According to the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI), in 2008, the face amount of the average life insurance policy in the U.S. was $183,000.

In 2010, the face amount of the average life insurance policy was $165,000. So, over that two year period, the average amount of life insurance for a policy had decreased by $18,000 in life insurance coverage.

If a life insurance policy is Term insurance, there is no cash value worth to the policy itself, there is only life insurance coverage, no cash value inside the policy.

The average cash value worth of Permanent life insurance is less than the face amount, with the amount of cash value inside the policy depending on how long ago the life insurance policy was purchased and the interest rate paid on the cash value which helps it grow over time.

Here's how you can learn about the average cost of life insurance and compare life insurance rates and plans online.