage that offer protection without any health exam required of the applicant or insured person.

For instance, there's one highly-rated life insurance carrier you may have heard of on television that offers up to $500,000 of life insurance with no health exams require...
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Can I Buy Life Insurance without Medical Questions?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, December 17, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Is it possible to buy a life insurance policy without having to answer any medical questions?

Yes, there are life insurance plans that offer coverage without any health questions.

The two basic types of no medical question life insurance plans are Accidental death life insurance and guaranteed issue life insurance with graded death benefits.

Accidental death offers up to $1,000,000 of life insurance with no health exam and no health questions, but a death benefit is only paid ou...
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Does An HIV Test Affect Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, December 13, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Testing positive for HIV after your Life Insurance policy is "In Force" has no affect on your life insurance coverage. Once the life insurance policy is issued the life insurance company can not change it because your heath has changed.

Testing positive for HIV before applying for a life insurance policy will be a decline with most insurance companies but not all.

Testing positive for HIV during an Insurance Health Exam will be a decline or at best postponed till you are rec...

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Whole Life Insurance Children

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, December 9, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What is children's whole life insurance?

It's a life insurance policy for children that provides guaranteed lifetime protection as long as the premiums are paid.

Your child's life insurance policy will build cash value over time inside the policy from which your child may take a loan if needed.

In addition, the rate charged for your child's life insurance policy will never increase. And, most plans offer the option of increasing the amount of life insurance at age 18 or 21 without having to take...
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Life insurance Guaranteed Issue

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, December 6, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Is there life insurance that offers guaranteed approval for coverage?

Yes, there are guaranteed acceptance life insurance plans that will issue life insurance for anyone who meets their criteria for approval. Usually, with guaranteed issue life insurance you have to be a certain age, for instance, from age 45 to 75 or age 50 to 80, to get guaranteed approval.

With guaranteed issue life insurance your health doesn't matter, and even if you have been turned down for life insurance from other insu...
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How Much Does It Cost To Buy Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, December 2, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The cost for pure term life insurance protection varies based on your age, the amount of life insurance, the coverage period (1, 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30 years), issuing company, your health, tobacco use, driving record and your lifestyle, among other risk factors.

For example, a male age 35 in above average health can expect to pay around a $1 per day for $500,000 of 10 year term life insurance.

Permanent life insurance coverage will cost a lot more but can be designed so that ...

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What is the Cheapest Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, November 29, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
If you're looking to but true lowest priced life insurance policy you may want to consider term life insurance.

Why term life? Because, term life insurance has the lowest rates on life insurance with coverage for up to 30 years.

Term life is the cheapest because it is temporary, lasting for the term of your policy.

You can usually choose a term of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years for your term life insurance policy.

The shorter the term, the lower your premium. The lower the amount of life insurance...
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Final Expense Insurance Rate

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, November 25, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What is a final expense insurance rate?

It's the amount a person pays per $1,000 of final expense life insurance coverage provided by their policy.

How can I get a final expense insurance rate quote?

You can compare final expense insurance rate quotes and plans online.

Final expense offers a limited amount of life insurance, usually up to $20,000 to help pay for your burial, funeral and other costs related to your final expenses when you pass away.

Usually, final expense insurance plans are guaran...
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Affordable Life Insurance No Exam

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, November 20, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Is no exam life insurance coverage affordable?

It really depends on your health, your age and the insurance company you apply to for life insurance,

Some insurers offer higher rates on their no exam life insurance plans, while others may be more competitive.

For instance, Fidelity Life has some no exam life insurance rates that are even in line with what other insurers may offer for life insurance that requires you to take a physical exam.

While other insurers may charge rates at least 10% (or mo...
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Term Life Insurance for Seniors?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, November 17, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Can seniors buy term life insurance coverage online?

Yes, there are term life insurance policies available for seniors which you can apply for on the internet.

In fact, some insurers even offer no exam term life insurance for seniors.

Senior term life insurance policies may be available with coverage for a "term" of 5, 10, 15 or 20 years, depending on your age and health.

Seniors can shop and compare instant term life insurance rate quotes online from a network of leading life insurance carriers,...
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Is there Life Insurance Testing for Nicotine?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, November 10, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, most life insurance companies test you for tobacco use when you lay for life insurance.

However, it depends on the amount of life insurance you request and your age and health.

For instance, some insurers may not require a nocturne test for someone only buying a $10,000 life insurance policy.

However, if you need more than $25,000 of life insurance there may be a nicotine test required.

How does it work?

The life insurance company has an examiner come to your home and give you a paramedical e...
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Term Life Insurance in NY

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, November 2, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Are you looking for affordable term life insurance win New York?

If so, there's a quick and easy way to find the lowest rates for your term life insurance policy.

But first, here's a few tips for you to save on your coverage:

1. Compare rates among the leading life insurance carriers to find the lowest pricing.

2. Compare rates for all "terms" available - 10, 15, 20 and 30 years of coverage. The shorter the term, the lower your rate.

3. Quit smoking - Smokers pay 2-3 time smote for life insurance ...
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Is Term Life Insurance The Most Expensive?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, October 29, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
No, term life insurance is not the most expensive life insurance.

Actually, term life costs a lot less than whole life insurance.

Since term life coverage lasts for a specific number of years, it costs much less than permanent life insurance that lasts for your entire lifetime.

Term life plans usually offer coverage for a period of 10, 15, 20, 245 or 30 years.

However, if you choose to renew your term life insurance when your initial term expires, the premium will be much higher at that time beca...
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When To Stop Paying For Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, October 23, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

When should I stop paying for my term life insurance policy? 

You stop paying for your term life coverage when you decide that you no longer need the life insurance protection and wish to stop it. 

You can either choose to provide written notice of cancelation to your life insurance company, which would help you to get any unused premiums refunded. Or, you can just let your life insurance policy lapse by discontinuing the premium payments.

You may want to stop paying for you...

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Who Sells The Cheapest Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, October 21, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

There are over 900 life insurance companies in America. So, finding the cheapest term life company for your specific needs and risk factors will depend on you comparing rates from multiple insurers before you choose a policy.

However, Protective, Genworth, SBLI, Banner, Pacific Life ING, Transamerica and American General are a few of the most competitive life insurance carriers when it comes to term life insurance.

Here's how you can instantly compare the cheapest term life i...

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Is there life insurance that does not require a medical exam?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, October 17, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, there are life insurance plans available that do not require you to take a medical examination to qualify.

In fact, some plans may offer up to $350,000 of life insurance coverage without any exams. However, whether or not you qualify will depend on your age, health, and your answers to any health questions asked on the application.

You can compare rates and plans instantly, and apply online for a no exam life insurance policy in minutes.

Also, some life insurance no exam policies allow you ...
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Can I Get Life Insurance If I Use Medical Marijuana?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, October 10, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

I am a card-holding medical marijuana user living in Colorado. Will a life insurance company decline coverage or raise my rates because of the marijuana usage?

Yes, you can qualify to buy a life insurance policy if you use medical marijuana and you live in the state of Colorado.

If you are purchasing a medically underwritten policy that requires a medical examination and a review of your medical records, the reason for needing the medical marijuana will enter into your ratin...

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Life Insurance for People that Bungee Jump?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, October 9, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Is there life insurance for people who go bungee jumping? Is it covered.

Although some life insurance policies may have exclusions for certain high risk activities, there are insurers that insure people for life insurance if they do bungee jump.

However, whether or not you are approved for life insurance, and what rate you will pay depend son several factors, including:

1. The type of bungee jumping,

2. How often you bungee jump,and 

3. Where you bungee jump from.

There are over factors that the li...
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Term Life No Exam No Med Questions

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, October 6, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Where can I buy a term life insurance policy without any medical exams or medical questions asked?

There are several types of no exam policies available online for you to purchase.

However, when it comes to life insurance with no health questions asked the option safe fewer.

Basically, for no question life insurance there are two plans available:

1. Accidental death life insurance, and

2. Guaranteed issue life insurance.

Accidental death offers up to $1,000,000 of life insurance th...

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At What Age Do Life Insurance Rates Increase?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, October 4, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The rate you pay per $1,000 of life insurance coverage is guaranteed to remain level throughout your life for a permanent life insurance policy, unless otherwise stated in the policy contract.

With term life insurance your rate may increase every five years, or it may increase annually, depending on the type of term life plan.

However, some term life policies provide guaranteed level rates for a term of 10, 15, 20 or 30 years, which is most common. 

So, if you bought a 10 ...

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What Does Guaranteed Issue Mean In Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, October 1, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Guaranteed issue in life insurance means that you will not be turned down for life insurance for any reason, regardless of any health condition.  

Most life insurance policies go through underwriting, which is where the life insurance company decides the degree of risk involved with insuring you for life insurance.

For example, are you healthy and expected to live a long life or do you have health issues that could shorten your life expectancy?

With a guaranteed issue life insur...

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What are the Factors that Determine How Much Life Insurance Will Cost?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, September 29, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
When you buy a life insurance policy the insurance company bases your cost of coverage per $1,000 of life insurance on a rate they determine based on your age, health, type and amount of life insurance; as well as, other risk factors.

Your personal risk factors that affect your rate for life insurance may include your lifestyle, tobacco use, occupation, hobbies, driving record, height-to-weight ratio, and family health history, among other things.

These risk factors are considered by the insure...
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Can I Buy Term Life Insurance For Someone Else?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, September 26, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, you may be able to buy a term life insurance policy on someone else.

Actually, many people buy life insurance on another person. For instance, married couples buy life insurance on one another, and adult children may buy life insurance on their parents to help pay for their parents' final expenses.

In addition, grandparents buy life insurance on their grandchildren as a way to provide guaranteed lifetime life insurance for their grandchild as he/she grows up.

However, in order to buy life i...
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What is Guaranteed Whole Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, September 24, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
A guaranteed whole life insurance policy is life insurance that is guaranteed issue, and provides guaranteed lifetime protection.

A guaranteed issue life insurance policy offers a small amount of life insurance, usually up to $20,000 with limited requirements. So, there's usually no health exam required and there may be no health questions asked, depending on the life insurance company and plan.

And, if you meet the age requirements, you are guaranteed to be approved for coverage. 

For instance,...
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What does final expense mean in life insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, September 21, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Final expense life insurance is a common term that simply refers to a life insurance plan people buy to help pay for their burial and funeral expenses and other expenses related to their passing.

These final expense whole life insurance policies usually provide around $20,000 or less in the policy's face amount of life insurance death benefit coverage.

There are no medical examinations required to qualify for this type of life insurance plan.

However, there may be some healt...

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Is Whole Life Insurance For Me?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, September 17, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

When people that you love will suffer financially if you were to die, you may have a need for life insurance protection.

If that need will remain for many years, perhaps even your entire lifetime, you need permanent life insurance.

The most popular form of permanent insurance is whole life insurance coverage. It provides that the life insurance company will pay a fixed amount (death benefit) when you die, regardless of when that occurs. In exchange you are required to pay a p...

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What Happens When Your Term Life Insurance Runs Out?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, September 12, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

A term life insurance policy has a start date and an end date.

Many term life policies will offer renewal after the end of the guaranteed premium period; however, the rate increases are usually substantial, so it may cost a lot more than you were paying for your original term life insurance coverage.

If you are healthy and can qualify for a new life insurance policy, that might be a better option than renewing your expiring term life insurance.

If you have a permanent need fo...

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Can I Buy A Life Insurance Policy Online?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, September 9, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, you may be able to buy a life insurance policy on the internet.

In fact, there is a life insurance company that now offers applicants the chance to buy up to $350,000 of life insurance over the internet.

You can get an instant quote and apply online for your life insurance in minutes. There’s no health examination required.

If you qualify, you may start your life insurance today.

Here’s how to buy a life insurance policy online.

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Is Term Life Insurance Renewable?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, September 5, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Many term life insurance policies are renewable after the initial term expires, and some are not.

Check your life insurance policy language for conversion privileges and features, or ask your life insurance carrier or agent to explain whether or not your term life insurance policy is renewable.

The term life policies that do offer the ability to renew coverage at expiration usually come with much higher rates for the renewal policy.

People who can provide evidence of good he...

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How much does life insurance cost per month?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, September 2, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
The cost of a life insurance policy per month depends on the insurance company, as well as, the type of life insurance policy, and the amount of life insurance coverage.

Your personal risk factors also go into determining the cost of your life insurance. These risk factors may include your age and gender, your family health history, your own health, your lifestyle, tobacco use, driving record, hobbies, and occupation, among other things.

Basically, the longer are expected to live, the lower you...
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What Does 20 Year Term Life Insurance Mean?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, August 27, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
20 year term life insurance means that you have life insurance protection for a period of 20 years, and your rate will remain level for the entire duration of that 20 year term.

Also, the amount of life insurance protection stays the same each year for the 20 year period of time.

However, if you outlive the 20 year term, your life insurance policy expires and no death benefit is paid out on the policy. This is one reason term life insurance costs a lot less than permanent life insurance protect...
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Can You Take Out A Loan On A Term Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, August 19, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

No, you cannot take a loan out on a Term Life Insurance Policy, unless you have a Return of Premium (ROP) Term Life Insurance Policy.

Return of Premium means you will get most of your paid premiums returned to you if you are alive at the end of your term. 

However, during the term of your life insurance policy, some insurance companies may let you borrow the money that is building in the policy from the premiums paid.

If you want life insurance that allows you to take a lo...

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How Much Does Whole Life Insurance Cost Per Month?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, August 16, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
A whole life insurance policy may cost you anywhere from $10 or $15 per month to hundreds of dollars per month, or more.

The rate you pay for a whole life insurance policy will depend on your age and the amount of life insurance. For instance, a whole life insurance plan for a child may start for as little as a few dollars per month.

However, a larger whole life insurance policy for an adult may costs quote a bit more.

Since whole life provides lifetime coverage and may build cash value inside t...
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Will Life Insurance Know If I Smoke?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, August 13, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, life insurance companies will know if you smoke.

