What does a life insurance company test your blood for when you have your medical exam?

Life insurance companies check your blood to verify you answered the questions truthfully on your application for life insurance coverage.

Also, they are looking for any health issues or use of illegal substances.

For instance, they may look for high protein or high cholesterol levels, as well as, any STD's, AIDS, HIV, or diabetes, among other things.

In addition, they will check for nicotine, continine, or any use of tobacco products. And, they check for illegal drugs, such as, marijuana, cocaine, methamphetaimine, etc.

If you have illegal drugs in your system, you may be declined for life insurance.

If you have tobacco in your system, and you stated on the application you don't smoke, you may have your rate increased for tobacco use.

There are life insurance companies that offer life insurance with no medical exam required, In fact, you may qualify for up to $499,000 of life insurance without taking a health exam.