Should I buy a whole life insurance policy on my child, and if so, why?

Child whole life insurance plans are purchased by many parents for several very good reasons.

A whole life child life insurance policy can help provide life insurance protection for your child when he becomes an adult and starts his own family.

In addition, child whole life insurance can guarantee your child's life insurance rate remains the same throughout his lifetime, and allow him to buy additional life insurance when he becomes an adult.

Also, the child life insurance plan can provide funds to pay for his final expenses when he passes.

And, whole life insurance plans for children can build up cash value inside the life insurance policy over time, from which your child may take a loan if needed.

So, child life insurance can provide guaranteed rates, final expenses coverage, cash value, and the option to buy more life insurance in the future.

Learn more about whole life insurance for children and get your free quote today. Rates are as low as $2.10 per month.