If you purchase a life insurance policy they ask you on the application form about any tobacco use. If you answer "yes", you do smoke, they will know. Also, some insurers require you to take a blood test and medical exam which will determine if you smoke.

However, there are life insurance companies that offer life insurance without any medical exams or blood testing.

But make sure you do not lie on the application for life insurance because ...
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Whole Life Insurance No Exam

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, August 11, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Can I buy whole life insurance without taking any health exams?

Yes, there are whole life insurance plans available with no exam needed.

In fact, some plans offer up to $400,000 of whole life insurance with no exam, while others are for seniors and provide up to $20,000 of coverage without any exam required, and offer guaranteed acceptance. 

Keep in mind, life insurance with no exam has higher rates than if you applied for a policy that does require a medical exam.

However, if you do qualify, you...
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What Are Good Rates For Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, August 5, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Good rates for a term life insurance policy may be $10 per month or $50 per month. It can vary quite a bit based on the amount of life insurance coverage and the length of the term for your policy.

In addition, your age and health will have a big impact on the rate you pay for your term life policy. The longer your life expectancy, the lower your rate for term life insurance.

Other factors that the insurance company will consider when determining your rate include your family health history, li...
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Where Can I Buy Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, August 2, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
There are several places you may be able to purchase a term life insurance policy.

Some of the more common places to buy term life insurance include:

1. Contact a local licensed independent life insurance agent.

2. Cal a life insurance company direct.

3. Visit a life insurance website on the internet.

When buying a term life insurance policy make sure to consider the AM Best financial strength rating of the insurance company, how long you have coverage (the term), how long your rate is guaranteed,...
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Level Term Insurance for Seniors

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, August 1, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What is level term insurance for seniors?

It's a type of life insurance that provides guaranteed coverage for a set period of time with rates that remain the same for the entire "term" of the policy.

Term life insurance may last for a period of 5, 10, 15, or 20 years for seniors, usually. So, the amount of life insurance you have and the rate you pay will remain level for the entire time (term) of your term life insurance policy.

The longer your term, the higher the rate charged for your life in...
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Can Term Life Insurance Be Cashed In?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, July 25, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Term life insurance is not known to be a cash accumulating life insurance plan so there is nothing to cash in. A term life policy builds no cash value inside the policy, so if you end your coverage you would receive no money back.

Term life insurance is a temporary plan that lasts for a specific period of time, usually 10, 15, 20 or 30 years.

Only the cash value type of life insurance insurance plans can be cashed in after a certain period of time. Those most common are whole ...

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What Is Voluntary Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, July 22, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What is voluntary term life insurance?

Usually it is a life insurance plan offered through your employer to provide employees with an opportunity to purchase life insurance coverage through work, and the premiums may be payroll deducted.

In some cases, voluntary group life insurance plans offer life insurance coverage at a higher cost, but with fewer health questions and no laboratory testing. 

It's important to keep in mind when considering life insurance that the more healt...

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Does Term Life Insurance Go Up?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, July 18, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Does the cost of a term life insurance policy go up over time?

Yes, the cost of your term life insurance coverage may increase over time. With level term life insurance plans you pay the same level premium for the duration of your term. 

So, if you have a 10 year term life policy you would pay the same premium each year for 10 years. However, if you need life insurance to continue after the ten years ends, you would renew your policy and the premium would increase based on your age at renewal.

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When does Life Insurance Expire?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, July 15, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
When does a life insurance policy end?

Life insurance ends either when you cancel your policy, or the life insurance company cancels due to non-payment.

However, your life insurance coverage expires only if you have a term life insurance policy which the term has ended, and you did not choose to renew your policy for another term, which is usually a one year (annual) term.

A permanent life insurance policy does not expire, it provides you with level premiums and lifetime protection.

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Seniors life insurance over 75

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, July 13, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Can seniors over age 75 qualify to purchase a life insurance policy? If so, who offers coverage?

Yes, there are insurance companies that offer life insurance for people over age 75.

For example, there are well-known insurers like Colonial penn, Globe Life, and AARP/NewYork Life that provide life insurance plans for people over age 75.

Whether you can qualify for life insurance coverage will depend on the insurer's guidelines for approval, as well as, your age, health, tobacco use, driving record...
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How Long Can You Have Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, July 9, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

You can have a term life insurance policy for as long as you want.

There is a term life plans available for a term of 10, 15, 20 or 30 years and when one term expires you can renew your policy, the only thing is that you don't get cash accumulation inside the policy over time, meaning you cannot take a loan out of a term life policy.

If you have a 20 year term policy for example and you renew your policy when the 20 years ends, you will have an annual renewable term life poli...

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Can You Take A Loan Against A Whole Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, July 7, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, you may be able to take a loan out from your whole life insurance policy.

It usually takes several years before your whole life policy builds up some cash value.

You may be able to take up to 80% of the cash value as a loan, depending on the insurance company regulations for loans.

If you do not pay back the loan there may be taxes to be paid on your loan. Also, if the loan amount is not repaid, it may affect the amount of life insurance provided by your whole life policy.

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Reasons People Do Not Own Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, June 30, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What are some reasons why people don't buy life insurance?

There's a lot of common reasons for not owning a life insurance policy.

But if you need life insurance you should buy a policy to protect your loved ones.

Some of the most common excuses for not owning life insurance include:

1. It costs too much.

2. I don't understand how life insurance works.

3. I have life insurance through work.

4. I'm healthy so I don't need life insurance.

5. I'm too young to need life insurance.

Here is a complete list ...
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What Life Insurance is Better Term or Whole?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, June 27, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Is term life insurance better or whole life?

The answer depends on your own personal needs and situation.

Term life insurance may be a good idea if you are on a budget, need the most life insurance for your money, or need life insurance for 30 years or less.

Whole life insurance may be a good idea if you really need lifetime protection that will not end, or you want to build up cash value inside your policy over time, in addition to having life insurance.

Term life is temporary and provides pure ...
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When To Buy Life Insurance For Child?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, June 24, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

As soon as a child is a few weeks old, insurance companies can issue life insurance policies on them.

That is actually the best time to purchase life insurance for your child.

Child life insurance plans offer the lowest rates at this age and you can lock in that rate for the rest of your child's life, all the while accumulating cash value inside your child's life insurance policy which can be borrowed against or used in later years for retirement with a permanent child life i...

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Does Fidelity Offer Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, June 22, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Fidelity Life Association offers individual life insurance policies including Rapid Decision Express, Rapid Decision Universal Life, Rapid Decision Mortgage Term Life, Rapid Decision Senior Term, Whole Life Insurance, and Accidental Death Benefit policies.

Most of Fidelity's life insurance plans do not require you to take a medical examination. 

In addition, many of Fidelity Life's life insurance plans may be approved and issued in just 24 to 48 hours. 

Here's how you can learn...

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What To Think About When Buying Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, June 19, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

There are many things to consider when buying a life insurance policy.

First, what is it you want your life insurance to accomplish?

How long do you want your life insurance protection to last?  

How healthy are you?

How much can you safely afford to spend on your life insurance policy?

The answers to those questions will give you a better idea of what to look for when shopping for your policy.

In addition think about how much life insurance you really need, and if you are marrie...

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Life Insurance with No Waiting Period?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, June 16, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Is there life insurance I can buy without any waiting period? 

Yes, there are life insurance plans available that offer immediate life insurance coverage with no waiting and no delays.

However, it does depend on the insurance company and your own personal risk faces; such as, your age and health.

Usually, instant coverage life insurance offers lower limits of life insurance and higher rates than are standard for fully underwritten life insurance requiring you to take a medical exam.

For instance,...
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Is Life Insurance for Life?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, June 15, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
It depends on the type of life insurance you buy.

The two basic types of life insurance are Term and Permanent.

Permanent life insurance costs the most because it provides lifetime life insurance protection.

Whereas, term life insurance cost a lot less because it is temporary life insurance for a specific number of years.

For example, term life insurance usually lasts for a term of 10, 15, 20 or 30 years which you choose when you buy a policy. The rate remains the same each year for the term of t...
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What Drugs Are Tested For Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, June 13, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you are buying a life insurance policy the insurance company may require that you take a medical exam. The life insurance exam is paid for by the insurance company.

The exam may take a sample of your blood and/or urine to test it for drugs. The drug testing may check for any legal and illegal drugs in your system. 

Each life insurance company may have their own set of guidelines of what to test for and what positive test results in a decline for coverage. Some of the dru...

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How Much Is A Good Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, June 12, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The factors that an insurance agent or life insurance company would need to begin the quoting process for life insurance include the type of life insurance policy, how much face amount of life insurance coverage, for how many years, your age, your height and weight, state of residence, tobacco use and your general health status.

The life insurance carrier you apply with, and a number of other factors control how much a life insurance policy will cost. Premiums can be anywher...

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Where can I get Life Insurance for My Parents?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, June 10, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

It is possible to buy life insurance for your parents if you have an insurable interest in them.

Children do have an insurable interest in their parents since they may rely on their parents for financial support, or suffer financial loss if their parents were to die.

However, some insurers may require that the child have the permission of the parents, and sign the application, as well as, answer some health questions when you apply for the life insurance policies on your parent...

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Can I Get Life Insurance On My Ex?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, June 8, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, you can purchase life insurance on your ex.

If you have insurable interest and your ex spouse gives you permission then you can get life insurance on your ex.

In fact, it may be wise to include life insurance coverage requirements in your divorce settlement. This way financial obligations such as child support can be protected for the future.

If the spouse paying child support passes away, the life insurance will be paid out the the guardian of the child and the child w...

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How Much Life Insurance Should You Carry?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, June 6, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
I want to buy a life insurance policy but I'm not sure how much life insurance I need.

How do decide how much life insurance is right for me? What should I consider making coming up with the amount of life insurance to buy?

It all depends on several factors including your age, your goals, your debt, your assets, if you're married or not, your financial responsibilities, and your future plans for a family and life changes.

Many people choose to buy life insurance to help provide financial securit...
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Questions To Ask When Considering Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, June 5, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Before choosing a life insurance plan you may want to consider the following questions to assist you in choosing the right life insurance:

1. What is the AM Best financial strength rating of the life insurance company?

2. Are the rates for your life insurance coverage guaranteed not to increase?

3. Will this life insurance policy build up any cash value over time?

4. What happens when the terms of the term life insurance policy ends?

5. What riders for additional coverag...

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Why Should I Buy Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, June 3, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The one thing that life insurance does better than anything else is create cash at death. Upon the death of the insured person, a death benefit is paid out to the beneficiary of the life insurance policy without being subject to federal income taxes, usually.

You buy life insurance because you care about what happens to those you leave behind when you die, in order to provide some form of financial security and protection for your family.

The specific reason for your buying...

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Why Buy Whole Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, June 2, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

There are many good reasons to purchase a whole life insurance policy.

For instance, many parents purchase whole life insurance for their young children. That way, the price is locked--in at that low rate for the child's entire life, and many life insurance companies will offer the opportunity to increase that coverage amount without any health questions.

Another reason to buy whole life insurance is that the policy doesn't end, so there is no way that you can outlive your lif...

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Is Whole Life Insurance A Good Investment For Kids?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, June 1, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

I don't believe whole life insurance is a true investment, but it can provide financial benefit for your children as they grow up.

For a child, it may be a good financial tool in some ways.

Child whole life insurance plans may guarantee that for the life of that child, they will always have life insurance protection, so long as the life insurance premiums are paid.

Your child will not have to worry about ever becoming uninsurable, such as with diabetes or obesity, or heart pro...

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What Is No Medical Exam Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, May 31, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

There are different "types" of no medical exam life insurance plans that are available.

Some life insurance companies offer life insurance up to a certain amount by asking a few medical questions and if you answer those satisfactorily the life insurance coverage is issued. This type of life insurance could cost you more than similar life insurance that is fully underwritten.

Some no exam life insurance plans offer up to $350,000 or more of life insurance without any health ex...

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Is Accidental Overdose Covered By Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, May 29, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, I believe an accidental overdose is just that, an accidental death, and would be covered under your life insurance policy as a covered cause of death.

I would however expect a full investigation to rule out suicide as a cause of death if the life insurance policy is less than two years In Force.

If your life insurance coverage has been in place for more than two years, whether your death is accidental or intentional, the claim should be paid in a timely manner to your ben...

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Why Buy Life Insurance Outside Of Your Work?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, May 27, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The main reason to buy a life insurance policy outside of the employer provided plan you are given through your job is so you own your own life insurance policy.

This means, if you lose your job for any reason, you still have your own life insurance coverage that stays with you.

So, you won't lose your life insurance when you either retire, quit or are fired from your job. But, you can lose your life insurance benefits if you leave your job.

Owning your own life insurance policy...

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Why Does My Child Need Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, May 26, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Your child may or may not need life insurance? That really is up to you as a parent to determine if you should buy life insurance on your child.

Why is it that parents like you get child life insurance plans?

It's actually very simple: Life insurance for your child is very affordable and can provide guaranteed life insurance protection for your child's entire life.

There are many benefits of buying children's life insurance policies.

Considering the increase in health issues related to children t...
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Why Is Whole Life Insurance A Good Investment?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, May 24, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

A whole life insurance policy can be a good investment for some people.

Life insurance creates cash upon the death of the insured person, and whole life insurance is designed to be "In Force" your entire lifetime, until you die, not if you die within a specified term or period of time.

From an estate planning point of view, that is a good thing, since it is guaranteed your beneficiary will receive the death benefit from your whole life insurance policy.

If you need life insu...

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How Much Life Insurance Do I Need And What Kind?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, May 23, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Life insurance plays an important role in your financial and retirement planning.

Life insurance creates cash upon the death of the insured person, and can also offer tax advantaged growth inside the policy.

Your first step is to determine what you want to accomplish with your life insurance and if your need for life insurance is temporary (30 years of less), or permanent, for your entire lifetime.

If you have a family you might want your life insurance coverage to replace y...

