Smoking, and other forms of tobacco use, are harmful to your health, and may shorten your life span. Smoking can reduce your life expectancy, which is the main reason rates for smokers are higher when it comes to life insurance.

It is not unusual for long term smokers to develop cancer of the lungs, throat or mouth. Many smokers also develop COPD or emphysema. 

Any of these chronic health conditions will shorten your life expectancy by years.

If the life insurance company believes your tobacco habit will cause you to die sooner than "normal" for non-smokers, they will charge a higher rate to compensate for the additional risk of paying out a death claim in a shorter time period.

Basically, smoking causes health problems which may lead to you dying sooner than someone who doesn't smoke, which means you are a higher risk of death for life insurance companies, and a higher risk of paying out a claim.

Here's how smokers can compare smoker life insurance rates online to help you find the most afforsdbale life insurance plan.