The cost of a life insurance policy for someone age 70 or over would depend on your Health and if you have ever used tobacco products, as well as, the type and amount of life insurance coverage you want to buy.

Someone who smokes may pay twice as much as a non-smoker for the same amount of life insurance for a person age 70 or over. Non-smokers would get a much lower rate on their life insurance policy.

But the amount of Death Benefit and the type of life insurance policy will ultimately dictate your premiums, along with your health and any tobacco use. 

In addition, regular life insurance policies requiring a physical exam may cost less than a no exam life insurance policy that may accept more applicants than if you were required to take an exam to qualify for the life insurance.

And, graded benefit life insurance plans provide a smaller amount of coverage the first 2 years you are insured. 

Here's how you can learn more about Over 70 Life Insurance plans and request your free life insurance rate quote online today. You may be able to qualify for up to $30,000 of life insurance with no health examination required. Or, you can instantly compare life insurance rates from a large network of insurers with no obligation, to help you find the lowest rate.