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What Is A Life Insurance Quote?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, May 22, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

There are several different terms used to identify the cost of a life insurance policy.

Some of the more common terms used are the "quote, "rate" and "rating" of a life insurance policy.

Here are the commonly understood definitions of these life insurance terms:

A Life insurance quote is the price the life insurance company thinks you will get based on the information you provided when requesting a life insurance quote. 

If you are looking for a medically underwritten policy and ...

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How Long Does It Take To Be Approved For Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, May 21, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

After you apply for a life insurance policy It can take anywhere from hours, to months to be approved for your life insurance coverage.

If you are applying for a simplified issue life insurance policy that requires no physical exam or medical records, it can be signed digitally and approved on the phone, it may even go into effect the same day you apply.

The cons of a simplified issue life insurance policy: this type of life insurance policy does not dig too deep into your h...

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Where To Get The Best Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, May 19, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The best term life insurance is the best term life policy at the lowest premium to meet your unique personal life insurance needs.

First, you'll want to compare multiple term life insurance rate quotes among several of the leading life insurance companies to find the right combination of term life plans that will meet your exact needs and be sure you are purchasing them at the very best premiums.

When comparing rates and plans, make sure you consider:

1. The term of the policy ...

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When Can You Borrow From Your Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, May 17, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
In order to borrow money from your life insurance their must be some cash value inside the policy to borrow from.

Term life insurance has no cash value inside the policy, it is "Pure Protection".

However, permanent life insurance may have cash value that grows inside the policy over time. Usually, it takes a few years for some cash value to build up in a permanent life insurance policy.

Your life insurance carrier may allow you to borrow up to 80% of the cash value in your policy. This is consid...
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What Do They Test For When Getting Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, May 16, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

When you take a medical examination for a life insurance policy, you usually have a blood test and urine test in addition to the health questions and vitals check.

For older people the life insurance company may ask you to complete an EKG as well a mature assessment which looks at cognitive and mobile abilities. Seniors may be asked to perform the mature assessment.

Some common things life insurers look for in these health tests may include cholesterol levels, A1C (Blood Sug...

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What happens when a Term Life Insurance Policy ends?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, May 15, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Term life insurance is temporary coverage for a set period of time.

The term is the period of time that the premium and coverage is guaranteed.

If you have a term life policy and the guarantee period on it is expiring, you have a several options that may be available:

1. You can continue to pay the annual premiums as the term policy will be annually renew, however, the premiums will start to go up each year (based on age) by a substantial amount. That means each year you will ...

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Which Life Insurance Builds Cash Value?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, May 12, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Permanent life insurance coverage is the type of life insurance that may build up some cash value inside the policy over time.

With permanent life insurance, most of the premium ago toward the life insurance coverage, but a portion builds up inside the policy that may be used in the future for a loan, if needed.

Some life insurance companies allow the policy holders to borrow up to 80% of the cash value from their permanent life insurance policy. You pay the loan back with interest which goes b...
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When is the Best Age to Buy Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, May 11, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
The best age to buy life insurance is when you decide you have a need for life insurance.

You may want to consider buying life insurance as soon as you have a need, because rates for life insurance increase as you get older, and if your health changes, you may find it difficult to qualify for approval.

That's why it's important to lock-in the lowest rate for life insurance as soon as you need coverage.

If you have someone who relies on you for financial support, you may need life insurance.

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Why Buy Life Insurance For My Children?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, May 10, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

There are several very good reasons you may choose to purchase life insurance policies for your children.

For instance, Children's life insurance rates are the lowest there are, and you may be able to start a child life insurance plan for just a few dollars per month.

By locking in a guaranteed rate on whole life insurance protection for the child's entire life, you will never have to worry about medical issues or insurability issues prohibiting your child from qualifying for ...

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Can You Borrow From A Term Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, May 8, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Term life insurance policies do not have any cash value, so it is not possible to borrow from a Term life insurance policy.

Term life insurance is "pure life insurance protection" that only covers financial loss from death, and does not provide the option for accumulating cash value inside the life insurance policy over time like permanent life insurance does.

Permanent life insurance builds cash value over time and you may be able to take a loan from the cash value.

Term life ...

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How Expensive Is Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, May 7, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
The price you pay for a life insurance policy will depend on the type and amount of life insurance coverage you purchase.

In addition, rates for life insurance will vary by insurance company.

Your own personal risk factors will have an impact on your rate for life insurance. These risk factors may include your age, gender, health, family health history, occupation, hobbies, height-to-weight ratio, lifestyle, driving record, if you smoke or not, and other factors that affect how long you may be ...
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Does State Farm Drug Test For Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, May 5, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, State Farm may test for drugs when you request a life insurance policy.

However, the drug testing requirement may vary by applicant based on your age, health, and answers to the questions on the application form.

Many life insurance companies test for drugs as a standard part of their application process for life insurance.

However, there are some insurers that do not require you to take a medical exam, or drug test.

In fact, one life insurance carrier offers up to $350,000 of life insurance...
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Why Would You Purchase Life Insurance Rather Than Annuities?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, April 29, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The reason you might purchase life insurance instead of an annuity depends on what you're trying to accomplish - what your goal is for your insurance or annuity plan.

Annuities provide cash while you are still living, while life insurance provides cash to the beneficiary upon death of the insured person.

So, annuity can provide you with cash, while life insurance can provide your beneficiary with cash at some future time.

With life insurance, you're paying a regular premium u...

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Does Whole Life Insurance Ever Make Sense?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, April 27, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, there are times when buying a whole life insurance policy may make sense for you.

However, it depends on you and your personal life insurance needs - what you want your life insurance coverage to accomplish.

For instance, if you need life insurance to provide funds to help pay for your burial and funeral expenses, you may want to consider buying a whole life insurance policy.

Why choose whole life insurance? Be whole life insurance provides you with lifetime life insurance protection.

Whole ...
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How Much Is Life Insurance Yearly?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, April 24, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

How much you pay for your life insurance on a yearly basis will depend on several factors.

The type and amount of life insurance will contribute the the rate for life insurance.

In addition, the risk class is the most critical factor in determining the cost of a life insurance policy.

The risk class depends on a number of personal risk factors including whether you're male or female, your health history, family health history, occupation, hobbies, lifestyle, driving record, hei...

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How much whole life insurance with no exam?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, April 22, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
How much whole life insurance can I buy without taking any physical exam?

That depends on the insurance company, and your age and health.

Some insurers like Colonial Penn, Mutual of Omaha, and AARP/NewYork Life offer small permanent life insurance plans for seniors with no exam required.

However, there is a new single premium whole life insurance plan available for people ages 40 to 80. It offers you the chance to purchase a whole life insurance policy online starting today with no health exam r...
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How Much Does Term Insurance Cost?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, April 21, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Term insurance is short term life insurance protection for a specific period of time - usually lasting for a "term" of 10, 15, 20 or 30 years.

With term insurance, your premium remains the same each year for the duration of your term, so if you have a 10 year term life plan, you pay the same premium for 10 years.

The price you pay for your term insurance will vary by length of term, so a 10 year term policy will have lower annual premiums than a 20 year term policy, because your chances of surv...
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How Much Does The Average Life Insurance Policy Cost?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, April 20, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
The cost of an average life insurance policy relies on severe key factors that impact a life insurance policy premium.

Some of those factors affecting premiums include the type and amount of life insurance.

In addition, your own personal risk factors impact premiums for life insurance including your age, gender, health, lifestyle, occupation, hobbies, driving record, height-to-weight ratio, etc.

Basically, the longer you are expected to live, the lower your premiums. And, the higher the amount o...
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Is Whole Life Insurance Recommended?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, April 18, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Whether or not whole life insurance is recommended for you really depends on what you need the insurance to do - what your goal is for your life insurance?

If you are looking for life insurance protection only to cover you for a short period of time, then perhaps a term life insurance policy would make more sense, since it offers low cost life insurance coverage for a period of up to 30 years.

If you are looking to create a tax-free legacy for your children or spouse, cover f...

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Is Life Insurance Needed After Retirement?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, April 17, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

First, whether you need life insurance at any given point in time is based on you individual situation, future goals, and needs.

For most people, life insurance may be needed after they retire, since life insurance creates cash at death.

Some uses for life insurance after your retirement are to help pay for your burial, funeral, and other related final expenses, pay taxes upon your death, and other business estate or legacy planning purposes.

In addition, cash value (perman...

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What Does Coverage Length Mean In A Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, April 15, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Coverage length for a life insurance policy means the length of time that your life insurance policy will stay In effect - how long you will have the life insurance coverage. 

Usually, the coverage length of a life insurance policy is referring to how long the policy will stay in effect at a level premium (level meaning the premium is guaranteed not to go up).

The life insurance coverage length assumes that premium payments are made on time and if a policy loan is taken from t...

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Single Premium Whole Life Insurance

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, April 13, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What is single premium whole life insurance?

It's life insurance that provides lifetime coverage, builds can value inside the policy, and you pay only one premium when you start your life insurance policy - there is no further payment.

Today, you may be able to start up to $400,000 of whole life insurance protection for your family without having to take any health examination. People age 40 to 80 may qualify for a policy.

Although the minimum premium for your single premium whole life plan may ...
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Whole Life Insurance Defined

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, April 11, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What is whole life insurance?

Whole life insurance is one of two types of life insurance coverage.

Whole life provides life insurance protection and a savings component.

Whole life insurance gives you guaranteed life insurance for your entire life.

In addition, it builds up cash value inside the policy over time from which you may be able to take a loan.

With whole life, you pay the same premium for your life insurance coverage each year.

Whole life insurance costs a lot more than term life insuran...
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How Good Is Globe Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, April 9, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Globe Life is an excellent life insurance carrier.

Globe Life and Accident Insurance Company is rated "A+" (Superior) by AM Best Company for financial strength.

Globe Life was established in 1951 and has more than 3.9 million policyholders.

Globe offers simplified life insurance plans where people age 78 and under may qualify to buy life insurance with just a few health questions asked.

You can get instant life insurance quotes and apply online for your life insurance policy. They provide a 30 da...
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Why Get Whole Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, April 8, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Whole Life Insurance offers features that many other types of life insurance plans do not. Not all of these are part of every Whole Life Insurance policy, but some of these features are:

  • Coverage that will last your entire lifetime.
  • Cash value accumulation that can be used for personal use by tax free loans.
  • Dividends may accumulate over time (with a Mutual Life Insurance Company)
  • The ability to pay up your entire premiums in a limited number of years.
  • The ability to quit paying...

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Which Is The Best Type Of Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, April 6, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
The best type of life insurance to buy really depends on your own personal situation, and hat your needs are for life insurance - what you want your life insurance policy to accomplish.

There are two basic types of life insurance: term and Permanent.

Term life insurance is temporary coverage that offers the most life insurance at the lowest price, for people who need life insurance for a period of 30 years or less.

If you have lifetime, or longer term needs, a permanent life insurance may be a g...
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How Much Does Single Premium Life Insurance Cost?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, April 4, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Usually, The smallest premium for a single premium life insurance policy is around $1,500. The highest premium may be in the millions of dollars.

The amount of life insurance coverage that you can get for any given single premium life insurance policy depends on your age, health history, tobacco use, gender, height-weight, driving record, occupation, hobbies, and other risk factors.

Your independent life insurance agent can give you rates for many life insurance companies a...

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Buy Senior Whole Life Insurance Online?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, April 3, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Can I purchase a senior whole life insurance policy online?

Yes, you may be able to buy senior whole life insurance coverage on the internet, if you qualify.

In fact, seniors age 80 and under may qualify to buy a whole life insurance policy. There's no medical examination required, just some health questions.

It's called single premium whole life insurance, and you pay just one premium amount, one time, and get lifetime life insurance coverage which may build up cash value inside the policy over...
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Who Doesn’t Need Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, April 2, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
There are many people who may not really need life insurance coverage.

For instance, if you have no family, and no one who relies on your for any means of financial support, you may not need life insurance.

And, if you are under age 25 you may not really have much of a need for life insurance.

Also, if you have life insurance through your employer, and you have no family, you may not need life insurance.

However, it's important to note, that your needs may change over time, and if your health cha...
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Can I Borrow Against My Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, April 1, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

It depends on the type of life insurance policy you own.

There are two basic types of life insurance: -

1. Term Life Insurance - these typically don't have any cash value (some may have a return of premium at the end of the policy term). 

2. Permanent Life Insurance - these include whole life, universal life, indexed universal life and variable life insurance plans.  These will typically have some level of cash value that builds up inside the policy over time.

The life insuranc...

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Can You Get Life Insurance With Epilepsy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, March 31, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes you may qualify for life insurance with epilepsy in most cases, although you will pay a higher price than a "standard" risk would at the same age for the same type and amount of life insurance.  

When you find an independent life insurance agent that you feel comfortable with, give as much information as you have such at the date you were first diagnosed with epilepsy, all medications that you currently take, whether or not they involve this disease.

The life insurance age...

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What If Life Insurance Beneficiary Dies?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, March 29, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
If you own a life insurance policy you choose who the beneficiary will be upon purchasing the policy.

You may choose more than one person to receive a portion of the proceeds from your life insurance policy.

If the primary beneficiary dies before you do, then you can change beneficiaries on your life insurance policy.

If the primary beneficiary dies after you do, but has yet to receive the proceeds from your life insurance policy after your death, then the money would go to the secondary benefic...
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When To Use Whole Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, March 27, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
If you are considering the purchase of a whole life insurance plan you may be wondering when is the time to buy whole life insurance?

Basically, whole life policies provide you with lifetime protection and may build cash value inside your policy, but cost more than term life insurance. So,here are some reasons for buying a whole life insurance plan:

1. To provide lifetime life insurance protection.

2. To build up cash value savings inside the life insurance policy from which you may take a loan ...
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How Much Life Insurance Does A 30 Year Old Need?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, March 24, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
The amount of life insurance someone needs who is 30 years old may depend on that person's situation.

For example, if you are married, have children, or single with no kids or dependents.

