Yes, there are insurers offering $25,000 of life insurance coverage. although most insurers offer a minimum of $50,000 or $100,000 of life insurance.

These smaller life insurance policies are usually available for people over age 40 and may provide guaranteed approval for those meeting the age requirements.

For example, United of Omaha offers up to $25,000 of whole life insurance with no health exams and no health questions asked. People age 45 to 85 are guaranteed approval for a policy.

Many people purchase these smaller life insurance plans to help with final expenses including the cost of a funeral, burial, burial plot, memorial service, casket, headstone, and other final costs which may include unpaid medical bills and credit card debt.

Purchasing a life insurance policy can help make sure your loved ones won't experience any financial distress upon your passing, and have the funds available to provide you with a respectful funeral.

Learn more about how to buy a $25,000 life insurance policy.