The greater your financial obligations the greater your life insurance needs, but that will also depend on how much you earn and how much money you have saved.

In addition, your future financial goals will impact your need for life insurance, as well as, your current outstanding debt.

Are you employed? If so, yo...
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Who Are The Top Ten Life Insurance Companies?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, March 22, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

There are many different ways to rank life insurance companies and different criteria to use.

In the insurance  industry, life insurance companies are often rated by total “admitted assets.” 
That means how much money the life insurance companies have. 

Another way to rank life insurance carriers would be the number of individual life insurance policies "In Force"

There are other ways to rank insurance carriers.  However, whether a life insurance company is the biggest, ...

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How Much Will Term Life Insurance Cost Me?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, March 21, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
The amount you pay for your term life insurance policy will depend on the insurance carrier, and your own personal risk factors.

Each life insurance company has their own set of pricing guidelines and approach to underwriting risks for life insurance.

In addition, your personal risk factors affect the rate you pay for life insurance.

Risk factors may include your age and health, family health history, your occupation and hobbies, lifestyle, if you smoke or not, your height-to-weight ratio, drivi...
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Will Life Insurance Pay For A Funeral?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, March 19, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Life insurance death benefits may be used to pay the cost of your funeral and burial expenses. 

It is best to use Whole Life or guaranteed no lapse Universal Life insurance, so that your life insurance policy is sure to be “In Effect” when you pass away. 

However, when you purchase a life insurance policy you choose the beneficiary who will receive the death benefit upon your death. You have the option of changing the beneficiary when you choose to do so. 

The benefici...

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Can I Get A Life Insurance Policy On My Brother?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, March 18, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

You can buy a life insurance policy on your brother if you have an “insurable interest” in his life. 

This could include being his custodian if he is not yet an adult, or handicapped, being his business partner, being responsible for his outstanding debts, and other scenarios. 

It would be challenging to think of an instance when you would be denied the privilege of insuring your brother.  Of course, your brother has to cooperate. This means, he will need to answer some...

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What is the Cheapest Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, March 17, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Term life and permanent life insurance are the two basic types of life insurance.

Term life insurance costs the least because it is temporary and builds no cash value inside the policy.

Permanent life insurance provides lifetime coverage; whereas, term life is temporary with level rates for up to 30 years of life insurance protection.

Term life offers the flexibility of providing coverage with level premiums for a period of 10, 15, 20 or 30 years.

Since term life costs less, it means you can affo...
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Can I Buy Life Insurance On My Ex Husband?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, March 15, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, you may be able to buy life insurance eon your ex-husband.

If you have an "Insurable Interest" you may purchase life insurance on your ex-husband. 

That would probably mean that he is responsible for child support or alimony payments to you based on your divorce agreement. 

While buying life insurance on another person requires his cooperation that cooperation can be ordered by the court. 

You should be the life owner, payer and beneficiary of the life insurance policy. T...

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How to Buy Level Term Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, March 14, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
I want to purchase level term life insurance, how do I get a policy?

Actually, if you want level term coverage there are plans available online where you can request a quote, apply for a policy, and start your life insurance today, if you are approved.

In fact, one highly-rated life insurance company offers people age 60 and under up to $350,000 of level term life insurance for terms of 10, 15, 20 or even 30 years, depending on your age and health.

You can request a free quote, and apply online ...
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Where To Get Good Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, March 13, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Good life insurance is life insurance coverage that pays the death claim on the insured when the insured dies.  

Not all life insurance companies are the same when it comes to price or coverage.  

Although they may offer many of the same types of life insurance, they may be priced differently, or the insurance carrier may have a higher of lower financial strength rating.

Most life insurance companies have a niche which there product is very competitive, while other classes of ...

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Does Life Insurance Cover Cancer Death?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, March 12, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Life insurance does cover death caused by cancer.

However, it is common for someone diagnosed with cancer to try to purchase a life insurance policy, and at that point in time it is very difficult to get approved coverage.

It may take as long as a couple of years to get a medically underwritten life insurance policy after a cancer diagnosis, especially if your cancer is over stage 2. It also will depend on the type of cancer, treatment needed, and effectiveness of the treatme...

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Does Life Insurance Have A Deductible?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, March 11, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

No, there is no deductible for a life insurance policy.

The death benefit of a life insurance policy is not dependent on the expenses surrounding the death of the insured.

The life insurance policy owner selects the face amount of life insurance coverage, and that is what is paid to their beneficiary upon the death of the insured.

If they want to pay less premium for their life insurance policy, they simply choose a smaller face amount of life insurance coverage.

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What Does Guaranteed Issue Mean In Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, March 10, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Guaranteed issue in a life insurance policy means that you will not be turned down for coverage any reason, regardless of any health condition.  

Most life insurance policies go through full underwriting, which is where the life insurance company decides the degree of risk involved with insuring your life. For example, are you healthy and expected to live a long life or do you have health concerns that could potentially shorten your life expectancy?  

With a guaranteed issue li...

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How To Purchase Life Insurance For A Parent?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, March 9, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Can you purchase life insurance on your parent or parents?

Yes, you may buy life insurance on your parents.

How is it possible? Because, life insurance companies allow people to buy life insurance on someone else with whom they have an insurable interest.

What is insurable interest? It basically means if you rely on someone for financial support, or if you would suffer financially if the other person were to die, then you may buy life insurance on that person.

Insurable interest does exist betwee...
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Will I Be Drug Tested For Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, March 8, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Only life insurance policies that use medical underwriting will test you for drug use through a blood and/or urine test.

Simplified issue life insurance policies do not order blood tests or have you take exams, but they usually do ask about your previous drug use on your life insurance application.

Guaranteed issue life insurance policies do not ask about drug use on your application, nor do they it test you for drugs. However, the minimum age for most guaranteed issue life i...

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Can I Pay Life Insurance With A Credit Card?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, March 7, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, you may be able to pay for your life insurance using a credit card.

Now there are several options that may be available for paying your life insurance, including check, EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) or credit card.

You can find out when you apply for your life insurance policy by asking the life insurance agent, insurance company or online life insurance broker if the life insurance payments can be made using credit cards.
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How Much Does Globe Life Insurance Cost?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, March 5, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Globe Life and Accident Insurance Company is rated "A+" Superior by AM Best Company for financial strength.

Globe life insurance company has been around since 1951.  

Globe offers term life insurance, whole life insurance and children's life insurance policies.  

Globe has a deal where you pay $1 for the first month and then your premium is based on your age at the time of issue. Some adult term life insurance plans start as low as $5 or $6 per month after the initial $1 payment...

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How Can I Compare Life Insurance Quotes?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, March 2, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
It's easy to compare life insurance quotes on the internet.

You can visit Efinancial to request your free, instant life insurance quote comparisons from their network of 94 highly-rated life insurance carriers.

With Efinancial you just fill out one form one time and you instantly receive the 12 lowest life insurance quotes. With Efinancial you may save up to 75% on your life insurance coverage by comparing the most affordable plans and prices from top insurers.

And, you may qualify to buy up to ...
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How To Switch Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, March 1, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

How do I switch my life insurance policy?

It depends if you want to switch life insurance companies or only switch plans with your current life insurance carrier.

To change a life insurance company you should shop for different life insurance coverage first to find out what coverage you want to replace your existing plan with.

Cancel the old life insurance coverage to collect any cash value from old life insurance policy. It is never advisable to surrender a life insurance...

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Does High Cholesterol Affect Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, February 28, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, your cholesterol levels may impact your approval and the rate you pay for your life insurance policy.

Since high cholesterol is an indicator of possible future health problems, a high cholesterol level may increase the rate you pay for your life insurance policy.

However, your age and how your high cholesterol is managed will also have an affect on your life insurance rate.

The insurance company all also consider your height-to-weight ratio, if you smoke, and what prescription you take to h...
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Can I Get Life Insurance If I Had A Heart Attack?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, February 27, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, most people who have had a heart attack may be able to qualify for life insurance coverage.

If you were under age 40 when you had your heart attack, you may need to settle for a guaranteed issue life insurance plans or simplified issue life insurance coverage.

If your heart attack was at an older age, your heart function is still good, you have addressed any issues that led to the heart attack (CAD, diet, etc), and several years have passed since having your heart attack,...

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Over 60 Life Insurance with No Medical Exam?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, February 26, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Is there life insurance available for people over age 60 with no health examination required?

Yes, people over 60 may qualify for life insurance without taking a medical exam.

In fact, Globe Life offers up to $30,000 of simplified life insurance without any medical exam. There are a few Yes/No health questions for you to answer.

Globe Life is rated "A+" Superior for financial strength by AM best Company. And, Globe Life provides a 30 day money-back guarantee.

Just $1 starts up to $30,000 of life ...
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What Is The Purpose Of Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, February 25, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you fill out an application for life insurance coverage, it will ask you: "What is the purpose for your life insurance policy?" That is because the purpose varies from person to person.

Some of the more common purposes for which people buy a life insurance policy include:

  • To replace their income for their family.
  • To hire others to replace their contributions to the family that would be lost upon their death of the insured (daycare, transportation, cleaning services, lawn ...

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Will Life Insurance Cover Skydiving?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, February 23, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, life insurance may cover death resulting from skydiving.

However, some life insurance carriers have varying degrees of expertise in underwriting different risks for life insurance; such as, skydiving, or other high risk activities.

There are some insurance companies who are very proficient in underwriting risky hobbies in general, and skydiving in particular.

You may want to contact a life insurance company that specializes in insuring high risk hobbies including skydivin...

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How To Determine How Much You Need For Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, February 22, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Choosing the right amount of life insurance protection for your loved ones is one of the most important decisions you make when purchasing a life insurance policy.

You don;t want to spend more than you need on your life insurance, but you want to get the coverage amount that will meet your goals, and protect your family's future.

How can you go about finding how much life insurance you really need?

It's easy. You can use a life insurance needs calculator

You just answer some basic questions abo...
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What Is The Highest Rated Life Insurance Company?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, February 21, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Here is a list of the highest rated life insurance companies for financial strength:

New York Life

Northwestern Mutual 



They all have the highest financial ratings an insurance company can achieve from the credit rating agencies.

You can visit AM Best Company, Moody's or Standard & Poor's to check on the financial strength ratings of insurance companies.

Here is a list of the Top 10 Life Insurance Companies and their financial strength ratings from AM Best ...

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Why Term Insurance Over Whole Life?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, February 20, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you need a large amount of life insurance coverage for a temporary period of time, Term life insurance is much more cost effective, at least in the short run, than Whole life insurance.

While Whole Life insurance builds up cash values inside the policy over time that can make it come out ahead of term in the end, not everyone can afford the amount of life insurance coverage they need in a permanent life insurance policy.

Sometimes purchasing a combination of Term life and ...

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How Much Life Insurance Does A Person Need?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, February 18, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
The amount of life insurance you need will depend on your own personal situation, and what goals you want your life insurance policy to accomplish.

Many people choose to buy the amount of life insurance that will eliminate their debt and provide enough money to help their loved ones continue the lifestyle they have enjoyed with the insured person.

If you want your children to got o college, you will provide enough life insurance for that goal.

If you want to provide funds for your spouse's retir...
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Can someone over age 70 get Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, February 17, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, people over age 70 may qualify for life insurance coverage.

It depends on the person's age and health, and the life insurance company's guidelines for approval.

In addition, the type and amount of life insurance the person needs will impact acceptance, and the cost of the life insurance policy.

It would be easier for someone over 70 to qualify for a term life insurance plan providing coverage for 10 years or less, instead of a permanent life insurance policy providing lifetime protection.

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Can a Diabetic Get Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, February 16, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
If you have diabetes and need life insurance you may be wondering if you can even qualify to purchase a life insurance plan.

Some life insurance are more willing to insure people with diabetes, while other insurers are more strict with their approval guidelines when it comes to insuring diabetics for life insurance.

Whether or not you qualify for a diabetic life insurance policy will depend on the insurance company and your own personal risk factors.

Your risk factors will include your age, heal...
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Can I Take Out A Life Insurance Policy On My Brother?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, February 15, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, you may be able to buy a life insurance policy on your brother if you have an 'insurable interest" in your brother.

Insurable Interest means that there is some sort of financial link between you and your brother. Either you rely on him for some financial support, or you may suffer financially if he were to die.

Your brother would, of course, need to cooperate in the process, sign the application for life insurance and provide medical information.  There are many circumstan...

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Who Can Own A Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, February 14, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Anyone can own their own life insurance policy, when they are the insured person of the life insurance policy.

Sometimes people think that someone else should own their life insurance policy for tax purposes, when the possibility of their estate ever being large enough to incur estate taxes is nil, and life insurance does not incur income taxes.

But there are legitimate situations (for tax purposes and otherwise) where another person owning the life insurance policy on your ...

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Does Life Insurance Cover Skydiving Accidents?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, February 13, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, life insurance policies may cover skydiving accidents.

If you got a life insurance policy that did not explicitly exclude death related to skydiving, the life insurance policy will pay for death that was caused by a skydiving accident.

However, this is taking into account that you did not lie about your past and future skydiving intentions on your application when you applied your life insurance policy.

The life insurance company has a two year contestability period calle...

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Can I Get Life Insurance If I Have Grave’s Disease?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, February 12, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, you may be able to qualify for life insurance if you have Grave's Disease.

If your Grave's Disease is in remission, or has caused hyperthyroidism that is is well controlled by medication, Grave's Disease will not make much impact on the rate you are charged for your life insurance policy.

If combined with other health conditions, or if you have some health complications from Grave's Disease, you might be rated up or even turned down for some life insurance policies.


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Can My Employer Take Out Life Insurance On Me?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, February 11, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Corporate owned life insurance (COLI) policies have been used for many years, but it's purpose has changed over the years.

It began as a way to provide necessary money to a business when a key employee died. The death benefit allows the employer to recoup some of the loss of earnings incurred when a productive employee dies, and provides money for recruiting and training a replacement. 

For many years, it was a common practice for an employer to take out life insurance on a...

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Life Insurance with Hepatitis C?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, February 9, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
If you have Hepatitis C you may have more than one option for purchasing a life insurance plan.

In fact, you can try a fully underwritten life insurance policy that requires a medical exam.

However, in addition, you may want to consider simplified issue life insurance plans with no exam but some health questions, or you could try a guaranteed issue life insurance plan.

Whether or not you qualify for any of these plans may depend on your health, and whether you have liver damage.

If you have had s...

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Can I Get Life Insurance On My Boyfriend?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, February 8, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

As long as you have an insurable interest you can buy a life insurance policy on another person.  That interest need only be present at the time you purchase the life insurance policy.  If that interest ceases you can still own the life insurance policy on the other person's life. 

In addition, you may need the person you want to insure to sign the application for life insurance and answer some health questions.

There are many scenarios where this is practiced and generally is...

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Can I Take Out A Life Insurance Policy On My Spouse?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, February 7, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, you can take out life insurance on your spouse.

In order to buy life insurance on another person you need an insurable interest in that person.

Insurable interest basically means you rely on the person for financial support, or you may suffer financially if the person were to die.

There does exist insurable interest between spouses, so you can take out a life insurance policy on your spouse.

When purchasing the life insurance on your spouse you may need your spouse's signature and he or she ...
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Average Life Insurance Premiums?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, February 6, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What are average premiums for life insurance?

There is no one average premium for a life insurance policy because pricing depends on the amount and type of life insurance you buy.

In addition, each person has their own personal risk factors that will impact their rate for a life insurance policy.

Personal risk factors may include your gender, age, health, lifestyle, occupation, hobbies, if you smoke, and your driving record, among other factors.

The younger and healthier you are when you buy life...
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How Much To Spend On Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, February 5, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

How much you spend on your life insurance policy will depend on several things, including how much life insurance you need and what type of life insurance policy you want to buy.

There are several factors that you have to consider when deciding how much to spend on your  life insurance.   First consider your age.  The older you are when you purchase your life insurance plan, the higher your cost of life insurance.

Then factor in your health, smoking status, and lifestyle inclu...

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Life Insurance with Premium Return?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, February 4, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What is life insurance with premium return?

It's a type of life insurance policy that provides term life insurance for a set period of time, usually up to 30 years.

If you outlive the term (duration) of your term life policy, the insurance company returns almost all of the premiums you paid. So, you get most of your money back with this type of life insurance plan if you are alive when the term life policy expires.

However, return premium life insurance costs more than regular term life insuranc...
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Is There Life Insurance For Elderly?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, February 3, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, there is life insurance available for elderly people.

There are several life insurance plans available for the elderly with No Exam required.

Final Expense life insurance policies can be purchased by people usually up to age 80.

There is quite a bit of leniency on the health questions for these 
these no exam senior life insurance policies policies, but it is possible to be declined. The maximum amount of life insurance offered is usually up to $25,000 for this type of lif...

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Does Life Insurance Cover Skiing?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, February 2, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, life insurance policies may cover skiing.

If you are a recreational skier, there will not be any difference in your price than if you did not ski at all. Your life insurance policy should pay out a death benefit whether your death occurred by illness or accident, even if it was a skiing accident that was the cause of your death.

Your rate for your life insurance coverage might be higher, or the skiing might be excluded as a cause of death, if you are a professional ski...

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Can Type 1 Diabetics Get Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, February 1, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, type 1 diabetics can may qualify for life insurance, and sometimes a person with type 1 diabetes will have an easier time finding affordable life insurance coverage than a person with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes.

With good control of your diabetes and no side effects, type 1 diabetes life insurance can be issued in a life insurance policy that pays 100% from day one and has no limit on the face amount. This means, you would have full coverage immediately once you a...

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What To Look For In A Term Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, January 31, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

When comparing term life insurance policies there are several features to consider:

1. How much is the premium and how long is it guaranteed to stay the same?

2. How much life insurance coverage is provided and how long is it guaranteed to stay the same?

3. Does full coverage start immediately?

4. Is the term life insurance policy convertible to permanent life insurance without evidence of insurability, and for how long?

5. What is the financial strength rating of the life i...

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Can You Buy Life Insurance On Other People?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, January 30, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, you may be able to buy life insurance on another person if you have an insurable interest in that person.

If you rely on someone else for financial support, or you would suffer financially if another person were to die, you may be able to buy life insurance on that person.

However, in order to purchase life insurance on another person you may need that person's permission, and the person may have to sign an application for the life insurance, and answer some health questions.

Usually, insur...
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What Does It Mean If Your Life Insurance Lapses?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, January 29, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If your life insurance policy lapses, it means that your life insurance coverage has ended.

In order to reinstate your life insurance policy coverage you will have to prove that your health has not changed, and pay any life insurance premiums due.

If that is not possible, you will have to get a new life insurance policy with life insurance rates which would be based on your current health and age.

Learn more about a lapsed life insurance policy and what that means.

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Does Life Insurance Blood Test For Drugs?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, January 28, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Usually, a life insurance company will require you to take a medical exam and draw blood and/or urine when you apply for your life insurance policy.

Then exam is paid for by the insurance company, and they check your blood for health issues; such as, high cholesterol, high protein levels, HIV/AIDS, STD's, diabetes, and other health conditions. In addition, they may check for use of prescription and illegal drugs.

A life insurance blood test may look for any signs of cocaine, marijuana, methamph...
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What Is Joint Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, January 27, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

A joint life insurance policy provides life insurance protection for two or more lives.

When one of the insured persons dies, the life insurance policy pays the death benefit and the life insurance coverage ends. It no longer covers the other insured person under the life insurance policy. 

A joint and last survivor life insurance policy does not pay out a death benefit when the first person dies, but pays out the death benefit upon the death of the last person to die who is...

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Who Are The Top Rated Life Insurance Companies?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, January 26, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Life insurance companies are rated by a number of different independent rating agencies.  

Therefore, which life insurance companies are top rated will depend on which rating system you choose to use when comparing financial strength of life insurance carriers.

Here are the leading financial rating institutions for insurance companies:

A.M. Best Company
Standard & Poor's

It may make sense to use multiple rating systems to measure the insurance companies you are i...

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Best Senior Life Insurance Company

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, January 25, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What is the best company for senior life insurance?

There are several highly-rated life insurance carriers offering senior life insurance plans.

When choosing your insurance company and plan make sure o find out the following:

1. What is the financial strength rating of the insurer?

2. How much will the life insurance cost?

3. When does full coverage start - immediately or after 2-3 years?

4. How long is the rate guaranteed to remain level?

5. How long will the life insurance coverage last?

There are...
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How To Get Life Insurance After Being Denied?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, January 24, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Have you been turned down for a life insurance policy? 

There are many reasons people may be turned down for life insurance coverage; such as, due to your age, health, driving record, use of illegal drugs, etc.

However, if you have been turned down when you applied for coverage, you may still have other options available to get insured.

For instance, guaranteed issue life insurance plans offer no exam life insurance with a limited amount of life insurance coverage available. In fact, some plans ...
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How To Get Life Insurance Quotes Online?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, January 23, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
You can get life insurance quotes over the internet by visiting a life insurance website offering life insurance quote comparisons.

Some websites have access to life insurance brokers that sell your information to others and will contact you by email or phone about your quote request.

While others provide instant life insurance quote comparisons from a large network of life insurance companies with no delay. That way, you can see for yourself without any delay which life insurance carriers may ...
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What Is The Best Life Insurance Company For Senior Citizens?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, January 22, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

There is no one best life insurance company for all seniors, although some are certainly better for older people than others.

The one life insurance carrier that is best for you will depend on your age, what amount of life insurance you need, what type of life insurance plan you want, your health, and even the state in which you reside, among other factors.

If you are over age 60 and looking for life insurance to cover your funeral costs, you will most likely find your most ...

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Why Have Term Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, January 21, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Term Life Insurance is life insurance for "temporary" needs that may last up to 30 years, or less.

For example,iIf you have 15 years left on your home mortgage loan, purchasing a 15 to 20 year term life insurance policy is a cost effective way to cover that substantial debt, in case you die within that period of time.

You do not purchase Term life insurance to borrow from it in the future, because Term life insurance does not build up any cash value inside the policy, it is p...

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How Much Life Insurance Should I Get For My Child?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, January 15, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you are just looking for a burial type life insurance policy which you would like to give to your child as a gift when they are an adult, perhaps when they have a family of their own, you might just start off with a $30,000 life insurance plan.

Underwriting is usually minimal in most cases on life insurance policies for children, meaning there is no health exam and few health questions. You can even get a quote and apply online for your child's life insurance plan in about...

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How Can I Take A Life Insurance Policy Out On My Father?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, January 14, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
It is possible to take out a life insurance policy on your father.

Since he is your father, you have an insurable interest in him, which is required in order to buy life insurance on someone else.

However, when taking out the coverage you may need his signature on the application, and he may have to answer some health questions. But, some life insurance plans may not require his knowledge.

This article explains how to buy life insurance on your parent. You can even request a life insurance quote...
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Can I Buy Life Insurance On Someone Else?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, January 10, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, you may be able to purchase a life insurance policy on someone else.

The insurance company will require that you have an "Insurable Interest" in the person you want to insure.

This means that you would suffer a financial loss if the person were to die, or that you rely on the person for some form of financial support.

There does exist insurable interest between spouses, siblings, parents and their children, family members, and business partners, among others.

In addition, if you want to insu...
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Why Would A Life Insurance Policy Be Denied?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, January 9, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

There are several reasons a life insurance policy may be denied, including:

1. The applicant's health - This can be anything from someone with uncontrolled diabetes or someone with cancer having only months to live. 

2. The applicant's health has not been stable for a certain length of time. This can range from someone who had very high blood pressure and only been on medication for one month, to someone with MS who has had a recent major exacerbation.

3. The applicant is ...

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What is the best insurance company to use to buy life insurance for people over 50?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, January 8, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
When it comes to buying life insurance for someone over age 50, there are several highly-rated life insurance companies.

However, choosing the best company will depend on your needs and budget, as well as, the insurer's financial strength rating and what the plan provides you as far as immediate full coverage and affordability.

There are several well-known insurers of people over age 50 including Globe Life, Colonial Penn, AARP/NewYork Life, Metlife and Prudential, among others.

One way to find ...
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How much does life insurance cost?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, January 7, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Are you looking for affordable life insurance coverage, and wondering how much your life insurance policy will cost?

If so, you should first understand how rates for life insurance are determined.

Each life insurance company has their own set of rating guidelines based on your personal risk factors.

In addition to the type and amount of life insurance you need, other factors affect the price you pay for life insurance.

These are called personal risk factors, and they help the insurers to determin...
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What Does A Whole Life Insurance Policy Offer?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, January 6, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

A whole life insurance policy is a type of life insurance that provides lifetime protection.

Whole Life offers guarantees on a couple different levels as it applies to your life insurance policy.  

First, the death benefit is guaranteed to remain level,  and second, the premium is guaranteed to remain level, and lastly, the cash value is guaranteed. 

Whole life insurance policies build up cash value inside the whole life insurance policy over time. You may be able to take a loan...

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Who Has The Best Life Insurance Rates?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, January 5, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

There is no one life insurance company that has the best rates for everyone because each person has their own specific risk factors for life insurance; such as, being overweight, smoking, or over the age of 60.

Life insurance companies often have certain classes of risk in which their rates will be more competitive for a certain type of life insurance policy, or for a certain age range of applicants, or for a certain type of health status.

To find the best life insurance rate...

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What Does Life Insurance Protect?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, January 4, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Life insurance is a form of financial security for the ones you love, those who depend on your for financial support.

Life insurance proceeds are left to the people you choose as beneficiaries of your life insurance policy, and those funds can be used for any purpose they choose to use the money.

So, for instance, the death benefit from your life insurance could go to your spouse to be used for living expenses, to pay for your child's college education, to provide money for your spouse's retire...
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What Does Guaranteed Level Term Life Insurance Mean?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, January 3, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Guaranteed level term life insurance is life insurance that is guaranteed not to go up in price, or down in death benefit, for the entire term of your life insurance policy.

For example, if you took out a guaranteed level term life insurance policy of $1,000,000 for a 26 year term at a rate of $80 per month at age 26, you would be paying the same premium annually at age 55 as you were at age 26.

If you passed away any time during those 30 years, your beneficiary would receive ...

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How Does Driving Record Affect Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, January 2, 2014, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
When you apply for life insurance you answer some questions about your health and personal risk factor, such as, if you smoke, your height to weight ratio, and your driving record, among other things.

These risk factors impact your acceptance and rate for life insurance.

The insurance company wants to determine what kind of risk you present for life insurance - they do this by reviewing your risk factors and how these will impact your longevity - how long you are expected to live.

If you have a ...
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Can Anyone Get A Life Insurance Policy On You?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, December 31, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

No, not anyone can take out a life insurance policy on you.

They must have a financial relationship to you, or be a very close relative. The insurance company requires that someone taking out life insurance on another person must have an "Insurable Interest" in that person.

Someone to whom you owe a large amount of money could take out a life insurance policy on you, so that they would get paid if you passed away.

Or, a relative could take out life insurance on you to help pay...

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How Long Should I Buy Term Life Insurance For?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, December 30, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The length of time for which you should buy a Term Life Insurance policy should be in line with the amount of time your need for life insurance exists.

For instance, if you have a new baby and want to provide for your child if something should happen to you, I would consider a 25 or 30 year Term, to get them through college, and also to cover other children you may have in the future.

If you have just gotten a 30 year mortgage loan on your home, a 30 year Term may be good for...

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Does Life Insurance Pay Double Accidental Death?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, December 29, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Life insurance pays the death benefit if the insured person passes away due to natural causes or accidental death during the period of time you are censured under the life insurance policy.

If you want the life insurance policy to pay out a double death benefit in case of accidental death and your policy does not do that as a feature of the policy, you may be able to purchase an accidental death rider.

That way if your death occurred due to an accident, the life insurance pol...

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Who Is The Best Life Insurance Provider?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, December 28, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Each life insurance provider has their own pros and cons.  

The key is understanding which life insurance provider has the best solution for your specific life insurance needs.

Each life insurance company has their own set of underwriting and pricing guidelines based on their experience with different classes of risk for life insurance; such as, smokers, seniors, diabetics, etc. So, you may want to compare plans and pricing from several life insurance companies because they all...

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Can A Wife Take Out Life Insurance On Her Husband?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, December 27, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

A wife can and often does take out life insurance coverage on her husband. And a husband often takes out life insurance coverage on his wife. Parents also purchase life insurance on their children.

You can buy life insurance on your spouse because an insurable interest exists between spouses, which is a requirement to buy life insurance on another person. When you apply for life insurance on your husband, you may have to answer some health questions about his health.

Here's how...

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Does AARP Offer Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, December 26, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, AARP does offer life insurance through New York Life.

AARP offers Term Life Insurance and Whole Life Insurance.

The death benefit will either pay 100% from day one you are insured, or be a graded death benefit which does not provide full coverage until you have been insured for at least 2 years.

Some of their life insurance policies can go up in price periodically, so take that into account when comparing prices on their life insurance plans.

Many seniors purchase AARP li...

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Does Term Life Insurance Expire?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, December 24, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, term life insurance policies do expire.

For instance, if you have a 10 year term life insurance policy, and you outlive the 10 year term, the life insurance coverage spires, you are no longer insured.

However, renewable term life insurance plans will allow you to renew the policy for another term, which may be 1 year, or longer.

In addition, convertible term life insurance policies may allow you to convert the term life insurance coverage into a permanent life insurance policy before the te...
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What Is The Best Life Insurance Policy For Children?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, December 23, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
The best life insurance for your child may depend on your child's age, health and the insurance company's coverage and pricing available for your child.

Several insurers offer child life insurance plans. Some of the better known child life insurance carriers include Globe Life, Gerber, and Prudential, among others.

Since each life insurance company has their own set of pricing guidelines, and requirements for acceptance, as well as, their own specific financial strength rating, you may want to ...
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Does Life Insurance Cover Funeral Costs?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, December 22, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The beneficiary of a life insurance policy makes the decision on how to spend the proceeds of life insurance.

If you wish, you can make your funeral home one of the beneficiaries of your life insurance policy, to provide the money for your funeral costs.

The remainder of the life insurance can be left to another beneficiary, and that person can use the money as they see fit, if you wish to have a higher benefit amount for your life insurance policy.

That way, you leave some mon...

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Who Has The Cheapest Life Insurance Rates?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, December 21, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The quickest and easiest way to find out which life insurance carrier offers you the cheapest rates is to request and compare instant life insurance quotes on a life insurance website that offers "free life insurance quotes". These quote comparisons will bring up the cheapest life insurance rates for your particular age and gender.

Some life insurance quote sites will even allow you to input some health and other risk factors to find out how different health issues may impact...

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How To Prepare For Life Insurance Medical Exam?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, December 20, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
There are many things you can do to prepare for your life insurance medical exam.

Make sure you choose a time of day for your exam when you experience the lowest amount of stress.

Also, do not drink any coffee, caffeine, or alcohol the day of the exam.

Don't exercise the day of the exam.

You can choose to have the exam in your home, so if that would be less stressful, choose that option.

Make sure you have all of your medical information, prescriptions, and health records available, as well as, th...
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Why Would One Borrow From A Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, December 19, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

There are several good reasons to borrow money from your life insurance policy.

When you buy a Whole Life Insurance Policy, you build up cash value inside the policy over time.

You can borrow against this cash value in your policy for any number of reasons, including for a down payment on a new home, for a child's college education, or even for a car.

The interest you pay on your loan is very low, and you may be able to borrow up to 80% of the cash value in your life insurance...

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Does A Non-Working Spouse Need Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, December 18, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, if there would be a financial hardship if the non-working spouse died.

Let's say the wife has a very demanding and high income career. The husband stays home to raise the kids and take care of the house. What if the husband were to suddenly die?

Now the wife has to hire a nanny, a house keeper, a cook, and possibly a personal assistant to replace all of the the work that was being done before by the stay-at-home dad.

You would need full-time help or at least part-time h...

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Where Can I Get Life Insurance For Diabetics?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, December 17, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Using an online life insurance broker with access to a large network of life insurance carriers that specializes in "impaired risk" life insurance is a good way to make sure that you are getting the best possible rate on diabetic life insurance coverage.

If you're just looking for a small life insurance policy with no health exam required, there are also lots of choices, and again, diabetic control can make a big difference in what life insurance policy you qualify for and w...

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What Is Life Insurance Guaranteed Issue?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, December 13, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Life insurance that is guaranteed issue means that the person applying for the life insurance policy cannot be turned down due to life insurance, or other risks.

However, there are usually strict age guidelines for guaranteed issue life insurance policies, with the minimum age usually around ages 40-50 and the maximum age usually under age 80.

Also, the life insurance policy usually has a graded death benefit during the first one to three years, meaning that it will pay a p...

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What Is A Term Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, December 12, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
A term life insurance policy is a form of temporary life insurance elating for a specific period of time.

Usually, a term life insurance plan provides coverage for 10, 15, 20 or 30 years. Your premium is guaranteed for the term of your policy, and level term life insurance has level amounts of life insurance coverage for the entire term of your policy.

If you die during the term, your life insurance pays out a death benefit to the person you chose as beneficiary.

If you outlive the term of your ...
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Can I Get Life Insurance If I Have Ulcerative Colitis?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, December 11, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, you can get life insurance even if you have ulcerative colitis.

If you want more than $25,000 of life insurance coverage, the insurance company will most likely require your medical records. The life insurance company will check to see if your ulcerative colitis condition is stable and mild to moderate, which should qualify you for a life insurance policy.

However, any recent flare ups, surgeries, certain prescriptions, or complications such as liver disease, could caus...

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When Do Life Insurance Policies Pay Out?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, December 10, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Life insurance policies pay the face amount of coverage out as a death benefit to the beneficiary when the person who is insured by the life insurance policy dies, or when the policy matures.

If the money is paid upon the insured's death, it goes to the beneficiary. If it is paid upon policy maturity, the money goes to the owner of the life insurance policy.

However, life insurance companies have begun offering living benefits from their life insurance products.  

Many life i...

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What Questions Are Asked For Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, December 9, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
When you apply for life insurance coverage there are many questions asked about the coverage you need, and your health history. Many of these questions assist the insurance company in determining if they will offer you life insurance, how much they will offer, and what they will charge you for your policy.

For example, the life insurance carrier may ask how much life insurance you need, what type of life insurance, and how you will pay your premiums - monthly, quarterly, or annually.

In additio...
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Can I purchase life insurance on my parents?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, December 7, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, you can purchase life insurance on your parents.

Many children buy life insurance on their parents to help pay for final expenses; such as, funeral and burial costs which may add up to as much as $7,500 or more per parent. A study of Funeral Director's indicates the average cost of a funeral to be around $7,750.

In order for someone to buy life insurance on another person there must exist insurable interest. This means you either rely on the person you want to insure for money, or you woul...
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Am I Able To Get Life Insurance On My Brother?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, December 6, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, you may be able to get life insurance on your brother.

The life insurance company requires an insurable interest in the person you want to insure for life insurance.

Insurable interest means you rely on the person for some form of financial support, or you would suffer financially if the person were to die.

Insurable interest does exist between spouses, parents and their children, and siblings, among others.

So, you could buy life insurance on your brother, but you may need his permission, s...
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Life Insurance for Seniors over 70?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, December 5, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Is there life insurance available for people over age 70?

Yes, some insurers offer life insurance coverage for people over 70 years old.

Whether or not you qualify for a plan may depend on your age, health, hobbies, lifestyle, driving record, height-to-weight ratio, if you smoke or not, and some other risk factors that may impact a seniors longevity.

Life insurance companies may offer permanent life insurance to seniors over 70, but these will be the most expensive plans available; however, they...
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What Is The Term Of Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, December 4, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The term of a life insurance policy is usually the number of years that a Term Life Insurance policy will stay the same price.

Term life insurance plans that are "level term" have the same premium each year for the duration of the term; such as, 10, 15 or 20 years.

I say "usually" because some life insurance policies will increase the price every few years or every 5 years, or at a certain point in the policy.

Other life insurance plans will say the policy "usually" will stay ...

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How Long Will My Life Insurance Last?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, December 3, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
It depends on the type of life insurance you own.

Permanent life insurance lasts your entire lifetime, as long as you pay the premiums on time.

Term life insurance lasts for the length of the term.

Since term life is temporary, your life insurance lasts for the term you select when you purchase the policy. Many term life policies offer terms of 10, 15, 20 or 30 years.

So, term life insurance may last as long as 30 years, as long as you keep paying your premiums on time.

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Can You Get Life Insurance On Anybody?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, December 2, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
No, you can't buy life insurance on just anybody.

The life insurance company will require you to have an "Insurable Interest" in the person you want to insure for life insurance.

Insurable Interest means you rely on the person for financial support, or stand to lose money if the person dies. 

Insurable Interest does exist between spouses, siblings, parents and their children, relatives, and business partners, among others.

So, for instance, you may insure the life of your parent, but you will nee...
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Can You Get Life Insurance With Diabetes?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, December 1, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

People with diabetes can get life insurance, and there are some ways that you can help yourself get the best price on your life insurance policy.

Life insurance companies will consider your age, health, type of diabetes, if you smoke, how long ago you were diagnosed with diabetes, if you are insulin dependent, if you have any health problems related to your diabetes, how often you test your blood sugar levels, and other measures you take to properly manage your diabetes.

Many ...

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Is Hepatitis C Tested For Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, November 27, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Life insurance companies test for many different health issues when you apply for a life insurance policy.

Your age, health, and amount of life insurance you request will help the insurance company to determine what type of exam you have and what they test for.

For example, a young person under age 30 requesting $50,000 of life insurance may only have a limited exam, while an 55 year old person requesting $1,000,000l of life insurance may require a full physical examination.

If ...

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Where To Compare Life Insurance Quotes?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, November 26, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
When it comes to comparing life insurance quotes you have several good options available to you.

You could contact a local licensed independent life insurance broker with access to several leading life insurance carriers.

You could contact life insurance companies one-by-one for your free quotes.

Or, you could visit a well-rspected online life insurance broker with access to a large network of leading life insurance companies.

We recommend Efinancial for your life insurance quote comparisons.

Why ...
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Can You Get Life Insurance If You Are An Alcoholic?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, November 24, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

You may or may not be able to qualify for life insurance if you are an alcoholic. It will depend on your age, health, and other risk factors related to your drinking.

The life insurance companies look at several factors in determining if they wish to issue a life insurance policy for coverage.

Have you been to AA? Have you been to a treatment facility for alcoholism?

If you are an alcoholic, are you being treated for kidney problems?

What is your record as far as being arrested f...

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Life Insurance for a Senior Citizen?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, November 23, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Can a senior citizen qualify for life insurance coverage?

Yes, seniors may qualify for affordable life insurance protection from a highly-rated life insurer.

In fact, many life insurance companies focus on providing special life insurance plans suited specifically for seniors.

Some well-known insurers like Colonial penn, Mutual of Omaha, and Globe Life offer senior life insurance policies with simplified online applications to make it quick and easy for senior citizens to get quotes and apply on...
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Can People With Cancer Get Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, November 21, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Whether or not someone with cancer can buy life insurance may depend on the type of cancer, stage, treatment and the period of time since all treatment has ended.

Certain types of cancer, such as most forms of skin cancer, if caught early and "cured", should not prevent someone from qualifying to buy a life insurance policy, d
epending on the stage of cancer and treatment, rates for your life insurance policy may be standard or higher.

Other forms of cancer may be insurable an...

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Can You Get Life Insurance With COPD?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, November 19, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you have COPD it is highly unlikely you will be able to qualify for life insurance coverage.

However, it will depend on your personal health history provided through a pre-screening process that would tell you what to expect for a rate classification on your life insurance policy, if qualified.

It is unlikely a person would be considered a standard risk with COPD, but that person may get a table offer from a carrier at a much higher rate than standard, depending on your hea...

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How Much Is Term Life Insurance For 20 Years?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, November 17, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Term life insurance can cover a temporary need and can be surprisingly affordable, especially compared to permanent life insurance which can cost 2-3 times more than term life insurance, but provides lifetime coverage.

For example, if you are a male age 40 in need of life insurance coverage for a period 20 years, and are in excellent health, it may be possible to purchase up to $500,000 coverage for a level premium for 20 years that costs about $2 per day.

A quick and easy way...

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Term Or Whole Life Insurance Which Is Better?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, November 15, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
The type of life insurance plan that meets your needs is the one that is better between term or whole life insurance.

Also, some people have a need for both types of life insurance because they need term life for their short term needs, such as, protecting their growing family until they are adults, and whole life insurance for their lifetime needs, such as, providing for their final expenses and estate taxes.

But, if you have a need for 30 years or less, then a term life insurance policy can b...
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Who Has The Greatest Need For Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, November 13, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
There are many different situations that would present a great need for life insurance.

Among those with the greatest need for life insurance protection may be:

1. Young Families.

2. New Homeowners.

3. Couples with several children.

4. Families relying on one income.

5. Married couples with children and no savings.

6. Widow with children.

7. Single parent with 2 or more children.

If you have people who rely on you for financial support you may need life insurance coverage.

Many families buy life insura...
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Can I Get Life Insurance If I Have Diabetes?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, November 12, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, you may be able to qualify for life insurance coverage if you have diabetes.

However, it will depend on the status of your health and your diabetes.

The life insurance company will ask about your history of diabetes, when you were diagnosed, if you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, how you manage your diabetes, are you insulin dependent, how often you check your blood sugar levels, do you have any health problems related to your diabetes, your height-to-weight ratio, etc.

In addition, the lif...
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Who Can Be The Owner Of A Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, November 11, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
In order to be the owner of a life insurance policy a person must:

1. Have an insurable interest in the person there are insuring; and

2. Be of adult age in order to enter a life insurance contract.

Insurable interest means you either rely on the person you want to insure for financial support, or you would lose out financially if the person you want to insure were to pass away.

Insurable interest exists between spouses, siblings, parents and their children, family members, and business partners,...
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When Will Life Insurance Not Pay?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, November 10, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
If you own a life insurance policy you want to make sure your life insurance company will pay out any claim on your policy should you die.

But, there are several instances where a life insurance policy will not pay out a claim.

1. If your policy has expired, and you no longer have coverage.

2. If your policy has lapsed due to non-payment of premium.

3. If your policy excludes death due to your cause of death, such as, killed in a war.

4. If you lied on the application for life insurance, and the l...
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What Questions Should I Ask When Buying Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, November 9, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

There are several questions you may want to ask when purchasing your life insurance policy.

It's important to get the right amount of life insurance, choose a financially secure life insurer, and get affordable coverage with rates that are guaranteed to remain level.

1. Does the life insurance policy cover *death by any reason? In other words, don't be fooled into buying Accidental Death Life Insurance  when you think you are buying Life insurance which covers all types of deat...

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At What Age Does Term Life Insurance End?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, November 8, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Term life insurance is a type of temporary life insurance which lasts for a certain period of time.

Usually, term life policies provide coverage for a term (duration) of 10, 15, 20 or 30 years.

When the term ends, the life insurance coverage expires, you have no more life insurance.

The term life insurance does not end at a specific age, but the anniversary date of the end of the term for your policy.

When the term comes to an end, you may renew your policy for another term, or apply for a new li...
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Which Term Life Insurance Is Good?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, November 7, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
There are several types of life insurance to choose from when buying your term life policy.

As for which is good for your needs it will depend on what you are trying to accomplish with your life insurance.

The basic types of term life plans are Level Term, Decreasing Term, and Return of premium term life insurance.

Renewable term life is an option you can add to your policy that allows you to renew your current term life insurance plan for another 10 year term without having to take a health ex...
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How to Get a Quote for a Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, November 5, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
How can I get life insurance quotes?

You can get free, instant life insurance quote comparisons on the internet by visiting a life insurance quote provider like Efinancial.

Or, you can contact a local life insurance agent, or call individual life insurance companies direct for a quote.

I recommend Efinancial for several reasons when it comes to comparing life insurance rates:

1. It only takes a few minutes.

2. No need to meet with a life insurance agent.

3. No high-pressure sales pitch.

4. No obliga...
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How to Save Money on a Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, November 4, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
If you're shopping for life insurance you may want to consider these tips to help you save some money when purchasing life insurance:

1. Compare rates for life insurance from multiple insurers since rates can vary widely among companies.

2. Consider term life insurance instead of whole life insurance since term life costs a lot less for up to 30 years of life insurance protection.

3. Choose annual premium payments instead of monthly premiums.

4. Buy life insurance more than 6 months before your n...
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Which Life Insurance Policy Has A Cash Value?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, November 2, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Whole life insurance is the type of life insurance which builds cash value inside the life insurance policy.

Whole life, also known as, permanent life insurance provides lifetime life insurance protection, as long as you pay your life insurance premiums.

Whole may build up cash value inside the policy over time, but usually there is no cash value until you have owned the policy for at least 3 years.

Once you have cash value in tour policy you may be able to take a loan from your policy. Usually,...
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Is It Smart To Buy Whole Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, November 1, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Whether or not it is smart to buy whole life insurance depends on your own specific situation, and what your life insurance goals and needs are for you and your loved ones.

If you need lifetime protection then whole life insurance may be a good idea.

If you need life insurance that may build up some cash value inside the policy from which you may take a loan out in the future, whole life may be a good idea.

However, if you are on a budget, have life insurance needs of 30 or less, or just need th...
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Does Your Spouse Have To Be Your Beneficiary For Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, October 31, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

No, your spouse does not have to be named as your beneficiary on your life insurance policy.

As the owner of your life insurance policy you can choose anyone you wish to be the beneficiary, including but not limited to your children, although if they are minors, it is better to leave the money to a trust or another trusted adult who you know would use the death benefit for their welfare.

You can choose anyone or any entity to be your beneficiary who has some financial input i...

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How Do I Get Life Insurance For My Mother?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, October 30, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
In order to buy life insurance on another person the insurance company will require that you have an insurable interest in that person.

Insurable interest basically means you ely on the person for financial support, or you stand to lose out financially if the person were to die.

There does exist insurable interest between parents and their children, so you can buy life insurance for your mother.

However, in order to get life insurance on your mom, you may need her permission, signature on the ap...
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What is the benefit of term over whole life insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, October 29, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
There are a few benefits of term life insurance over whole life insurance, including:

1. Term life costs a lot less than whole life insurance which means you can afford to buy more life insurance.

2. Term life offers the flexibility if choosing how long you have life insurance coverage from 10, 15, 20 or 30 years of protection.

3. Term life is easy to understand, you pay premiums for the coverage for a certain period of time, if you die during the term, your beneficiary receives a death benefit....
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Can You Get Life Insurance With Lupus?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, October 28, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, you can almost always get life insurance while having lupus.

If your lupus is severe enough to cause kidney damage, anemia, pleurisy, pericarditis, or brain dysfunction, you will most likely need to take a simplified or guaranteed issue life insurance policy.

A guaranteed issue life insurance plan has a graded death benefit which means you need to be insured for at least 2 years before you have full coverage under your life insurance policy.

If it is mild, you can get med...

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What do you mean by life insurance quotes?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, October 26, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Life insurance quotes are an estimated cost of your life insurance policy.

You can request life insurance quotes online, or by contacting a local life insurance agent, or calling a life insurance company direct.

In order to get an online life insurance quote you visit a life insurance website, fill out a quote request form, and instantly receive the lowest rates for life insurance from a network of highly-rated life insurance companies.

Life insurance quotes and quick, easy and convenient. You c...
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Can You Have 2 Life Insurance Plans?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, October 24, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
The number of life insurance policies you have will depend on how much life insurance you need and how many life insurance policies insurers may allow you to purchase.

Yes, you can own two or more life insurance policies.

Since your life insurance needs may change throughout your life, insurers will allow you to own more than one life insurance policy.

However, they ask about the amount of life insurance you already own when you apply for life insurance. They want to make sure you aren't over-in...
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What To Look For In A Term Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, October 22, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

There are several features to consider when comparing term life insurance policies, including:

1) The price and death benefit are guaranteed to stay the same for the full term,

2) How long the term lasts - 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30 years?

3) The term life policy is convertible to permanent life insurance without evidence of insurability for an extended period of time, and

4) The life insurance carrier is reputable and highly rated by AM Best Company for financial strength.

Also, c...

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Can You Borrow Money From A Term Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, October 20, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
No, you cannot borrow money from a term life insurance policy.

A term life policy does not build up any cash value inside the policy over time like a permanent life insurance policy.

Term life is "pure protection", not an investment.

You may cancel your term life policy and you may get some of the premiums paid back, but there is no money inside the policy to borrow from, just life insurance protection.

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What Constitutes Accidental Death For Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, October 19, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Any accident that causes death would be consider accidental death.

An accident is an event which was unintended.

Whereas, life insurance covers death by old age, accident, or intentional death by suicide, if you have been insured for two or more years, one year in some states like Colorado.

Accidental death insurance covers only death resulting from an accident, and most policies require death to happen within a certain period of time of the accident, such as, 30 or 90 days, in order for the dea...
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Can Life Insurance Refuse To Pay?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, October 18, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, Life insurance companies can refuse to pay the death benefit of your life insurance policy if it is within two years since the policy was purchased, and they find that you misrepresented facts on the application for life insurance coverage when you applied for your policy.

For example, if the applicant for life insurance was scheduled for a biopsy for cancer, but answered "no" to the question that asked if there were pending tests for diagnosis of any disease.

If the he...

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How does Life Insurance differ from Accidental Death Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, October 17, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Life insurance differs from Accidental death insurance in that Life Insurance pays for death of the insured person by any reason (except suicide in the first two years in most states), whereas Accidental death insurance only pays out a death benefit for death of the insured resulting from accidental reasons.

AD&D stands for Accidental Death and Dismemberment. If the death of the insured person is due to falling down stairs, a car accident, or any other type of accident, the ...

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What Is A Face Amount Of A Life Insurance Policy?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, October 15, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The face amount of a life insurance policy is the original dollar amount of life insurance protection or coverage for which the policy was taken out.

The face amount of life insurance is also the amount of money that is paid to the beneficiary or insured (if the policy matures), minus any loans, or increased by any values stated in the contract.

The face amount of a life insurance policy is the amount of money your beneficiary will receive upon the death of the insured perso...

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How Much Is Life Insurance For A 65 Year Old?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, October 14, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Life insurance for a 65 year old may be affordable, or cost more than you might have expected, depending on your health. Many people put off purchasing their life insurance coverage until they are age 65.What they find is the cost is much higher than they may have expected. Most 65 year olds are no longer in excellent health so they will pay a rate higher than standard. However, you may want to compare rates among several of the leading life insurance carriers in order to fin...

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Can I get life insurance with a DUI?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, October 13, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Getting life insurance with a DUI on your driving record may be possible.

The price you pay for your life insurance if you have had a DUI will largely depend on how long ago the DUI occurred, if there was any alcohol treatment involved, and if a second DUI occurred after that?

You may not be able to get a medically underwritten life insurance policy if you have had a recent DUI.

However, you may be able to qualify  for a simplified issued life insurance policy a year or two aft...

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Does Life Insurance Have To Be Used To Pay For A Funeral?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, October 11, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

No your life insurance death benefit can be used for any purpose your beneficiary wants to use it for.

Life insurance has nothing to do with your funeral.

Unless it's a preneed funeral insurance plan purchased from a funeral home to specifically pay for the cost of your funeral.

However, a funeral preneed life insurance policy does not have to be used for a funeral either. The funeral contract can be canceled by you at any time and the life insurance proceeds can be left to t...

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How are Life Insurance Benefits Paid?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, October 9, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Life insurance death benefits are normally paid in a lump sum to the beneficiary or beneficiaries of the life insurance policy.

Or, life insurance proceeds may be paid in regular payments over a number of years.

Another option is a combination of both payment options, where the beneficiary receives a lump sum with the remainder made in payments over time.

When the life insurance policy proceeds are not taken all at once, there is interest paid to the beneficiary on the money th...

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How to Buy Life Insurance for a Parent?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, October 7, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
How can I buy life insurance coverage for my parent?

You can buy life insurance on either or both of your parents because an adult child has an insurable interest in his or her parents. 

An adult child may purchase life insurance coverage on his parents because he may rely on his parents for financial support, of suffer financially if one or both of his parents were to die.

Many adult children buy life insurance plans on their parents to help offset or pay for the cost of their parent's funeral,...
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Can I Purchase Life Insurance For My Parents?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, October 6, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

You can purchase life insurance for your parents since you have an "insurable interest" in your parents.

Some of the more common reasons adult children buy life insurance on their parents are for estate preservation or to take care of final expenses foe your parents.

You can also be the premium-payer, and as the owner of the life insurance policy, you can choose who is the beneficiary, and change it at any time. Typically, death proceeds are paid out free from taxes and avoid...

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What Can I Do If I Am Turned Down For Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, October 5, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The life insurance industry has several hundred life insurance companies, many of which specialize in insuring certain types of risk, including high risk applicants.

A declination from one life insurance company may not mean you will definitely be declined by another life insurance company.

After a declination for life insurance, you may still want to continue shopping for life insurance from other life insurance companies that specialize in insuring impaired risk applicant...

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What Is A Life Insurance Physical Exam?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, October 4, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
I physical exam for life insurance is an examination that checks your health for any ailments and to determine if you have any nicotine or illegal drugs in your system, as well as if you have STD's, high cholesterol, high protein levels, or any other health problems, such as, diabetes or emphysema.

Life insurance companies don;t always require a medical exam of the person applying for life insurance. It depends on the person's age and the amount of life insurance requested. For instance, a 30 ...
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Who Gets My Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, October 3, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If you own the life insurance policy that is insuring your life. the person who gets your life insurance death benefit upon your death is the person you name as beneficiary on your life insurance policy.

If someone else is the owner of the life insurance policy insuring your life, the owner gets to choose the beneficiary, although as the insured person, you may have a say in choosing the beneficiary.

However, if the beneficiary is responsible for your death, the secondary bene...

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What are the Top Term Life Insurance Policies?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, September 30, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
There are a few basic types of term life insurance policies.

The most popular type is level term life insurance. Then there's decreasing term life which isn't sold by many insurers anymore.

And, there's return of premium term life insurance which returns almost all of the premiums you paid for your life insurance if you outlive the term (duration) of your term life insurance policy. 

Level term offers you rates that remain the same each year for the term of your policy, while your amount of life...
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How to Buy Life Insurance for a Parent?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, September 29, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Is it possible for me to buy life insurance on my parents?

Yes, you may be able to buy life insurance for your parent.

In order for one person to buy a life insurance policy on another person there must exist "Insurable Interest" in that person. This means you rely on the person for some financial support, or you would suffer financially if the person were to pass away.

Insurable Interest does exist between parents and their children so you can buy life insurance on your parents.

Many children ma...
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How To Compare Life Insurance Quotes?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, September 26, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

It's quick and easy to request and compare life insurance rate quotes online among several of the leading life insurance carriers.

You can compare instant life insurance quotes by going to several different life insurance companies, or you can compare life insurance quotes by going to one website or agency that sells life insurance policies from multiple life insurance companies.

The main advantage of doing your shopping for life insurance in one place is that you will know yo...

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Can One Person Have Two Life Insurance Policies?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, September 25, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, one person can own two or more life insurance policies.

Many people buy several life insurance policies because different types of life insurance products best meet different types of insurance needs, or simply because they want to diversify the insurance companies with whom their life insurance is with.

Life Insurance companies don't mind how many life insurance policies you own, as long as you can qualify for them financially.

That means, if you earn enough income to q...

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Life Insurance Blood Test?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, September 19, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
What does a life insurance company test your blood for when you have your medical exam?

Life insurance companies check your blood to verify you answered the questions truthfully on your application for life insurance coverage.

Also, they are looking for any health issues or use of illegal substances.

For instance, they may look for high protein or high cholesterol levels, as well as, any STD's, AIDS, HIV, or diabetes, among other things.

In addition, they will check for nicotine, continine, or an...
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Why Is Term Life Insurance The Best Type?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Term Life Insurance is not the best type of life insurance for every situation.

Some people think they would only need life insurance for a temporary period of time.

However, if they are thinking ahead to their final years, and worried about where the money will come from to bury them, they may want to consider a permanent life insurance policy.

If your need for life insurance is temporary, not permanent, Term Life Insurance is best for its relatively low price tag and flexib...

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Does A 24 Year Old Need Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, September 15, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

If someone who is 24 years old has college debts, a spouse, children, a home, or other financial obligations or debts, then life insurance can be a good way to take care of those.

Older people over age 30 usually have more financial resources saved up, while life insurance may be the only way a younger person can take care of debts and other financial obligations.

Life insurance rates are usually extremely low at age 24, and you can lock in rates for 30 years or more with a 3...

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When Does Term Life Insurance Payout?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, September 12, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

A term life insurance policy will typically only pay out a death benefit if the insured were to pass away before the end date of the policy.

Term life insurance policies are typically sold in ten, fifteen, and twenty year terms which is how long your coverage will last. Remember every policy is different.

Read your life insurance policy completely to understand the coverage provided and any exclusions that there may be or contact your local agent to have them go over your lif...

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Can I Buy Life Insurance For My Father?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, September 11, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, you can buy a life insurance policy for your father.

As long as your father gives his permission/consent, and he can qualify for the life insurance coverage, yes you can. 

He would need to sign the application for life insurance coverage.  You would be listed as the Owner and Premium Payer of the life insurance policy.

You would want to name yourself as the beneficiary of the life insurance policy, which means upon your father's death, you would receive the death benef...

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Can You Buy Life Insurance On Your Parents?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, September 10, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes you can buy life insurance on your parents. You'll need to justify the amount life insurance on your parents, and you will need their signature on the application acknowledging them as the insured on the life insurance policy.

Life insurance on parents is an under utilized financial tactic for the next generation's economic benefit.

If you buy life insurance on your parents, they are the insured’s, and you are the owner of the policy and you pay the premiums. You wou...

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How Much Does 1 Million Dollars Life Insurance Cost?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, September 6, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

The cost of one million dollars worth of life insurance protection depends on the length of coverage which may be for a term of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years.

Term life insurance offers from 5-30 years of coverage and permanent life insurance provides coverage up to age 121.

However, the cost of your million dollar life insurance policy will also depend on your gender, age, smoking status, health history, family health history, current medical condition, your height-to-weig...

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What Happens At A Life Insurance Exam?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, September 4, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What happens at a life insurance exam depends on your age, the life insurance company, and the amount of life insurance for which you are applying. 

If you are young and applying for a small life insurance policy under $100,000 of coverage, it is possible that all that is needed is answering some medical questions, and maybe giving a sample of urine for testing.

For most people that apply for a medically underwritten life insurance policy over $100,000 of coverage, a blood ...

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Where Can I Get Life Insurance On Someone Else?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, September 3, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

To get life insurance on someone else, you can go to any life insurance website or insurance agency that offers life insurance coverage.

If they want to see someone face to face, you should contact a place near the person you want to insure for life insurance.

If the person you want to insure for life insurance will be signing a digital application online, they can do it from across the nation from you and/or your insurance agent.

In order to buy life insurance on another pers...

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How Many People Have Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, August 31, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

According to LIMRA in 2011, 7 in 10 U.S. households own some type of life insurance coverage.  

Nearly half of all U.S. households own individual life insurance policies.  Fifty-eight million, or half of U.S. households say that they need more life insurance protection, that they feel they are under-insured.  

Most individual life insurance policies "In Force" are permanent life insurance (71%) rather than term life insurance (29%).

Life insurance is one of the most important p...

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What Are Some Reasons Why Life Insurance Is Denied?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, August 30, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Some of the most common reasons why life insurance is denied may include:

1. You applied for a life insurance policy for which you do not qualify due to a medical condition, being overweight or underweight per the policy guidelines, or are out of the age limits of the policy. If you are too old, you may not qualify, or if you are overweight, you may not meet the insurer's underwriting guidelines for acceptance.

2. You are not a US citizen or do not have a green card or work...

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Can I Buy Life Insurance For My Parents?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, August 28, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, you can buy life insurance for your parents, but there are some requirements in order to purchase life insurance on your parents.

1. If you are going to own the life insurance policy for your parents, you can get a small life insurance policy to be used on final expenses. If you want to own a policy on them for a larger amount of coverage, you must show that you contribute to their lives financially, that you would suffer some financial loss if they were to die, for exa...

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What Happens When Term Life Insurance Is Up?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, August 27, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

When the term of a term life policy has ended, either:

1. The life insurance policy ends, which means there is no longer any life insurance coverage, or

2. The life insurance policy goes into an annually renewable term, unless

3. It has a rider or feature that enables it to enter a new level premium for a term of 5 or 10 years usually, at a higher price.

This new annually renewable premium is much higher than the original term life insurance premium was and can go up every year ...

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What drugs are in the life insurance drug test?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, August 25, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

What are the main drugs that are a part of life insurance drug testing?

Life insurance companies may test for everything. Specifically, drug testing for life insurance may include marijuana, alcohol, cocaine, methamphetamine, LSD, heroin and other opiates. This is done through testing of samples of your blood and urine specimens.

Marijuana and alcohol are insurable by lost life insurance companies - you'll just pay higher rates depending on your amount of alcohol or marijua...

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Do life insurance companies test randomly for tobacco use?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, August 24, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

I have a life insurance policy for a non-smokers rate, and I like a good cigar every once in a while (I'm not a frequent everyday smoker). Should I be worried about having them come in and randomly test me for tobacco use?

No, there's nothing random about it. They test 100% of the time when you apply for life insurance.

However, Life insurance companies do not do "random" testing on policyholders. If you are approved for the non-smoker rate for life insurance, and then you ...

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How Long Does A DUI Affect Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, August 22, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

A DUI may affect a person's rate for life insurance, or the ability to qualify for life insurance policies, for up to 3 to 10 years.

The amount of time depends on the life insurance policy and the insurance company guidelines for DUI's.

Some No Exam life insurance policies will delay until two years after the DUI occurs. Other no exam life insurance plans and carriers may not count the DUI unless drug or alcohol treatment was needed as a result of the DUI. However, some life ...

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Can Life Insurance Companies See Your Medical Records?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, August 21, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, life insurance companies may see your medical records.

If you have taken a medical exam before when applying for life insurance, the information would be available through the M.I.B. (Medical Information Bureau) which is where insurance companies share medical information about applicants for life insurance that have taken health exams.

In addition, the insurance company may request that you take a physical exam, which the insurance company pays for and they get to see the results. Also, t...
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Does Life Insurance Consider A Person’s BMI?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, August 20, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Life insurance is a mortality product based on your life expectancy - how long you are expected to live.

Many medical factors contribute to the underwriting of a life insurance policy, one of those considerations is the Body Mass Index (BMI).

Your height and weight contribute to the credits or debits assigned to this area of underwriting your health, and assessing your risk for premature death.

Additional concerns regarding a person's weight are associated diseases like obesit...

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Can I Take Out Life Insurance On Someone Else?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, August 19, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, you can take out a life insurance policy on someone else if you have insurable interest in that person.

Insurable Interest means that there is a financial tie between you and the person you want to insure for life insurance.

Either you would be hurt financially if the person were to pass away (because they owed you money, because they help support you, etc), or you are helping them financially now and life insurance would pay you back for your financial loss upon the oth...

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When Should Someone Purchase Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, August 18, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
If you are considering the purchase of life insurance there's a good chance you need coverage.

There are many reasons people decide to buy a life insurance policy, usually because they have others who ely on them for some form of financial support.

For instance, some of the most common reasons people buy life insurance include the following:

1. Starting a new family.

2. Buying a new home.

3. Getting married.

4. To leave money to a charity.

5. To provide for estate taxes.

6. A new job promotion.

7. To ...
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Will Life Insurance Cover an Overdose?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, August 17, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

A life insurance policy may or may not cover death resulting from an overdose.

The first two years of a life insurance policy, which begins on the date of issue is called the Contestability Period.

If the overdose occurred during that 2 year timeframe, it may be investigated as a suicide.

If death by suicide is confirmed, no death benefits would be paid out, unless it occurred in a state with a 1 year suicide exclusion; such as, Colorado.

If death of the insured occurs after t...

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How Long Is Term Life Insurance Good For?

Posted by hadley hadley on Tuesday, August 13, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Term life insurance will usually provide coverage as long as premiums are being paid.

Most Term life policies are annually renewable after the term of your policy ends. The prices are very high at renewal, but if you choose to pay them, you will still continue having life insurance coverage.

If your term life policy does not offer the renewable provision, your term policy will end when the years of the term have passed.

For Example: If you took out a 20 year Term life insura...

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How Do Life Insurance Companies Determine Rates?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, August 12, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Every life insurance company has their own set of rates for life insurance coverage based on a person's individual risk factors.

Each individual life insurance company determines it own rates based on information they currently have available to them which may include current trends, 
past loss experience, and future estimates of losses. 

This allows the life insurance company to offer a quality life insurance product at a competitive rate while remaining profitable.

Almost all ...

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Can You Get Life Insurance After A Heart Attack?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, August 11, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, you may be able to get life insurance after having a heart attack.

Whether or not you qualify for life insurance may depend on several factors, including but not limited to:

1. How long ago was your heart attack?
2. Have you made a full recovery?
3. Did you have heart surgery?
4. Are you on medication?
5. Do you have regular check-ups?
6. Your Age.
7. Your height-to-weight ratio.

Although you may or may not qualify for a regular life insurance policy, there are guaranteed issue life insurance pla...
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Can I Have Two Life Insurance Plans?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, August 9, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, you can have two or more life insurance plans.

Over time you may find your need for life insurance coverage has changed, whether it's due to a life changing event, like getting married or buying a new home, or you have taken on additional debt.

No matter what the cause of your additional need for life insurance, it is possible for you to own two or more life insurance policies.

When you apply for life insurance the application has a question about any other life insurance you already own an...
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Does life insurance pay for accidental death?

Posted by hadley hadley on Saturday, August 3, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 
Yes, life insurance does pay out a death benefit for death resulting from an accident.

Regular life insurance policies pay for death from natural causes and accidents.

Whereas, an accidental death life insurance policy will only pay out a death benefit if the insured person dies as a result of an accident.

However, acts of war and suicide are usually excluded from a regular life insurance policy. Suicide is excluded for a period of 1 or 2 years, depending on the state you live in.

In addition, yo...
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Who Can Take Out A Life Insurance Policy On Me?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, August 2, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

For someone to take out a life insurance policy on you, they must have an insurable interest in you.

Insurable interest means the other person who wants to insure you for life insurance stands to lose financially if you were to die. The other person relies on you for some means of financial support.

For example, if you passed away, it would cause them financial harm.

Also, you must give the other person them permission to take out the life insurance policy on you by signing the...

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Does Pregnancy Affect Life Insurance?

Posted by hadley hadley on Thursday, August 1, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, pregnancy may affect your ability to qualify for life insurance coverage.

If you are in the third trimester of your pregnancy, most medically underwritten life insurance carriers will ask you to postpone applying for your life insurance policy until after the birth of your baby.

Some No Exam life insurance policies may accept an application into the third trimester as long as the weight and other guidelines are met.

In the first two trimesters of your pregnancy, it varies ...

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Can Life Insurance Policies Be Contested?

Posted by hadley hadley on Wednesday, July 31, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Life insurance policies have a two year contestable period after which it is difficult for life insurance policies to be contested.

Even during the first two years, the life insurance company can only deny life insurance coverage for material misstatements (information that was withheld from, or misstated on, the application for life insurance that is serious enough that it would have caused the life insurance policy to be altered or denied when the insured applied for the li...

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Does Life Insurance Pay For Accidental Overdose?

Posted by hadley hadley on Monday, July 29, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, life insurance may pay out a death claim on an insured who died from an accidental overdose.

However, if the overdose is an illegal drug and you die within the first two years of being insured by your life insurance policy, there may be a problem. 

Every Life insurance application has a question regarding illegal drug use. 

If you answer "No" to that question, and then you die of an illegal drug overdose within the first two years of being insured, there is a contestable ...

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Can Term Life Insurance Be Converted To Whole Life?

Posted by hadley hadley on Sunday, July 28, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

Yes, Term life insurance can be converted to Whole life insurance or some other form of permanent life insurance if:

1) The life insurance policy has the option to be converted,

2) you convert the term life policy to permanent life insurance within the time frame required, and

3) you can afford the premium for the converted life insurance policy.

While a life insurance company may carry many types of permanent life insurance coverage, they do not always offer all of them to ...

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How Much Is A Typical Life Insurance Policy Worth?

Posted by hadley hadley on Friday, July 26, 2013, In : Life Insurance FAQ's 

According to the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI), in 2008, the face amount of the average life insurance policy in the U.S. was $183,000.

In 2010, the face amount of the average life insurance policy was $165,000. So, over that two year period, the average amount of life insurance for a policy had decreased by $18,000 in life insurance coverage.

If a life insurance policy is Term insurance, there is no cash value worth to the policy itself, there is only life insura...

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